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Does Chewing Gum Stop Onion Tears?

The cultivated onion, Allium cepa, is a savoury staple of cuisines around the world. Yet slicing up onions all too often leads to tears: you peel off the papery outer skin, start chopping and before long, your eyes are stinging and watering so much you can hardly see; your nose runs like crazy and you wonder why someone hasn’t found a decent way to prevent this torment. Suggested solutions abound: chew gum, peel onions under water, use a sharp knife, make sure the onions are cold, light a candle nearby, turn on an exhaust fan, wear goggles, or use good chef’s technique to get the job done as quickly as possible. Best of all, get someone else to do it. Before deciding which methods work best, let’s examine two fundamental questions: why do onions make you cry? And why do we cry anyway? We generate tears almost continuously. Tears are made by the lachrymal glands located on the upper, outer surface of each eyeball. Although mostly water, tears contain a complex mixture of salts and organic compounds which together keep the surface of the cornea clean and lubricated. We produce tears in response to chemical and emotional stimuli. cmonionline Every time we blink, the eyelids sweep a film of tears across the cornea. A series of tiny glands (tarsal or meibomian glands) in the eyelids secrete a lubricant to prevent the eyelids from sticking to the cornea. This process is known as basal tear secretion and is controlled by parasympathetic nervous pathways. We don’t usually notice basal tear secretion, since it quickly drains away through a pair of lacrimal ducts in the inner (nasal) corner of each eye into the nasal cavity. If tear production increases much over the basal rate, this drainage mechanism cannot cope, and teardrops overflow the eyelids. Your nose also runs, as the ducts drain as much fluid as possible from the eye. Crying occurs in response to two main types of stimuli: chemical or emotional. In each case, the increased tear secretion is due to greater activity of the relevant parasympathetic nerves, triggered by subconscious neural pathways in the brainstem. Emotional crying is mostly associated with a subset of extreme emotional states: sadness, elation, anger. Unless you are an actor, tear generation usually is outside conscious control, as are the characteristic facial expressions and vocalisations (sobs, wails, and so on). Tears also help protect the eye from injury or irritation. Foreign material is detected by fine sensory endings of the trigeminal nerve in the cornea, which activate reflex tear generation, often accompanied by involuntary blinking. Thus, the offending material is washed from the corneal surface or out from under the eyelids. When we slice onions, damaged cells release enzymes that break down to form a derivative of sulfenic acid. This is rapidly converted into a volatile gas (onion lachrymatory factor) by a further enzyme, lachrymatory factor synthase. The lachrymatory factor reacts with water on the corneal surface to produce a range of noxious compounds, including sulphuric acid and hydrogen sulphide. Onions and garlic have another sulphur-containing compound, allicin. Along with the onion gas, allicin activates the TRPV1 receptors (also stimulated by noxious heat and hot chillies) and TRPA1 receptors (also stimulated by wasabi). Together, these compounds guarantee your eyes will sting and feel like they are burning. So we cry until the noxious agents are diluted and washed from our eyes. So which methods work best to reduce tearing up? Sharp knives minimise tissue damage, but volatile irritants are still released. Keeping onions cold reduces vapour formation, whereas cutting onions under water or in a strong airflow from an extractor fan prevent vapours from reaching your eyes. Goggles work even better, as long as you don’t mind how you look! But breathing through your mouth or chewing gum has no effect: the tear stimulus is in your eyes, not your nose or mouth. In principle, onions could be bred or genetically engineered not to express one of the enzymes that cause you to cry. But where would the challenge be then? Ian Gibbins, Professor of Anatomy & Histology, Flinders University authored this piece. This article is republished from The Conversation under a Creative Commons license. Read the original article.

Blog, Essays, Monishots

The army medical outreach in Anambra and the extended consequences of propaganda.

May the person you roused from sleep never wake up before you.~ Ignatius Uzus In 2015 Honourable Dozie Nwankwo informed me about his foundation’s free eye care services at a burial in Enugu Ukwu. He simply told me to spread the word and I did. I also ensured my aged uncle who was suffering from cataract was adequately briefed on the benefits of such services. He went and today, he still has his sight thanks to the free surgery he received from the medical experts. I woke up to a dull morning yesterday, the forecast wasn’t too good after we had enjoyed the plenty sunshine of the first week of October. I still had to go for the routine school run and on getting back I just glanced at my twitter TL and didn’t see any story worthy of derailing me from the piece I was writing about “the killing of Nigerians in South Africa”. However, a few hours later I took another glance and noticed the trending story. The tweets were coming in droves, what is happening in Anambra? I checked my facebook page and saw that some of my friends who know my reach as an Anambrarian had tagged me with the same question. The mushroom and IPOB leaning blogs unleashed their vuvuzelas “Buhari’s Fulani army injecting Igbos with monkeypox!!!” The mainstream media headlines also filtered in, there were captions like “Panic in Anambra as parents withdraw their wards from school over army medical outreach” Quickly, I started making calls to verify the news. The first person I called was Governor Obiano’s aide, he told me to ignore the lies and propaganda by mischief makers. We laughed over a few campaign jokes and hung up. As I went back to my facebook to post an update I saw that my TL was filled with pictures of parents absconding with pupils on foot, bike, and keke. The pictures depicted panic as in the news headlines. I called the aide back but he didn’t respond. I called a few other government officials I know, they said the information was still hazy and promised to get back. Then I remembered a friend whose dad is a supervisor of the Anglican schools in Awka South LGA and promptly rang him. He said he had been properly informed that the news was a hoax. I shook my head and by the time ABS released the official press statement by the SSG the damage was already done. When it became clear that the panic was orchestrated by mischievous and unscrupulous politicians who spread the evil rumour for cheap political gains some of our so-called educated elite quickly switched to questioning the process, they queried the propriety of military medical personnel offering such services? they challenged government officials on the right of immunizing pupils without the consent of parents. They asked if adequate sensitization and dissemination of information was carried out? This line of reasoning is utterly preposterous. For one, all over the world, these outreach programmes are normally carried out regularly by the military through specialized units like the medical corps and the army corps of engineers. They constitute the human face of the much-feared military and boosts its public relations. Those questioning the right of medical personnel to immunize pupils without parents’ consent are either plain stupid or mischievous as no such thing transpired in the first place. They deserve no attention. However, the valid question about the adequacy of sensitization and dissemination of information can be answered with the fact that similar programmes were successfully conducted in Imo, Abia and Ebonyi states. We saw pictures of General Ihejirika participating in the programme last week. Moreover, not too long ago a group of medical doctors flew all the way from Canada and the USA to offer similar services in Awka South LGA, we can be certain they carried out proper and adequate sensitization before coming down. A lady doctor I know was glad that they had a successful programme even as she expressed shock at the ignorance of our people on issues regarding health care. Perhaps the best response to our sensitization disciples would be this cheeky question by another smart lady I know, “If the news that the Military was infecting the kids with ‘monkeypox’ spread as quickly as it did which led to the panic, why didn’t the real information spread as fast?”. The answer to this question can only be found in the lies and propaganda embedded in the recent secessionist agitations. It will do us good to consider some of the consequences of spreading such stories without verification. A lot of enlightened people I know who scream restructuring still label our military “the Fulani army”. It may garner applause from the ignorant ones but to what end really? Even if some politicians in Anambra decide to dish out lies for selfish reasons, I believe it behoves the enlightened folks to verify the stories and put the right information out there. The stories have spread across the nation and if we are sincere to ourselves they have not benefitted anybody, not even the lousy politicians that originated them. Perhaps the only beneficiaries will be the military officers who will sell off the already allocated drugs for Anambra state and pocket the proceeds. A few days ago Senator Enyinnaya Abaribe told an audience in faraway New York that “he is a NIGERIAN senator”. Ohaneze Ndi Igbo has also made it clear that they do not want secession. Why do some still behave as if Igbos will secede tomorrow?. When shall we start thinking of re-integration in our national politics? Of course, some will keep blaming the military, others will also blame the president. He is a man majority of Igbos love to hate. The hatred like I always say is mutual. The valid question I keep asking is who loses? Is it a man that has accomplished almost everything in life or a region that is facing the worst political stagnation since the civil war? Disparaging


Public service announcement on army medical outreach in Anambra state.

The attention of the State Government has been drawn to an ongoing medical outreach being undertaken by the Army in Ozubulu, Ekwusigo Local Government Area. The State has been made to understand that the exercise is part of Army social responsibility to members of the public. However, strong apprehension among the populace has followed the exercise leading to the withdrawal of students from schools by parents, misconception of the actual motive behind the exercise by stakeholders, community leaders and a general reservation by the public for whom the outreach is intended. To this end and to ensure no further escalation of the situation, His Excellency the Governor, Chief Willie Obiano has contacted the Army Authorities and advised for immediate stoppage of the medical outreach until wide sensitization is conducted to reassure people of its intentions and benefits. The exercise has therefore been put on hold. Parents and guardians are strongly advised to stop withdrawing their wards from schools as the situation has been handled. All schools within the State will remain open as there is no cause for alarm! Community leaders, Presidents General and all Stakeholders are hereby reassured of the commitment of the Governor and the State Government to the wellbeing of Ndi Anambra. The State Government also strongly condemns observed rhetorics on social media completely misrepresenting the situation with insinuations of the spread of diseases and death of students in schools arising from the exercise. The State categorically refutes these rhetorics and confirms that there is no death of any student anywhere in the State. Mischief makers are warned to desist from spreading falsehood. Anambra remains calm and peaceful! Thank you! Prof Solo Chukwulobelu Secretary to the State Government.

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