Journey To A New Beginning: A Poem by Caleb Olawuni

2022 hereby comes to a close.

We can dust its sorrows off our toes.

This year has been rough

sorrowful and tough.


Filled with troubles and woes

Almost made me lick other’s toes.

But never to be discouraged

it’s to help me come of age.


To make me understand more about life.

It could be as dangerous as the beehive.

It could be as sweet as its honey.

which corroborates my perspective of life as an irony.


Now another year is approaching fast.

let’s hope this year is a blast.

Let’s hope it’s a New Year with love and health.

In riches and wealth.


May all of our dreams come true

And we find peace and love in all that we do.

May the world feel its gentle hush.

May it calm all its anger and slow its pace from the rush.


May we all hear the sound of joy

And push away all that hurts, all that destroys.

May there be more to explore.

with fun activities galore.


The New Year I hope will be good for us all.

Care and calm, a helping hand when we fall.

2022 and its troubles are now histories.

2023 is ready to unfold its mystery.


Listen more, slow down, and say I love you.

Stop for a moment; take a breath, take in the view.

Appreciate your family; tell them you care.

Do something exciting, a thrill or a dare.


Enjoy all that the New Year may give.

We have but one life, so let’s learn to live.

Enjoy the warmth of its breath.

As it replenishes your health.


It’s a New Year, a brand new start.

Always remember, live and love from your heart.

Wishing each and every one a year to behold,

And may it be full of wonders for you to unfold


May it be a year of encouragement.

That errors are offered amendments

and mistakes are corrected.

A better year with plans to be implemented.


As we enter the new year

We have to be personally sincere

It calls in for new resolutions

So as to impart in us a new revolution


What exactly are our plans?

what are our concerns?

What are the goals to be achieved?

What are our hopes?


To value the time that passes by

Never to waste chances but consider it prime

To be diligent in all I do

And all efforts come out fruitful


In class, I will talk less

In my studies, I will progress

All my lies I will confess

And I will become a good friend with success


To my friends, I will be kind

I will be generous to mankind

I will have my character refined

And will be filled with a sound mind


I will follow my mentor’s advice

I will ensure my skills are industrialized

I will regularly exercise

I will always be civilized


I will always be optimistic

And in my thinking be logistic

These resolutions I’ll give my best

Till it’s achieved I’ll not rest


With a warm heart to greet you

A very happy New Year from me to you

Enjoy the new season

This season is for a reason.

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