Home Blog A Book In A Year: Session I

A Book In A Year: Session I


We had our first session of brainstorming toward the realization of “A Book In A Year” project and I was again surprised at the number of writers who have either completed a draft or have an ongoing project. As I wrote In Support Of Writing Groups, the benefits of joining one greatly outweigh the cons. In this session, we learned some tips that can help you put pen to paper. I was particularly impressed by Oluwaseun‘s hack that helped her reach the finish line with her latest book. It reminded me of quest journaling as tweeted by Justin C Scott. You can check it out and see if you can try it.

You can read the transcript of session I here. The errors by Scribbl are hilarious but you can still get the important points.

Next Sunday we will continue discussing the pathways to achieve our objective. Please go online and search for tips/resources on how to write a book in a year so that you can make further contributions. For instance, this article talks about a 365-day book writing challenge that is simple enough that any writer, no matter what their level, should be able to follow it to reach their goal. You can also read it up and see if it’s something you can attempt.

The link to join for next Sunday remains the same.

A Book In A Year
Sunday, 14 May 2023, 6:00–7:00 pm
Time zone: Europe/Dublin
Google Meet joining info
Video call link: 

Thanks for your time and see you soon.

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