Cmonionline Talkshop Series: Success Through Self Development.


The best leaders are often those who lead to give and not to get. ~Cmoni

Man is selfish by nature; so they say. We crave things and we strive to get/achieve them. And when we do, we are rewarded — dopamine — yes, that feeling of satisfaction.

Now consider the following.

We can achieve for ourselves.

We can do so for others.

And we can do so for everyone.

Most of us agree that the last option is the best form of achievement because man is also compassionate by nature. Think of the feeling of fulfilment you get when you give. Think of the expression on the face of that person whose need you have filled.

There are millions of young people out there who have the need to be led. My recent focus on promoting a collaborative learning culture through social connection and digital discourse is not based on assumption but on observation. Thanks to the pandemic, online interaction revealed that we are all leaders in our own right with a lot of knowledge/experience to share. All we have to do is begin by offering ourselves and the forces of nature will align to support us.

Thus, it is my honour to present the Cmonionline Talkshop, an opportunity for us to teach, learn and unlearn. To lead and be led.

Join Chika Nwankwo, Uche Ugwu and yours truly via Google Meet on March 20, 2022, by 3 pm to discuss Success Through Self-Development.

Uche Ugwu is a lawyer, career development and human resource enthusiast while Chika Nwankwo is a media consultant, public speaker, brand promoter, life coach, minister of reconciliation, parenting advisor. We will benefit from this discourse and the session will also be recorded and transcribed for future reference.

Side Attraction: To further our overarching goal of boosting youth productivity, we will select at least 5 interested people to start free training in graphic design. Who knows? You could be the lucky one, so try to be there.

Watch how to join a meeting on Google Meet below.

You can join us on the day by clicking here.

If you wish to support us please reach out via admin@cmonionline or through our social media handles. You can also be a Patreon by clicking the button below.


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