Essay Competition: Week 33 Winners.

Bismarck Faola and Michael Ogbonnaya have won the N20,000 cash prize for #Week33.

Bequeathed by Bismarck Faola: A judge had this to say about this essay.
“Excellent! Creative writing at its best. I’m of the view he actually not only met but also exceeded what was expected of him. He studied his favourite author, his works, style, and character and, wrote like him. I’d have scored him 10 but there’s no perfection in anything so….”
Congratulations Bismarck.

The True Picture of Nigerians’ Reading Culture: “Beautiful, easy to read, straight-to-the-point essay. Excellent in grammar, syntax, logic, and presentation, with references. I absolutely admire his writing style, moreover, as it is about encouraging reading. He tops them all to me.”

Congrats Michael, you have established yourself as the writer to beat in your chosen genre.




The Guardians by Victor Oladejo: Good grammar, structure and measured use of poetic license. A gripping storyline with suspense that will hold the reader spell bound from beginning to the end. However, Victor needs to follow the instructions “seeing the world e through the eyes of your favourite author”, but still a great creative essay.

Decline In Reading Culture: The Strategic Way Out by Oluwatimilehin Folarin. Well researched but having been part of this competition for almost a year the writer is expected to be more careful with grammar, spellings, and tenses. Good work all the same.

Reviving Our Comatose Reading Culture by Roselyn Sho-Olajide. I’ve been impressed by the writer’s versatility and consistency. This essay was well written in her usual manner but I believe she could have developed her work better with more analysis. Good job!

The other essays were also good and feedback has been sent via email to some writers.

Thanks to everyone for your support.


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