Topics: Essay Competition Week 37.

Welcome back from the summer break. I trust that it afforded you the chance to refresh for another writing season. As you may know, we made some changes which you can read here.

Important!!! Please read this post carefully to enhance your chances of winning.

For #Week37 of the #CmonionlineEssayCompetition choose a topic from your preferred genre and write to possibly emerge as one of the winners of our N60,000 cash prize.

Creative Short Story:

  1. You got home and noticed a bloodstained knife on your dining table. You know you didn’t leave it there, and you live alone. Write a story about this incident.

Research Essay:

  1. At the recently concluded education summit in the UK. President Buhari promised to increase our annual domestic education expenditure by 50% over the next two years. Critically interrogate the issues around this pledge exploring the impediments, possibilities, and potential benefits.

NB: Caption your essay as you wish but please make it smart and brief.

Important!!! The word count is (2500 )± 10%. We will publish the essays as they come in for the audience and judges to read. Please try to submit early to make our job easier. It also gives the judges more time to assess your work.

Submit on or before Thursday 26/08/2021 at 11.59 pm. As usual, we will publish new topics the following Sunday and the winners on Monday.

Our judges for the week are Uche Ugwu and Alex Nwangwu

Please endeavour to read our general rules before submitting your work. Pay particular attention to items 2 & 9 because many entries have been trashed for not following instructions. Also, read the changes made recently here.

You can submit to in plain text or MS Word if you are having issues with the subscription and onsite submission. (**No PDF please).

WARNING!!! PLAGIARISM will get you banned from participating in this competition. We are here to learn not to steal.

Good luck!

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