Nigerian lesbian attempted suicide on learning she will be deported from the UK.

Nneka Obazee


A Nigerian lesbian asylum seeker attempted to commit suicide in order to stop her deportation from the UK.

According to the  Nneka Obazee, 34-year-old asylum seeker attempted to kill herself with an overdose of pain medication after she learnt she will be deported via a chartered flight back to Nigeria.

“When Nneka was made aware that she would be returned to Nigeria she was so frightened that she attempted suicide and took an overdose which demonstrates how dire the situation would be for her if she was returned to Nigeria,”  said a spokesperson for  Lesbians and Gays Support the Migrants (LGSM).

She is now hospitalised while her 19-year-old stepson has been deported on Wednesday without his mother or a support network.

Nneka Obazee reportedly came to the UK in March 2013 on a visit with her abusive husband and stepson but ran away for him while in the UK. She claims that it was while in the UK that she felt free enough to express her sexuality.


Leila Zadeh, director of UKLGIG, raised the organisation’s concern regarding Ms Obazee’s case saying: “We are concerned that too often people’s sexuality is disbelieved and asylum claims incorrectly refused. It’s also concerning that somebody can be removed from the country when there is a judicial review outstanding.”

A spokesperson for Lesbians and Gays Support the Migrants said: “Only two months ago we joyfully celebrated with our friend Nneka at London LGBT+ Pride and now all we can do is watch powerlessly as she is railroaded through an unjust and inhumane immigration system to face certain danger in Nigeria.”

Nigeria outlawed same-sex marriage in 2013 and made it punishable by 14yrs imprisonment.

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