
Cmonionline has been committed to supporting and publishing budding writers since 2017.
You can send us your work and be rest assured that we read every received submission.


Here are a few guidelines.

1. Subscribe to ensure your mail gets to us.

2. State your title clearly and attach a separate picture (min 200 x 200px and max 750 x 750px) in addition to a short bio. It is for your benefit that readers know the author. Please crop your picture to the recommended size to guarantee the publication of your work.

3. We accept fiction and non-fiction works.

4. For now, our publication is for online readers who prefer brief interesting texts of about 750 to 3,000 words.

5. Periodic competitions will have specific guidelines.

6. ALWAYS notify us when your work is accepted elsewhere on simultaneous submissions

7. We ONLY accept works previously published elsewhere at the behest of the author.
However such works are ineligible for our competitions.

8. Not all received submissions are acknowledged but we are working on this so please bear with us.

9. Unfortunately, some submissions may not be published and even when published could be deleted for reasons including but not limited to grammatical errors, PLAGIARISM and EXTREMISM.

11. We edit to our standards and authors are usually but NOT necessarily informed on rare occasions where a change in the title is essential.

12. By submitting your work here or via other media to, you have agreed to our terms and conditions which includes serial rights as well as the possibility of publishing your work in a future anthology. However, you retain the copyright to your work but we do require that you credit cmonionline as the original publisher.

Submissions and further enquiries should be sent to

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