Essay Competition: Week 30 Winners.

Arueze Chisom and Emmanuel Oluka have won the N20,000 cash prize for week 30.


A Judge who was so impressed by When The Tables Are Turned by Emmanuel Oluka described his essay like this; “Fantastic read, well referenced and well written”. Congratulations Emmanuel there is nothing more to add.




In My Home, Chisom delivered a great story that had the reader wanting more till the end. Her simple grammar makes her creative prose very comprehensible and this was no different. She spiced this essay with catchy expressions like “as optimistic as tomorrow” and “loving someone is like having HIV”. A wonderfully imaginative writer Chisom will need to cross a few i’s and dot some t’s to emulate the great Ernest Hemingway referenced in the story. A good one nevertheless. Congrats Chisom.





As usual, all your essays were good but some will need to do more in areas like paragraphing, spelling, and syntax. Formal writing in English has certain standards so you need to understand the basics of sentences and paragraphs.

The non-fiction writers will also need to improve in referencing claims and assertions. You are not yet an authority and even academic writers including professors still add a bibliography to their works.

Individual feedback will be sent via mail to writers. Thanks to everyone for participating, the judges and sponsors for their support.



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