Thoughts In Disarray by Obi Trice Emeka

Obi Trice Emeka has published a book. He is one person that I enjoy his takes on sociopolitical issues. He is an objective writer who will rather persuade others with logic and reason. He strongly believes that the problem with Nigeria is the absence of thinkers.

Hear him; “we rarely have those who express original thoughts on many of the issues confronting our nation. To this effect, I started to put a lot of my thoughts over the years about Nigeria into writing, for my reading pleasure only. Recent activities in the country have made me revisit some of these writings I have had in the past as they still appear to be relevant and speak to the Nigerian situation.

These thoughts were sometimes published in blogs and some never got published at all

I have decided to compile some of these essays I have written in the past into this book titled ” Thoughts in Disarray”. Truly, the thoughts are in disarray- speaking to different issues with very limited words so as not to bore the reader. I do think some of the takes are interesting and I will want you to have a peep, especially if you are into leadership or follow governance activities in Nigeria. If you are also optimistic like me, about the soon to be the rise of Nigeria. This book is for you.”

To get a copy click HERE

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