Writing Contest.

My good friend Stanley Ugbo Okeke recently blessed me with N100k and I decided to reward those participating in our book-in-a-year challenge.
So for N100k let’s write!

Please choose from the topics and follow the instructions below;

  1. Who is to blame for Nigeria’s turbulent journey? Bad weather, the passengers or the captains? (Feature)
  2. Fuel subsidy removal, analysing the effects and possible suggestions for a better economy. (Opinion)
  3. Meeting the mysterious – A tale on fear. (Fiction)
  4. Between the Devil and the Deep Blue Sea – The dilemma of resolving a serious issue or committing suicide. (Fiction)
  5.  Don’t give up. (Poetry)
  6. Write an ode to a person who has played a huge role in your life. (Poetry)



  1. The word count for poetry is (500 -750) and (1000-1500) for fiction/feature/opinion ±10%
  2. You MUST submit 2 entries one of which MUST be poetry.
  3. The submission deadline is 11:59 pm 15/09/2023.
  4. IMPORTANT!!! Edit & proofread thoroughly before submitting your entry. Your entry will not be published if it is full of errors.

Submit via email to admin@cmonionline.com 

Note: Read our general rules before submitting your work. Pay particular attention to items 2 & 9 because many entries have been trashed for not following instructions.

WARNING!!! PLAGIARISM will get you banned from this platform.

We will publish the essays as they come.
Please try to submit early to make our job easier.
Share your published stories widely for others to read.

Good luck!

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