
Creative Essays, Writers

A Shattered Heart by Udochukwu Opara.

  When the bus came to a halt at her stop after several hours of the journey, Femi reached out for her old leather box that was by her seat and made her way out of the vehicle, leaving a few passengers in it. As the bus drove away, she stood still, closed her eyes and inhaled the fresh warm breeze. she had missed School, the famous University of Cape Town. After what felt like internity , Femi immediately continued her journey to School which was not that far from the bus stop. Walking down the streets of her School, Femi returned the greetings of some familiar faces. Stepping inside the School, Femi smelled the most amazing scent she could have ever imagined. The first instinct of Femi was to follow the scent, but on a second thought, She wanted to wave-off the urge to follow the scent. Pondering on what exactly to do, Femi decided to follow her instinct. ‘Thank God that today I came early to School.’ Femi muttered to herself as She began walking towards the direction which the aroma was coming from. Heading towards the other side of the School, Femi saw Elijah, the boyfriend of her very best friend. She continued forward with caution because she didn’t want to bump into Elijah and make him angry. Elijah was saying goodbye to his girlfriend of three years, Roseline, She was gorgeous and a very good friend to Femi, If one didn’t know, he or she will think they’re from the same offspring. A pair of vibrant green eyes and a blonde hair were prominent and distinct features one could use to describe Roseline. Everyone in School excluding Femi thought that Roseline and Elijah were mates, but no one knew for sure because neither one of them would confirm or deny it. Whenever anyone asked they would just respond how much they loved each other. Not long after Femi got closer to them, the smell became so strong that Femi felt that She would choke on it. So She stopped to look around to see where it was coming from. Standing on a spot, gazing around and sweating profusely as the rays of sun kept pondering over the head of Femi, as She kept searching immensely so as to find out where the amazing scent is coming from. “Femi, Femi!” Roseline called out with a crooked voice. Twisting her head to the direction of the voice, a large force like that of a hippopotamus was about colliding on Femi, as Elijah backed-up, walking backwards and his head was faced front, without even realizing that Femi was about three inches behind him. Femi closed her eyes waiting for the impact of the cold tile when suddenly, a warm strong hand caught her. Letting out a gasp as sparks erupted against her skin as Roseline helped Femi to steady her feet. Femi hesitantly opened her eyes, her breath got stuch in her throat as her gaze was met by a pair of beautiful brown eyes. “We need to talk.” Elijah said motioning for Femi to follow him. As Femi nodded and silently followed him while keeping her head down. Not long after, Elijah and Femi where alreay outside. Elijah quickly carried Femi away from any questioning eyes and ears before turning towards to Femi once again. “How are you doing, Femi?” Elijah asked after a few moments. ‘Am fine,” Femi answered with her head still focused on her feet. Letting out a sigh, Elijah asked, “Femi please, could you look at me?” As Femi began to raise her head, looking at Elijah, trying to gaze what Elijah want to say. Almost as if Elijah was trying to predict how Femi would react to what he was about to say. After some moment of hesitation, Elijah finally decided to speak up. “I’m sorry Femi, am really in love with you, and I just have this feeling that we’re meant for each other, infact, that was the major reason why I had to break-up with Roseline after three years of relationship, but-” Femi didn’t let him finish. “We can’t date!” Femi cried out. “Of course, we can “ Elijah replied. “But what happened to Roseline? Isn’t She supposed to be your fiance!” “Look Femi, the only reason why I called you out here is to prophecy my love to you.” Elijah said as he was attempting to place what he thought would be a comforting hand on Femi’s shoulder. Femi took a step back as she let out a little laugh of disappointment. “You don’t want me. Don’t worry, I get it.” Elijah said as tears began to scroll down from his eyes. “Can you just do me a favour?’ Elijah asked as a single tear rolled down to his cheek. “Sure…….. what is it?” Femi asked taking a step back. “Don’t reject me until tomorrow, please?” Elijah said as he walked away from Femi. After the encounter with Elijah, Femi didn’t feel like staying up at School. So She went back to her small apartment which was directly behind her School. Femi imediately laid down on her bed, trying to catch some sleep, while trying to reflect on the whole incidence that happened between herself and Elijah, as She began to roll on her bed feeling so restless. Seconds passed into minutes and gradually to hours, yet Femi couldn’t sleep. Finally its 5:39 in the morning, still, Femi couldn’t sleep. “Its not a bright start to my day,” Femi muttered to herself as She quickly got up to prepare for School. Shortly after Femi arrived at School, She headed straight to the Office to sign in. Pretty soon after Femi left the Office, a group of guys and girls surrounded Femi, like they wanted to murder her. “What do you think we’re doing here?” One of the girls sneered at Femi. “Excuse me? May I know what you’re talking about?” Femi asked totally confused. Another girl walked up to Femi

Essays, Writers

Shattered Pieces by Oladejo Victor.

𝗧𝗛𝗘 day we left our village for Ore, it was raining heavily. The rain in its long silver strokes hit the asphalt and shattered like broken china, as they did, they rose like small fountains on the road. I rested my head on the side screen of papa’s car and counted the fountains as mama and papa chatted excitedly. They were discussing the new house . That we would have to repaint the rooms and fix the ceiling , we aren’t going to use pit toilets , the bathroom would be shared with the family of a tenant , the market isn’t far from the house …. It all ran in my head, throwing me into a mixture of excitement and wonder. The township i and Teju chatted about didn’t include all they had listed. I expected much from the township but to an extent. When we arrived at our new house(has i still call it when speaking with Teju on the phone), we met our co–tenant, she helped us with our packing without us asking and said : don’t mention, countless times. That day our relationship started and it grew delicately. After many weeks papa had settled in his new school, mama had put up a shed in the front of our yard where she sold fish and raw foods, the woman that helped us turned out to be mama Dare, papa dare ran the little shop in front of the house , Tutu and Dara were the children of mama Dare, the house next to us was our landlord’s. I was happy with everything we had, shared in the house. Our house would fit perfectly into the picture of a flat but we didn’t have water in the house, we fetched from a well in the front of our house and we shared the bathroom and toilet with mama Dare’s family with their house next to ours on the same compound owned by a landlord. The space between both houses is just wide enough for a medium size freezer , the space we kept our waste bin and a wooden platform where we wash our cloths. We called Papa Dare ‘the tailor’ and when we did , he would smile showing his gaped teeth. My father and him became friends and they loved to chat at the front of our house in the evening when mama Dare and my mother would sit in her shed and discuss things on the street , i would sit on a low stool and play ludo with Dare and his little sister would play with sand. I am five years older than Dare but we were friends. He ran errands for me at times and i help him out with his home works when i had the chance. Aina was the name of Mama Dare’s cousin. She was lived with them and walked in a medicine store down at the next street to ours. My mother was very cheerful and open handed to mama Dare when she needs anything. ‘ Mama Joshua give me three rows of fish’ she would say and reach for it on the table where rows where arranged. My mother would smile and beckon on me to add ‘that’ cup of crayfish for free to what Mama Dare got and mama Dare would say : Thank you, God bless. Papa Dare was a plus to us. My father and i mended cloths for free at his shop and last Christmas ‘𝘢𝘨𝘣𝘢𝘥𝘢’ was sewn at his shop with no penny to it. We were happy people, i begin to feel we were designed to meet. Aina was only a thorn in flesh, she was the one who won’t return greetings, stay longer in the bathroom and come out wet with water and pass by you with your bucket. It all happened when our landlord fixed a tap and connected it to his house. We were glad because it brought a lasting solution to the water. Our well was deep and dry at some times , so we were happy. For many weeks we shared the tap , we fetched from it on turns. I filled our water drums during the evening and in the morning. Mama Dare did her fetching in the afternoon . Aina helped her with fetching of the water most of the times and on some days Dare did. On this early morning, it was cold and the floor of the ground was wet with dews, i gathered our buckets to fetch water from the tap. To my astonishment Aina was fetching from the tap( she doesn’t wake at early hours), i greeted her but she didn’t respond, she was filling a bucket and the next bucket was on the floor. When the bucket she was filling was filled to the brim, she set the next bucket and walked to their house. I stared at the bucket as it was filled to the brim, i carried it and set it on the ground. I put my bucket under the tap and began to fill it. I was engrossed in what i was filling when i heard a light sound and an hotness on my cheek and pain spread through my body. I turned to see Aina who just slapped me hiss. ‘ you removed my bucket from the tap, so we can’t fetch water again in this house’ she said and i tried to tell her what happened when my parents came to see what happened, as if they were waiting, mama Dare and Papa dare came in. When i told them what happened and what i did. Mama Dare broke my confusion , she said that the bucket Aina was using was broken at the bottom and the water was gone due to leakage. The air of the incidence dragged on for weeks, it wasn’t because Aina didn’t apologize , it was because the landlord blocked the flow of water to the tap due to the fight. Whenever my mother made reference to dry tap and the role Aina played

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