If I Were Jesus: A Poem by Chukwuemeka Oluka

Come to think of it;

Jesus was quite humble while on earth

If I were Jesus that resurrected from the dead,

I would run round the streets of Jerusalem with my disciples

I would run shouting, ‘who dey breeeeeet!’

I would walk me like a king before the Jews

I would walk with my shoulders high

I would walk before Caiaphas, Pilate and Herod

If I were Jesus, I won’t ride on a donkey

I would ride on their guilt

I would rub it on their faces

With majesty and power, I would ride

If I were Jesus, I would lash out on my disciples

They doubted my resurrection story

They sold their faith and bought fear

Small wonder, they left me lonely at Gethsemane

Oh Gethsemane! Many were thy sorrow

How can I forget thy torture?

How can I forget the pain and anguish?

My sweats of blood dotted thy garden

Oh Gethsemane! Jerusalem’s Olives Mount

Green were thy leaves, green were thy memories

Scene of agony, betrayal and arrest

Yet Zebedee’s sons found thy garden a sleeping bed

If I were Jesus, the chief priests would find unrest

The people will find them liars

On blasphemy they accused me,

The Jews would know the true story

If I were Jesus,

Would I drink that cup of suffering?

If only Zebedee’s wife knew,

She wouldn’t dare make the request.

How dare me be Jesus, slain

The spotless lamb without stain

Slain for sin; slain for my gain

Jesus Christ is that lamb

The Lamb was beaten in gangs

On Calvary’s tree, He hangs

Jerusalem’s women beheld the pangs

Of our dying Jesus on good Friday

Now, how good is Good Friday?

What is good about the day?

Good my sins were washed away

Jesus died for my sins

This is why I won’t shout, ‘who dey breeeeeet!’

I would reflect on the mystery of salvation

All things have become a new edition

On Easter, heralds the celebration

If I were Jesus, I wouldn’t revenge

He forgave me when I was at the edge

I am glad, I sing no dirge

Jesus died that I may live

Heaven is wedded to Earth

Man is reconciled to his creator

This is why Jesus rose from the dead

Halleluiah! This is Easter!

Jesus broke the chains of death

He destroyed sin forever

He rose triumphant from the grave

Halleluiah! This is Easter!

I adore you, O Jesus, and I praise you

By your death, I am born anew

By your rising from the dead, you paid my due

Halleluiah! This is Easter!

How can I celebrate new life at Easter?

‘If I were Jesus’ I will never say again

‘I want to be like Jesus’ I say, instead

Wearing a new life in His image

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