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Essay Competition: Week 25 Winners.

We have our winners of the N20,000 cash prize for week 25. A Tale Of Two Eclipses by Roselyn Sho-Olajide emerged tops for our two Judges followed by Deja Vu by Johnson Onyedikachi. A Judge commended Roselyn thus: “The writer was very descriptive that one could almost see the village and the characters she wrote about. Jumping from the present to the past seamlessly without leaving the reader feeling lost and trying to catch-up, was another plus for me.” Another had this to say: “Very impressive submissions this time around albeit fewer. Too close to call between Onyedikachi Johnson and Roseline Sho- Olajide. I had to appraise their submissions by the rules of the essay competition. They both had mechanically accurate essays and dwelt on a similar topic. However, Onyedikachi’s construct which tried to narrate a deja vu experience, turned out to be in part, a writer’s imaginative composition relived. This slightly veers away from the guidelines for this topic: a story about the same event in the same city but taking place at different time periods. Onyedikachi’s submission strictly wasn’t about events that actually happened in the same city etc as the topic demands.” This is where Roselyn edged him. Echoing some of what I harped on last week about writing within the context, the Judge went continued: “Quite impressed with the new entrant who turned out my favorite writer and easily usurped Johnson Onyedikachi who had dominated in earlier times. I almost had given it to Johnson after reading his submission and found myself in a bit of a jam after I had read hers. I had to resort to the rules to make a decision, found that something worth talking about. Congratulations to you for keeping up with this!”   As usual, “Peace Habila made an equally impressive submission with Double Portion Of Excitement and deserves commendation. Her use of descriptive imagery will earn her a place in creative writing if she keeps on at it. Equally found her almost neck to neck with Oluwaseun Osanyinro” whose piece titled The Height Of Confusion illuminated the cross-dressing bug. Oladejo Victor put in a good piece in The Blue Corolla. However, the writer must work harder to reduce the many syntax errors that continually mar his thesis. Brilliant submissions all round this time” A detailed correction of each essay will be sent to the writers as feedback. Congratulations to everyone.  

Blog, Essays

Topics: Essay Competition Week 25.

Welcome to week 25 of the #CmonionlineEssayCompetition. Please choose from the following topics and discuss to be one of the winners of our N20,000 cash prize. 1. Take a position on the current confusion in fuel prices and discuss. (politics/current affairs) 2. The rise of crossdressers: A discursive analysis of the social effects. (social) 3. Write a story about the same event in the same city but taking place at different time periods.  (creative) NB: These are topics and not necessarily titles, so you can caption your essay as you wish but please make it smart and brief. The word count is between (750–1500 )± 10% We will publish the essays as they come in for the audience and judges to read. Endeavour to submit early to make our job easier. Submissions deadline: Thursday 18/03/2021 at 11.59 pm. IMPORTANT!!! In addition to the above specific guidelines please endeavour to read our general rules before submitting your work. Pay particular attention to items 2 & 9 because many entries have been trashed for not following instructions.  You can submit to admin@cmonionline.com in plain text or MS Word if you are having issues with the subscription and onsite submission. (**No PDF please) WARNING!!! PLAGIARISM will get you banned from participating in this competition. We are here to learn not to steal. Our judges for the week are Nneka Aniagoh. and Charles Okoye Thanks and good luck!

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