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I always waited for the right time to write especially after having my second child. My walls were often decorated with sticky notes to remember my to-do list and my year planner is rarely filled with anything despite its yearly replacement until I joined the Cmonionline writing contest. Well, it wasn’t a sudden transformation. Thank goodness I loved to read so, I was reading more than I was writing on the platform. We had a writing retreat and I found myself writing more than I used to. Before then, my last poem was dated April 28, 2017. I thought I had permanent writer’s block. First, I blamed marriage, then childbearing, and then the life of a working, full-time mum but one piece of advice from the 2022 Cmoni Summer Writing Retreat kept ringing in my head — ‘You don’t have to write it all. You can start with a line per day. Just write frequently. Write something every day! ‘ But even that seemed too much of a task. The pile of laundry glared at me from the corner in which I squeezed them. Unknown to me, my first son Jojo had smeared the freshly scrubbed tiles with palm oil and his faithful accomplice in rascality, and my second son Nif has started to distribute the stains evenly in the parlour. That was the exact time I started putting my pen to paper to scribble a new idea for writing my story. Oh my gosh! Will I ever get to write something a day? Every day I get new ideas but because I don’t pen them down I tend to forget. So many possible write-ups became impossible. Many of my great articles were never born. Numerous mind-blowing poems became a mirage and I plunged into a state of melancholy reading so much from other people without having much to show myself. Often, writers experience a block — a period when inspirations fail to become words but I discovered my challenge was never a block but procrastination. So I decided to always carry my diary in a tote bag. My tote contained all my essentials even when I found myself in unplanned places. After all desperate times, they say call for desperate measures. The reason for this is simple. Anytime a new idea pops in, I bring out my diary and pen it down. Ideas, I have discovered, come from our daily routine; washing plates, cooking, in the marketplace, and even in the toilet. Funny, isn’t it? Today while the Reverend Father dictated his sermon, an idea popped in and this article was born. I wrote just a few lines, read from others later in the day and completed this beautiful piece at midnight. Of course, I had my earphones pouring music from my inspirational playlist into my subconscious mind. This works for me when I need to ease stress. This reminds me of an article on the Medium app that opines that we often want a perfect essay that we overuse big words and expressions which makes our writing too stiff and boring. The writer prided himself on his ability to write 480 000 words a month without running out of ideas. You don’t have to make it complex. Keep it simple like Twitter tweets but engaging like its comments. Lol. My frequent reading from these pages paid off after all. In one night, I have taken a giant step and I don’t plan to retrace my steps, instead, I’m leaping forward into writing one essay or a poem of about 500 words a day and if you are like my previous self, drop the excuses and join my train. You too can do it!   Becky Peleowo can be reached @Beccangels2000

Blog, Reverie

Motivation From Two Kens.

Your resume isn’t handed to you with your birth certificate. You create your own life and you can recreate it too. ~ Sir Ken Robinson The above quote from the renowned British author and Professor Emeritus is as inspiring as the fact that we will be starting the new year as we ended the last courtesy of his namesake Ken Moneke who recently blessed us with N20,000. Ken is a good friend and a co-traveller in this journey. He pledged to support us right from the first week of the #CmonionlineEssayCompetition. A diligent engineer, he is the CEO of Halidon and Halifax projects Ltd with numerous drilling projects in the kitty. He is also a politician by association and an ardent reader with whom I brainstorm regularly on varying socio-political topics. Like I said previously, I initiated this project with the intention of sponsoring it for the first six months before seeking for sponsorship. This is because I believe that you have to lead the way if you want others to follow. An Igbo adage says that the man who wants to defecate usually leads the way. However, we started receiving support as soon as the competition was announced. Many who were impressed by the initiative immediately made donations and pledges. We received support from good friends like Adaobi Nwasinoke, Winnie Oyigah, Uchenna Nnoli, Uju Okeke and Amobi Ogum. Newross & Co then closed 2020 in style for us and now Ken has kick-started 2021. We appreciate these compassionate gestures and ask God to replenish their coffers. We are now even more determined to grow bigger as we get better. So going forward we have increased the prize winnings to N20,000 weekly. N10, 000 each for the top two essays. We are taking the long route of slow, incremental gradual progress. And like I always say, the weekly monetary prize will be nothing compared to the experience and fulfilment in the creative journey we started because just like Richelle Goodrich eloquently captured it, “a writer writes knowing that nothing else will elicit the same kind of satisfaction and personal triumph as molding the written word into a reader’s great experience.” So we move!

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