Summer Break And Cmonionline Writing Retreat


We wish to express immense gratitude to our supporters, readers and writers. It is as a result of your unwavering support and trust that we keep doing the work that we do on this platform. In the first half of this year, we continued the fortnightly essay competitions and also added the online literary discussions. We’ve had the privilege of discovering and engaging budding, young talented creatives in the writing terrain, and we’re proud that these individuals discovered, or are discovering, their talents through our initiative.

As an entity, we’ve repeatedly emphasized that the idea of the essay and creative writing competitions isn’t to bring glory to one person or to boost our ego as a platform. It is rather to give young writers from within the African creative scene a chance at honing their talents, and take pleasure in the stories told and the conversations being had all around them. It is also, in a bid to revive the spirit of reading and research in these young creatives because, in the future, it is by their hands and mouths that we will get to hear and revel in our histories, our woes and our triumphs.

This is the vision. It has always been. And we’re keen on seeing it bloom, take on wider wings and soar across the horizon. There are stories yet untold, conversations yet to be had and talents yet untapped. We won’t relent until we have all these stories, in all their resplendence, spilling from between our hands.

The vision is growing, and we need to take time off to restrategize. Hence, the Cmonionline Essay Competition will go on a well-deserved summer break from July until the 28 of August 2022. Other publication activities will be active, however. You can send in your stories, take the time to read the spectacular contents that we’ve garnered on our website or you can join our Online Writers Retreat (more on this below).

We will also be sharing old publications across our media platforms, and based on reader interactions, we’ll be selecting our Top 20 stories which will be featured in our Two-year Anniversary e-magazine. All entries published on the website are automatically eligible for this.

The Online Writers Retreat

We’re not leaving our writers to trudge in the dark or be swept away in the abounding distractions of an interconnected world. This is why we’re organising a ONE MONTH ONLINE WRITERS RETREAT which will run from the 18th of July 2022. The retreat will be held in a closed WhatsApp group and participation will be based solely on individual interest and a promise of commitment.

During the course of the retreat, there will be readings and discussions geared to unpack the techniques used in a particular piece of writing. There will be occasional lectures on craft from invited writer guests, as well as writing exercises to incorporate the lessons and ideas learnt within the duration of each lesson. Participants will be required to read and offer feedback on the work of their peers. This way, there is assured maximum connection between writers and a thriving community of talents.

Interested individuals should send an email indicating interest along with your phone number to

We hope that you stay safe, stay committed and grounded in your love for literature.




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