Trump’s Twitter account taken down by employee on final day of work

US President Donald Trump’s Twitter account was temporarily taken down on Thursday by an employee on their final day of work, the social media platform has said.

Users who wanted to access his account were greeted with an error message that said the page did not exist. Eleven minutes later, however, the president’s account was back online.

Twitter said the take-down was “done by a Twitter customer support employee who did this on the employee’s last day. We are conducting a full internal review.”

The platform had earlier said the account was “inadvertently deactivated due to human error by a Twitter employee.”

Trump has more than 41 million Twitter followers and has used the medium to great effect, claiming it is the best way to spread his message unfiltered.

He often uses it to attack his political opponents and media critical of him, as well as keeping his advisers on their toes by tweeting directives apparently without prior consultation.

Other Twitter users were quick to respond to the account’s temporary shutdown, with Brittany Artus tweeting, “That Twitter employee needs a promotion” and Sarah Cooper writing “hero,” “Do it again.”

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