An Incident Inspired By My Dream| Olomu Oladipupo Micheal   


Life is an interesting phenomenon! Filled with lot of activities, missions, agenda’s; all these working towards the fate called “Future”. Thinking back and remembering how it all started gives me a goose bump, hmm a goose bumps indeed. Believe it or not, whatsoever we are today (presently) is as a product of what we once anticipated to be directly or indirectly.

If I can recall clearly as far back in the year 2009, just gained my admission into the senior class (Government Secondary School, Jikwoyi, Abuja). I was kind of happy and unhappy; this was as a result of my stay in the science class been threatened as consequences of my ‘D’ grade in mathematics in my Junior WAEC result. It dawned on me that my vision to become a petrochemical engineer in the nearest future is about to be altered completely. The senior mistress academy then Mrs. Ngonzi was so adamant over the fact that any student with a ‘D’ grade in either mathematics, integrated science or both subject aren’t staying in science class and as a matter of fact such student has no other option than to decamp to either social science or perhaps art class. Seems some fate is inevitable, I said to myself.

My dad always wanted me to remain in science class despite the pressure I was then experiencing. He always wanted me to become a medical doctor; fact is I never loved that career called medicine. Hilarious isn’t it, a contradicting aura dispensed by father and son. My dad bought me all sciences textbook just to motivate me to remain in science class, seems he was completely unaware the type of pressure I was undergoing in school by the senior mistress academy (chemistry teacher) to leave science class to other classes. According to her it was not the end of the world but the beginning of something new and amazing, to her isn’t it? But to me I feel as though my world is tearing apart.

Having no other choice, I decided to leave science class to social science class. My best friend and seat mate Okolodibe Victor felt the sadness emanating from me as I carried my bag and was about leaving science class. Something impossible and confusing happened that hour which kept me in a state of awe till date.

There was an urgent conference seminar organized by the education board for science student specifically. Although the seminar was organized in another secondary school big enough to contain over 1000 student, neighboring schools (in the same Geo-political region, AMAC zone) invited not far from the scheduled venue of the conference meeting are to come along with at least fifteen (15) student to represent their school.

As I was about leaving the classroom Mr. Adole (physic teacher) stepped into the classroom and pointed at five neat and well presentable students. Fortunately I was among the student; I was afraid, I thought I was going for a scientific competition and I knew nothing. All manner of thought ran through my mind, I was like what will I do if am been asked a question? After lot of series of confusing thought during the course of the journey, we finally got to our destination (Government Secondary School, Karshi, Abuja).

I was so eager enough to know what we came for and what we are about to do, like any normal individual I started analyzing the environment and calculating all possible possibilities. Hmm thank God, it is just a seminar presentation program I said to myself. I was like well let me just attend the program after all am getting the hell out of science class I said to myself. The speaker of the day is personnel from the Education board; a very intelligent and outspoken individual. Forgive my manners but it seems have forgotten his name, I feel so bad indeed that have forgotten his name.

He talked about our scientist have been the pillars of evolution, mentioning great scientists like Michael Faraday, J.J Thompson and others. His words were captivating and motivating at the same time, enlightening every fiber of my passion. One major word he uttered that kept me pushing after that day “whatsoever you are passionate for, whatsoever you want to do and you know you really want to do it! Don’t give up, don’t just give up and keep pushing”. After the seminar program we all left to our respective venues, still in a state of awe I said to myself “science class we die together”.

I got to school the following day with the mindset that I was going and goanna be a great engineer in the nearest future, went straight to the senior mistress academy (chemistry teacher). I begged her to give me the grace of first term to prove myself in science class, funny enough and God’s willing she accepted. Unknowingly to me, it was just the beginning of my journey to destiny.

I won award as the best chemistry student in my school, second best in mathematics and many other little achievement via the process of representing the school in scientific competition. I was even made the chemistry lab prefect and today am a Chemical Engineer graduate of the Federal University of Technology Minna.

Indeed, whatsoever you want to do and you really want to bring it into fulfillment is worth fighting for. Most times we just have to believe in ourselves and go after what we want with all zeal and strength.


Olomu Oladipupo Micheal  wrote in via

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