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Ending ASUU Strike: A Panacea To The Poor Standard Of Our Tertiary Education by Opara Udochukwu.

One morning, I was leaving for lectures. I was up early as usual and was readily dressed in my white and black. We had an assignment to submit before 8am, so I had to leave very early in order to beat the deadline. Down the rough part of the hostel as I left for school, I overhead some boys rejoicing out of unwarranted reasons, or at least that’s what it seemed to me at the moment. The Academic Staff Union of Universities (ASUU) had started their strike again, and this time it was until further notice. A swift but short-lived feeling of joy swept through my heart upon hearing the news. Michael and David; my elder siblings had already spent nine years studying a five year course as a result of a similar situation as this. Shaking my head, I went back to my hostel. “I’ve wasted my white again” I muttered to myself, my medical school made it compulsory for medical students to wear white and black to school daily and for obsessively neat students like me, washing this whites everyday wasn’t any fun. Days passed into weeks and weeks moving up to months, yet we were still kept in the dark. The history of Higher education in Nigeria cannot be told without the inclusion of events and periods of strikes. Strikes of various natures and of different reasons have become a normal phenomenon in growing inconsiderate policy making relationship between the government and academia. Though it is stipulated in the constitution that strikes can be used as avenues to express public opinion which can bring positive changes. However, the institutions of higher education are still facing instability and ills despite the strikes, policies money, corruption, knowledge and human resources that are put into it. The standard and products of Nigeria’s higher education are getting lower despite highly improved inputs and this situation is mirrored effectively in the Nigerian economy. Several literatures have examined the significant relationship between university education and societal development. For about a thousand year now, universities have existed and played vital role in educating a greater portion of individuals, perform research, advance understanding and new technologies and breed new potentials for action. At such, the importance of universities cannot be over emphasized. Regrettably, irrespective of the numerous advantages of university education in Nigeria, the educational sector still faces numerous challenges. These challenges have deterred the sector from achieving optimum results and meeting-up the requirements of the 21st century. According to Aidelunoghene(2014), the standard of education in Nigeria is deteriorating as the day goes by. The Academic Staff Union of the University (ASUU) was a subset of the Nigerian Association of university teachers formed in 1965. The Academic Staff Union of the University (ASUU) gain autonomy in 1978 and began to operate as a union that fights for the right of her members. The union is further saddled with the responsibility of assisting the stakeholder in attaining the aimed classic standard of education through the provision of quality education in the Nigerian university system. Further, the union also support the struggle just like another union to ensure adequate welfare of her member, job security for her member and facilitate enabling working environment for her member. In a bid for the Academic Staff Union of Universities to ensure that the government pays some listening ear to the problem bedeviling the educational system of the country, they explored several industrial actions. Popular among these actions is the strike which is the outright stoppage of work by all Academics Staff of public universities in the country. However, such industrial actions which the Academic Staff Union of Universities(ASUU) uses, plays a very devastating role on the students and on the educational system of the country. As such, this theoretical complementary seek to examine the extent to which the Academic Staff Union of the University(ASUU) strikes influences tertiary educational system in Nigeria and the adequate solution in curbing it. As stated by Punch Newspaper, the Academic Staff Union of University(ASUU) has spent one thousand five hundred (1500) days on strike in 21 years. Logically, the Academic Staff Union of University(ASUU) has spent four (4) years and thirty-nine (39) days on strike out of twenty-one years (21). This is quite an astonishing static and poses a very serious threat on the educational system of Nigeria. One of the determinant of the progress of the educational system of any country, is the ability to eliminate poor performance amongst students and however, the likelihood of Nigeria achieving this, is in doubt. One reason to this; is the regular occurrence of the Academic Staff Union of University(ASUU) strikes. Empirical result as shown that students performance in examination drops upon resumption from a strike. This is due to the fact that students are far from the academic environment during the strike. As such, less credence is given to reading and all forms of academic activities. Incessant strike actions culminate into the erosion of academic quality. The rate of school drop-out in Nigeria is becoming increasingly remarkable and has exceed that of other countries, as Nigeria is regarded as the home country for the highest rate of school drop-out. According to the report given by the United Nations(UN), over 55 million children were regarded as school drop-out in 2010 and has increased to over 57 million in 2011. One of the factors responsible for the high rate of school drop-out in Nigeria, is the incessant industrial activities of ASUU. As a result of the incessant industrial activities of ASUU, most students deem it fit to venture into the street in search for greener pasture in which the earn a stipend. As such, they find it difficult to go back to school upon resumption. The general belief is that, there is no opportunity of getting such job that will ensure that they earn a huge sum of money after school. According to the stakeholders meeting held on September 12, 2013. The Academic Staff Union of Universities (ASUU)

Essays, Writers

Bring An End To ASUU Strikes; Save Education Now by Sunday Ogbaga. 

  “Upon the education of the people of this country, the fate of this country depends.”  Benjamin Disraeli, a former British Prime Minister expressed that sentiment as far back as 1882 but till date, it is still a rule of thumb. The importance of education, specifically higher education, transcends being the most effective medium for hedging the spread of illiteracy. A robust and competitive higher education sector offers the society a great opportunity for innovation, industrial growth, job creation, infrastructural development, increased national income, poverty alleviation, crime reduction, health improvement, and much more. Impliedly, anything that affects the smooth running and efficiency of a nation’s higher education is a rusty clog on the wheel of its progress, and thus, deserves to be permanently nipped in the bud. Today, it is crystal clear that Nigerian higher education sector is in dire straits. Top of the endemic problems ravaging the sector is the constant industrial action by members of Academic Staff Union of Universities (ASUU)—national union of all academic staff of public universities in Nigeria—and the Federal government. The face-off normally results in abrupt suspension of academic programmes and complete shutting down of schools. Worst is, majority of the institutions of higher learning in Nigeria are public universities (over 85 percent). So, it affects the system on a scale that is both massive and crippling. Going down the memory lane, ASUU was created in 1978 after the collapse of the then National Association of University Teachers (NAUT), to fight for the welfare of its members and to help salvage and redress critical challenges bedevilling university education in the country. On the refusal of federal government to meet their demands, the union has been resorting to full-blown strike actions as a way of pressing home their requests, no matter the threat and intimidation by the federal government, especially as witnessed during the 1980s industrial actions. In fact, between 1978 and 2020, the union has embarked on a total of 27 strike actions, with some of them leading to the forfeiture of full academic sessions. Indeed, there is no smoke without fire. The causes of the unending rifts between ASUU-FG’s do not always spring forth suddenly like Jack in the box. Its causes are well known. Undue delay in payment of remuneration/entitlements/allowances for lecturers, the deterioration of working conditions, the inadequacy of facilities, ill-fated policies, Federal government’s penchant for breaching or not honouring agreements it had with the union, has always been the bone of contention. By and large, the menace has no doubt, culminated into the perennial malaise troubling Nigeria today. Think of mass exodus of the country’s best talents leading to pervasive brain drain; constant churning out of what has been severally described as unemployable graduates; abysmally poor level of Research and Development (R&D); domination of multi-national firms and foreign expatriates in Nigeria’s key industries, widespread poverty; the poor standard of living…to mention but a few. Against this backdrop, it is imperative to urgently take proactive steps capable of forestalling further face-offs between ASUU and Federal government. Given that, my thoughts are: With all sense of seriousness and goodwill, the federal government should accord more importance and priority to higher education in Nigeria. First and foremost, it should take bold and creative steps to ensure that our tertiary education is rescued from the festering sore of underfunding. Accordance with the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization’s (UNESCO) recommendation, the government should progressively increase education budget annually to 26 percent. In fact, given the enormous upgrade needed to be done in Nigerian universities in order for it to compete globally, a state of emergency should be declared on the sector and a reasonable bailout fund given to it. If Rwanda can raise its higher institutions from the ashes of war to its current global-reckoning status, Nigeria, the giant of Africa, can also do it. We have the financial wherewithal. The Federal government should put in the required commitment, sincerity, and stewardship. Adequate funding is crucial to solving most of the human, technical and operational challenges members of the academia and students have been complaining over the years. Furthermore, the flagrant disregard and breach of the agreement by the Federal government must be jettisoned. Each new regime should be committed to upholding every outstanding agreement successive governments had with the union. Where review is needed, appropriate consultation and negotiation should be done. In the same pedestal, the Federal government should grant universities a reasonable level of autonomy, especially on issues patterning to academic policies and programmes. Too much political interference in universities will always result to rancour. Again, and very importantly, the Federal Government needs to see members of the academia as partners in progress rather than rebels. Frankly speaking, public university lecturers in Nigeria are not well taken care of as compared to their counterparts abroad. It is evident that ASUU never decides to abruptly embark on industrial action. Series of formal or informal techniques such as writing of letters, issuing of communiqués, and warning strike is normally explored before resorting to full-blown industrial actions. The federal government and its stakeholders should always be committed to resolving every dispute early. Similarly, efforts should be made to increase the rate of grant-in-aid and other welfare packages for Nigerian university lecturers as that will aid job satisfaction and productivity. Finally, let me reaffirm that a vibrant higher education sector is a prerequisite for Nigeria’s liberation from its current desolate state of mass poverty, socio-economic stagnation and deep-seated underdevelopment. If for anything, ASUU’s constant resort to industrial action is an indication of the federal government’s laissez-faire attitude to higher education. Whilst it is understandable that the government is inundated with a galaxy of responsibilities, it must realize that education is the premise upon which every other progress is sustained. Thus, necessary moral, financial, institutional, and political measure should be urgently taken to put an end to incessant industrial action by ASUU members.     Ogbaga Sunday Thomas, a student of Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria, is interested in Education, Leadership,

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