I write when I’m inspired, and I see to it that I’m inspired at nine o’clock every morning. ~ Peter De Vries
Starting with De Vries’s quote is apt because I had been planning this for a while till I was inspired to act by Bolaji Olatunde. I’ve been following him for some time but only realized that he has 5 books to his name. I mean not 1 or 2 but 5! Do you know that writing 1500 words weekly can give you a 200-page book in a year? Do the math: That is 78000 words in a year. A 200-page book is approximately 50–60k words.

Writing is an essential activity for almost everyone. We write for one reason or the other. A writer is a person who has written something or who writes in a particular way and an author is a writer of a book, article, or document. I use publisher or the phrase “aspiring writer” to describe myself on many platforms. This is despite the fact that I fit the definition since I write regularly. I just prefer to be modest till I publish a book.
I know there are millions like me who want to publish a book before assuming the title. Well, let me tell you what I just did. I took preemptive action and elevated my status. I am now a writer because I will have a book published at the end of the year.
I was determined to do so last year. I published the first of the Success Journey Series here and hoped to produce enough self-development stories to have a book by the end of the year. Here we are and I’m still trying. Simply because I didn’t do enough. I won’t bother you with the details but I’m not in a bad situation. As Gena Showalter said; “Giving up is the only sure way to fail.” I only failed to have a book in 2022 but I’ve not given up!
So what do you want to write about? You may already have a story in the works or a story idea. It could be fiction or non-fiction. 1500 works out to just over 200 words daily. Surely that’s achievable. We proved that by writing consistently for over one year in the #EssayCompetition. If we compile those words some of us would have books by now. But of course, we needed the priming. We had to develop consistency. You can aim for more but don’t be too ambitious if there are other tasks in your schedule that will impede progress.
Leo Tolstoy published Anna Karenina in serial installments from 1875 to 1877. The book is arguably the greatest work of literature. I aim to have my success journey series published at the end of the year. Who knows, I may just eclipse Tolstoy.
There will be hiccups and unintended interruptions but if we keep on grinding the off days will cumulatively amount to nothing consequential. We will also be tempted to imagine the end product. Many of us are guilty of this. You haven’t started a journey and you are already thinking of the end. Well, it’s never a bad idea to dream about your future but it is desire and action that will get you there.
It won’t be rocket science. We will use proven methods that have worked and continue to work for many successful writers. As we progress we will discover new things, forge new relationships, and improve our craft. We will have periodic meetings to reflect, review, and reward our efforts.
We don’t need a plurality. In fact, it is often the case that trying to lead everyone results in leading no one in particular. Two determined people driven by a common goal will achieve greater than a million loungers. The process will be simple and open to reasonable adjustments from YOU. We have the whole of May to brainstorm and draw up the e-tivities.
Our first meeting will be at 18:00 GMT+1 via Google Meet on 07/05/2023. The link to join will be shared via email and social media channels. If you want to join our WhatsApp group kindly email a request with your details to admin@cmonionline.com
Now get to work. Search online and offline for resources, ideas, and tips that will help us achieve this target. Then attend the meeting with your jotter let’s get going.
CAVEAT: Please join us ONLY if you are willing to COMMIT and CONTRIBUTE. I will not be leading this, WE will lead it and WE will all benefit from the experience.