Essay Competition Week 26.

Welcome to week 26 of the #CmonionlineEssayCompetition. You have a chance to be one of the winners of our N20,000 cash prize.

Recollect that having achieved a level of consistency at the end of 2020, we listed the following objectives at the beginning of the year.

  1. Make the competition more interesting and engaging with visual interactions.
  2. Improve the feedback mechanism with regular tips from recommended resources such as texts, websites and social media handles.
  3. Set a reading target of 50 books per annum.

We have done creditably well with item 2 but have slacked in 1 & 3. So we will now begin to implement them. So for week 26, you are to write about your experience in the cmonionline essay competition starting with your love for writing, how we heard about the competition, your approach to the weekly writing challenges and possible suggestions to improve our writing as we journey together. You can present this writing in any form that suits you. It can be a narration, conversation or even poetry (yes, we love to read some poetry) or a combination of all.

Do this in between (750–1500 words)± 10% and submit on or before Thursday 25/03/2021 at 11.59 pm.

Please endeavour to read our general rules before submitting your work. Pay particular attention to items 2 & 9 because many entries have been trashed for not

You can submit to in plain text or MS Word if you are having issues with the subscription and onsite submission. (**No PDF please)

On Sunday 28/03/2021, we will have a webinar with some judges to discuss your works and pick our winners. It will also present us with the chance to meet each other in this growing online literary community.

Good luck and see you on camera!


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