Before You Buy Viagra, Buy A Toothpaste!


Poor oral hygiene causes impotence?

How can? Impossicant! Well, I know that when most people think of good oral hygiene they think of a set of perfect white teeth. Not many see oral hygiene beyond the usual pretty grin in close-up toothpaste ads.

So when I came across the above clip from Punch newspaper, where poor oral hygiene was among some 6 habits that fuel impotence, I was gobsmacked. So I decided to check it out.

A little digging led to a report published some years back by Time magazine about research that linked oral health to your body’s overall health. Furthermore, the study revealed that men with erectile dysfunction (ED) were about 80 per cent more likely to have been diagnosed with a chronic periodontal disease (CPD) than men without ED.  CPD is a common disease of the mouth which includes inflammation of the periodontal tissues. In simple terms when large amounts of plaque accumulate on the teeth then your gums begin to pull away from the teeth, creating deep holes that harbour infectious bacteria.

The associated chronic inflammation in your gum could damage endothelial cells which form the lining of your blood vessels, and this includes the blood vessels in the sexual organ. Consequentially the blood flow is impaired resulting in erectile dysfunction.

So, ladies now you know please before he rushes off to buy Viagra advise him to buy toothpaste first!

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