Cmonionline Crossover Contest.

Our very own Dr Tity has blessed us with 100k and we are going to write into the new year. So it’s writing time!

Please read the instructions below before choosing from the following topics;


  1. The word count is (500-1000) ±10%  for poetry and (2000 )± 10% for the rest.
  2. Send in a minimum of 2 but not more than 3 entries from at least 2 different genres.
  3. There are two submission deadlines at 11:59pm. On the 25/12/2022 for the 1st entries and 1/1/2023 for the other entries.
  4. Important!!! You stand no chance of winning if you don’t submit at least 2 entries and 1 must be submitted on or before 25/12/2022.


  1. Is the Nigerian “Suffering and Smiling” way of life a positive or negative way of living? (Creative non-fiction)
  2.  The reason for the season. (Poetry)
  3. A fresh start. (Poetry)
  4. Liquor branding and the use of women-related brand names. (Feature)
  5. Expatriation trends in Nigeria; the socio-economic implications. (Research)
  6. The Festive season is one characterized by a lot of events. In this coming yuletide, for instance, many calendars have already been marked for weddings. These wedding ceremonies usually come with a committee of friends. Now, the question is, are committees of friends to be or not to be? (Opinion)
  7. You heard a knock on the door and rushed in excitement to hug your partner who will be returning for Christmas only to receive a ‘breakfast’ letter from the postman. Write about this incident including flashbacks and what the future holds. (Fiction)

Submit via email to 

Note: Endeavour to read our general rules before submitting your work. Pay particular attention to items 2 & 9 because many entries have been trashed for not following instructions.

WARNING!!! PLAGIARISM will get you banned from this platform.

We will publish the essays as they come. Please try to submit early to make our job easier. Share your essays widely for others to read.

Note that we have switched to peer review, so follow us on Twitter to participate in the spaces we host to determine the winners. The date will be announced in due course.

Good luck!

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