Essay Competition: Week 36 Winners.

Roselyn Sho-Olajide and Michael Ogbonnaya have won the N20,000 cash prize for #Week36

Love Circle: Another fantastic piece from Roselyn. This writer is definitely going places. Her intro will blow you away and keep you glued to the story.

“You knew you did not love her from the very first day you set your eyes on her. Left to you, you wouldn’t have dated her not to even think of tying the nuptial knot with her. But your mother had hammered in your head more times than she had ever called your name since you were born that you must marry her.”

From then you won’t stop reading till the last letter. It is a wonder how she managed to create this typical African love story of deception flawlessly in the second person point of view and still managed to succinctly encapsulate the topic. This is a beautiful tale. Congratulations Roselyn and please don’t stop!


When Begging Becomes A Norm by Micheal Ogbonnaya: As usual, the writer put in quite a lot of effort in his work. Interrogating the giveaway trend in our society, he caught the reader’s attention with a well thought out line that captured the problem thus:

“While there is nothing particularly wrong with one receiving giveaways, the reliance of the youths on freebies for financial emancipation and the consequences of this wrong ideology should worry every well-meaning Nigerian”

This essay was well researched and the writer did well in his use of referencing. However, he should pay attention to syntactic errors to avoid diminishing the quality of what should be excellent work. Good job and congrats Michael.


Hustlers by Johnson Onyedikachi:  The writer has shown an increasing imaginative ability and has strung a story worth some commendation. His story strung an intricate and creative plot that could have won on another day. Well done Johnson.

Cut From The Same Cloth by Peace Habila: A good and witty representation of both sides of a coin called the typical Nigerian politician. However, further development of this essay could have given room for more dramatization. Good job all the same.

The First Rule Of Theft by Precious Arueze: The writer did well. The essay had a good storyline and was readable in simple English. She should be encouraged to write more.

The Grey Rose by Victor Oladejo: The writer is a raw talent that must be encouraged. His daring imagery and dialogue stood out in this essay. However, the conclusion could have packed a little more punch, or perhaps an anticlimax could have given it that sting. Good one nevertheless.

The Truth About Giveaways by Olalekan AbdulBasit: A good attempt by the new entrant that examined the giveaway syndrome in our social media space. I loved the fact that the writer boldly gave some specifics but he should endeavor to suggest solutions as this is the core of any academic research. Good work.

The PDFs highlighting your errors have been sent to your email. We will go on summer break till the 1st of August 2021. Thank you for being a part of this beautiful journey please keep reading and writing.

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