Essay Competition: Week 24 Winners.

We have our winners of the N20,000 cash prize for week 24 in Yes Or No To COVID-19 Vaccine? by Roselyn Sho-Olajide and Potholes And The Bloody Passengers by Chukwuemeka Mbam.

Roselyn wins once again. This writer has displayed versatility by winning earlier in the creative genre and now with this well researched term paper. She introduced the topic well with some background facts and figures. She then developed it by taking the reader through the purpose of a vaccine, people’s expectations and potential apathy. After which she marshalled her arguments with a presentation of myth versus facts and concluded strongly with valid suggestions. Her command of the language has always been great. This essay will make a distinction with better proof reading and more references, but still a great essay nevertheless. Congrats Roselyn and keep writing.

Chukwuemeka Mbam “is clearly an ambitious writer; wants to take on a whole lot of things in one swoop.”  according to a Judge. The writer has great descriptive skills and the ability to keep the reader glued with vivid evocation through excellent imagery. Quite a number of essays took on the third topic but his was about the only one that largely stuck to the context as the reader is taken on a ride through reality and fantasy. The writer however needs to proof read his works more before submission to avoid denting an otherwise perfect work. Well done Chukwuemeka, we hope to read more from you.

Feedback: Ditto by Arueze Chisom.
She seems to have a head for stories. Her imagery is fine, however, she needs to decide whether she’s writing in the present tense, the past tense or has found a magic to weave the two together.” A good essay still.

The Reporter by Victor Oladejo.
I have a special love for writers that take you to an extreme or near death experience, then yank you out of it suddenly. Good story but a lot could have been done by way of imagery; except a large tent and a black one, we don’t have any other idea how the camp looks, for example.

A New Line Prior To My Deadline by Ebube Ezedum.
Ebube holds lots of promise. However, despite a good story line the writer only managed to introduce the topic in the closing part of his essay. Creative writing can easily derail out of context. The task was to imagine life without the fear of death and narrate how you will live it.

The Precious Few Remaining by Osanyinro Oluwaseun.
A good work of medical journalism with lots of useful information. However, being more of a creative writer Oluwaseun can improve on opinion essays such as this with a better development of her story and references to back the many assertions made. But still a very informative piece.

Rebirth by Habila Peace.
Simple straightforward story. Peace has always demonstrated a great command of the language with correct tenses in the right places. Yet, the crucible of this topic is to “imagine life without the fear of death”. All the same this was a bold take on one the defining events of 2020. A Judge noted “I’d have avoided raging national topics in an essay competition of this kind but I guess some people like to confront issues head on, whatever opportunities they get.

Congrats to all the writers, its not easing churning about out 750-1500 words weekly and consistently for 6 months now. We also say a big thank you to the Judges and readers because without them we wont be doing this.

The new topics for week 25 have been published. Click here to see them and participate.


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