Potent Quill: Winners

The winners of 400k have emerged!

For the second successive year, we held a writing BootCamp, aptly cleped Potent Quill.
Daniel and I fully developed and delivered the course utilising digital pedagogy in a fun manner.
The highlights, class notes and video sessions can be found here.
The experience was richly rewarding and encouraging.
All the participants acknowledged this and many stepped beyond their preferred genre.
And they delivered great work at that even as they provided great reviews and feedback.

We also had interest from other Africans and one writer joined from Nanjing, China.
It can only mean we are doing something right.
Indeed this has been an improvement from the previous year and that is how we roll.
We keep getting better and better in a community that rewards your intellect and pocket!

Below is a breakdown of the nominations from the weekly exercises following our peer review sessions.

Week 1

  1. Rush Hour by Peace Habila- Okwoli received 5 nominations from Becky, Emmanuel, Chukwuemeka, Roselyn and Daniel.
  2. Ojuelegba to CMS by Chukwuemeka Oluka received 3 nominations from Becky, Peace, and Roselyn.

  3. The Barber by Emmanuel Enaku got 2 nominations from Peace and Cmoni.
  4. Bebe’s Day Out by Becky O.Peleowo got 4 nominations from Emmanuel, Cmoni, Chukwuemeka and Daniel.
  5. The Couple by Roselyn Sho-Olajide received commendation from everyone.

Week 2

  1. The Reunion by Bamikole Rhoda received 4 nominations from Becky, Emmanuel, Cmoni and Roselyn.
  2. Omonife by Chukwuemeka Oluka got 1 nomination from Emmanuel.
  3. Ghosted! by Becky O.Peleowo received 4 nominations from Peace, Cmoni, Roselyn and Daniel.
  4. The Music Teacher by Emmanuel Enaku got 3 nominations from Becky, Chukwuemeka and Daniel.
  5. Papa by Roselyn Sho-Olajide received 2 nominations from Peace and Chukwuemeka

Week 3

  1. Catching a Phone Thief by Becky O. Peleowo got 4 nominations from Peace, Emmanuel, Chukwuemeka and Daniel.
  2. Our Fathers Are In Trouble by Chukwu Emeka Oluka received 4 nominations from Becky, Roselyn, Emmanuel and Cmoni.

  3. A Little Grace by Bamikole Rhoda got 2 nominations from Roselyn and Cmoni.
  4. The Deadbeat Fathers’ Debate by Rosely Sho-Olajide got 4 nominations from Becky, Peace, Chukwuemeka and Daniel.

Week 4

  1. I Must Bloom; I Dare To by Becky O.Peleowo received 2 nominations from Roselyn and Daniel.
  2. No More Bleak by Emmanuel Enaku got 6 nominations from Becky, Roselyn, Peace, Chukwuemeka, Daniel and Cmoni.
  3. Takeaways From Potent Quill by Chukwuemeka Oluka received 4 nominations from Becky, Peace, Emmanuel and Cmoni
  4. Writing by Roselyn Sho-Olajide got 2 nominations from Emmanuel and Chukwuemeka.

So for Week 1: Rush Hour by Peace Habila- Okwoli is the winner of 100k with 5 nominations.

For Week 2: Ghosted! by Becky O.Peleowo wins the 100k with 4 nominations and participation.

For Week 3: We have a tie with three stories receiving 4 nominations each. It’s impossible to break the tie as the three writers participated 100%. However, since Ghosted won earlier, Our Fathers Are In Trouble by Chukwu Emeka Oluka and The Deadbeat Fathers’ Debate by Rosely Sho-Olajide will win the 100k

And for Week 4: No More Bleak by Emmanuel Enaku is the clear winner with 6 nominations.

I congratulate the winners and everyone who participated in this learning journey.
As we say here, it’s not about the prize but the craft because we are all winners!

My special appreciation to the unseen hands that rock the cradle.
Ikem Ifesi, Excellent Chyk, and Uzoh Amobi, my wonderful friends who supported this endeavour with their hard-earned money, your reward will be here and beyond.

Our next activity will revisit A Book In A Year and usher in the yuletide!

If you enjoyed this, please share it and hit the follow button to join our community of digital creatives at cmonionline.com let’s grow together.
If you wish to emigrate or collaborate, send an email to admin@cmonionline.com let’s work together

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