
Blog, Reverie

Time for some God-fatherly care.

“Friendship is everything. Friendship is more than talent. It is more than the government. It is almost the equal of family” ~ Vito Corleone Listening to my favourite Neil Prendeville show on Red Fm a couple of days back I heard from a lady who had fostered 32 children, yes you read right, 32 kids! She narrated a lot about her personal struggles, suffering from one ailment to the other, she had depression every now and then which made her seek companionship. But she didn’t want a companion just for mutual benefits, nope, far from that, she wanted to care selflessly for others. So she chose to foster homeless kids and in so doing focused more on teenagers. Why? Because they are more difficult and many adults don’t take them in. Her conversation with Neil was quite a story, she said that some of the kids stayed with her for as long as seven years and some for just two weeks but guess what? She is still in touch with all of them and some still come to visit her and spend a week. Then she got very emotional when asked how it felt saying goodbye each time a foster kid is leaving. I was moved, but then I also got inspired. You see, there are several ways for us to show that milk of human kindness that we often feign ignorance of. We are aware but often rationalise that pretence with our busy schedule. How much have you contributed to humanity? This is a question many ask themselves regularly but do so little about solving. So after listening to that programme, I decided that I will start by being a better godfather to all my godchildren. It is something I had been telling myself for a few years now. Its also not that I ‘ve not been trying but in comparison with a lady who perhaps never knew the parents of the kids she fostered then my deeds become rather minuscule. It’s always an honour to be called upon by a friend to be their child’s godparent. As a matter of fact, that very act should tell you that not only do they have tremendous respect for you, they also value your friendship and trust you to raise their kid in their absence. My godfather was a handsome kind man from Asaba, and frankly, Asaba people are one of the nicest Nigerians you will come across. He mentored my dad and helped him climb the ladder in UTC. I remember all the niceties I got from him growing up but unfortunately, I was only able to pay him a few visits as an adult before he passed on. Now I wish I had done more to appreciate him. May his soul continue to rest in peace. The practice of choosing a godparent in the early Christian church started as the need arose to provide converts, usually non- Christian adults, with a mentor to guide them as they are baptised into the new faith. The godparent was duty bound to teach them about their new faith and also to assist in difficult times of doubt and confusion. Along the line, the role was extended to infant baptism in which Christian adults were called upon to assist the new parents in raising their child in a similar manner. I have nine godchildren and in a few months, my first godson will be 16, which makes him eligible to become a godparent himself. How often do we communicate? How much knowledge have I imparted on him just in case he is called upon to be a godfather soon? How much have I taught him and others about the good book? Does it end with birthday gifts? These and many more questions nagged as I reminisced about that radio conversation. Well, I have decided to act. I have started by compiling the birth dates of all my godchildren, they have gone into my google calendar. Thank goodness for that perpetual reminder. Henceforth, I intend to pray for them regularly, call them or send gifts on their birthdays and send a good book every now and then to guide them spiritually. I will do more as the spirit directs me. I beseech fellow godparents and parents alike to help sustain this fading custom as society evolves in the tedious lifestyle of survival and selfishness. What better way to live a more meaningful life than to allocate some resources to positively influence kids? If I can, you can. How about that?

Blog, Essays

Anambra Governorship and The Godfather Question by Ifeanyi Afuba

In this article originally published by Elombah.com Mr. Ifeanyi Afuba takes Peter Obi and his minions to the cleaners. Read on.. In spite of his anger, real or feigned, my friend Mr. Valentine Obienyem knows that he can neither privatize nor ban the history of Anambra State from public discourse. His rejoinder of Friday, September 8, 2017 [Daily Sun] to the essay ‘Anambra: Godfather’s futile dance’[Daily Sun, September 1, 2017] was an attempt at scaring people away from an objective discussion of the state’s recent experiences. The opinion in question was credited to Chinedu Nzeribe, a retired banker. But even with the verifiable details of bank identification, the writer’s status and accompanying passport photograph, we are told by Obienyem’s oracle that this is a ‘non-existent name!’ If Obienyem could deny the iron – cast evidence before our very eyes, then he could also say that Willie Obiano is not the Governor of Anambra State. In the circumstances, could he be trusted to be truthful on the issues raised? History is both the account of events and part of major actors in the various dispensations. It is in this light that the role of Mr. Peter Obi in Anambra’s journey comes up for interrogation. Mr. Peter Obi came into the public space in 2001 when he joined issues on the state’s condition with his poser: Is Anambra State cursed or are we the cause? Obi’s activism continued through the intervening years to his inauguration as Governor of Anambra State on March 17, 2006. After eight years of governorship, Obi is still in the public space as a chieftain of the Peoples Democratic Party. These 16 years of active involvement in Anambra’s government and politics means that up to a point he is part of the contemporary issues. It is therefore not for lack of something to do that commentators dwell on the former governor’s activities. It is not necessarily about liking or not liking his face. The truth of the matter is that any dispassionate reading of the state’s political history cannot omit the godfather syndrome. In a tribute to Mr Peter Obi on his 43rd birthday anniversary published in Vanguard, July 19, 2004, I observed: ‘If there was one lesson to be learnt from the first four years of the fourth republic, it was that sooner or later, instability would rock a government installed by a political godfather. Ask Chimaroke Nnamani. Ask Chinwoke Mbadinuju. Ask Kwara’s Mohammed Lawal.’ Mr. Peter Obi’s struggle for the restoration of his stolen mandate was a crusade against the godfather tendency, a patriotic pursuit for which many of us lined up behind him. The stability and multi-sectoral achievements of the Willie Obiano administration partly results from the independence of the regime. The present Anambra State government was enthroned by the people of Anambra State and to whom it is accountable. It is an ego trip for anyone laying claim to the singular capacity of delivering the regime in 2013/2014. Admittedly, there were individuals such as Peter Obi and Victor Umeh who played crucial roles. It is also true that Mr. Peter Obi’s preferred candidates for the APGA ticket in that election were Oseloka Obaze, Chike Obidigbo and Chinedu Idigo. Their candidatures were found unsuitable by the party largely represented by Victor Umeh. In the ensuing stalemate, Obiano easily emerged as the candidate acceptable to the varying interests in the party. And somewhat like David disregarded by his father as the young herd boy undeserving of consideration for the kingship but who rose to become the greatest ruler of ancient Israel, Obiano the unlikely candidate has proved to be the pacesetter in Anambra’s development journey. With the hurricane destruction trailing the godfathers’ years still haunting our memory, it is only natural that the alarm bells will begin to ring at the prospect of a return to this frightening scenario. Ndi Anambra have a legitimate interest in assessing the three prominent candidates in the November 18, 2017, poll. While it is clear that Obiano is not leaning on anyone – to the benefit of Anambra State – the props pulling up the other two candidates are subjects of intense debate. Mr. Oseloka Obaze has not denied that his aspiration to be Governor is backed by Peter Obi’s sponsorship. Nor has Obi himself denied that he is back to the same project he unsuccessfully tried to execute four years ago. We do not necessarily need the eulogies being sung of Obaze by Obienyem to determine that this is a mission to be pursued relentlessly. The question that arises is why Obaze’s candidature has caused so much bad blood among PDP members. At least four among the seven contenders for the party’s ticket, namely Akaolisa Ufodike, John Emeka, Lynda Ikpeazu and Ifeanyi Ubah objected to the emergence of Obaze, with Ifeanyi Ubah said to have already instituted legal action. With Obaze having such a divisive effect on the PDP, why should anyone think that he will not fare worse with Ndi Anambra who have learnt to jealously guard their freedom and commonwealth? The dummy has been sold to the public that the duo of Willie Obiano and Victor Umeh drove Peter Obi out of APGA. How do you send away a man already at the exit door by himself? Shortly after the inauguration of Governor Willie Obiano in March 2014, Peter Obi was considered for the position of Secretary to the Government of the Federation by then President Goodluck Jonathan. Anyim Pius Anyim who was holding the office at the time would have none of that and quickly rallied PDP pressure groups to his side to retain the position. With the office of the SGF foreclosed, Jonathan subsequently designated Obi for ministerial appointment. The nomination was greeted with protests. Even after the Ken Emeakayi leadership of the state chapter of the PDP passed a resolution endorsing the selection, the protests continued and the nomination eventually had to be withdrawn. Even a fresh student of Nigerian politics realises that a

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