
Blog, Reverie

Anecdote: Deregulation Therapy.

No nation will make meaningful progress in development without an efficient energy sector. We need to deregulate and fully embrace a free market economy with limited government intervention.

Blog, Reverie

Buhari in Aba: The crux of the matter

‘‘As a government, we issued a presidential mandate to the Ministry of Power, Works and Housing and the Rural Electrification Agency to energise the market. In June 2018, the Nigerian Electricity Regulatory Commission granted an electricity generation licence as well as a distribution licence for the market. This will enable the generation and distribution of 9.5 Megawatts of electricity within the market. The project is moving smoothly and I have been assured the market will be fully electrified soon. We are working closely with the State Government, Local Government, Traditional Rulers, Market Associations and the community on this project to ensure this goal is actualised by the end of the year,’’ ~ President Muhammadu Buhari  President Buhari made the above statement while reassuring his good friend Eze Ikonne of his resolve to fulfil his 2015 campaign promise to Abia people during the royal father’s visit to the seat of power on September 2018. I grew up in Aba. I can tell you for certain that Enyimba is a great city populated by fearless men and women. You don’t need to delve too far into history to read about some of our exploits including the momentous Aba women riot of 1929. The people of Enyimba city make no pretences. They take life and business seriously and thus over time have come to symbolise both the Igbo entrepreneurial prowess and their cohesive spirit in resistance during times of oppression. Aba has one of the largest markets in West Africa. As a teenager growing in the city I was conversant with many other markets in the South East region. If I wanted a pair of Giorgio Brutini shoes I will go to Onitsha Main Market but if I needed a good made in Nigeria leather sandals then Ariaria was the perfect place to get that. So again I can tell you for free that in terms of trading Ariaria could match other markets in the country but none could rival it when it comes to production. And production is largely dependent on energy supply. So it wasn’t surprising that Aba suffered during the locust years when our infrastructure was left to rot away. The once bubbling manufacturing sector became torpid just like many other production hubs across the land. Years of neglect left a town which once boasted of major industries and multinationals like PZ, Lever Brothers, UAC and UTC on its knees. Aba became a shadow of its old self. Enyimba could no longer march on. Rather it became notorious for crime. Kidnappings happened by the hour and many relocated, leaving the economy of the city in tatters. President Buhari is in Aba as I write. The visit is part of his campaign trail for another election but he also commissioned that Independent Powe Plant in Ariaria. Eze Ikonne will be on hand to receive him. The royal father will be over the moon. Its a promise fulfiled. I can imagine his smirky look at the sight of those who labelled him a traitor when he conferred the title of ‘Ogbuagu’ on candidate Buhari back in 2015. I’m sure many of them will struggle to get a handshake today. Ikonne has laughed last. But that is by the way. Many of Eze Ikonne’s subjects would begin to understand why their King had been romancing this ‘Igbo hating leader’ as they had been taught to believe. They will realise that Buhari is a man who values loyalty. A man who keeps his own end of the bargain. We saw them troop out en masse to welcome him. They were excited. Elated at the prospect of an improved power supply, increased productivity and prosperity. IPOB had attempted to put their usual spanner in the works with a proclamation of ‘sit at home’. But that didn’t stop them. Shouts of ‘Sai Buhari’ rented the air. Many on social media held their breath. In Aba, they wondered? Aba of all places. Agents of the lousy opposition and enemies of progress also sought to diminish the feat by proffering various claims. Some said it was a state government initiative. Who granted the license? Others said its a private initiative. Who cares? So long as Ariaria people will benefit. Now, do you still believe Abia will give Buhari 13,000 votes like in 2015? You may now begin to understand why he repeatedly says that he is satisfied with the response of the real voters. They are the ones that understand that he is not the problem but rather the painful solution. They are the poor who have been and will always be among us just like Christ said in the Bible. They are the ones that wake up by 5 am. Attend the morning mass, get the family ready for the day and hop on a bus or keke to work. It is a daily grind, their grocery shopping is done at dusk and not weekly. If that family of four, five or six will feed on the day then there is no room for dulling whenever the cock crows. They couldn’t care less about a jurist with millions of dollars in his foreign accounts. All they want is the provision of basic amenities that will facilitate their daily hustle. It may also interest my people to note that on Eze Ikonne’s visit to the Villa, President Buhari had also intimated him that during his trip to China he had wooed the executives of one of the largest cotton and garment companies in the world to establish operations in Aba. This he said he was doing in conjunction with the state government. I have many Abia friends, some are aides to Governor Ikpeazu. Most are united and vocal in their opposition to the president. They just hate the man. Ask why and you are likely to get “I just don’t like him” as a response. No reason whatsoever to loathe a man who is bringing back the kind of infrastructure last seen during the days of the

Blog, Resources


An online platform has been created to educate power consumers of their rights under the reformed power sector in Nigeria. Not only that, if you have suffered from any breach of your rights, you can get *free help* on that platform to enforce your rights. JUST SO YOU KNOW: “Do you know that, by law, you are entitled to at least 14 days between the date you receive your Electricity bill and the date when you are to pay that bill? Do you know that, by law, your Electricity Distribution Company must give you a written notice of disconnection before it can disconnect you for non-payment of your bill? If you answered yes to the last question, then do you know that, by law, your Electricity Distribution Company must wait for at least 90 days from the date of giving you notice of disconnection, before it can legally disconnect you? Do you know that if you are unlawfully disconnected, you can compel your distribution company to reconnect you without paying a reconnection fee and that you can get this done without going to court? Do you know that, if you are illegally disconnected, you are entitled to damages at a minimum of #1,000 per day to be paid by your Electricity Distribution Company for each day of disconnection till your power is restored? Do you know that there is an administrative body that meets in your city, or a city close to you, that monitors the activities of Electricity Distribution Companies and will compel them to respect your rights if they breach same? If you answered NO to any of these questions, then you, like so many others, are the victim of a conspiracy of silence by the Electricity distribution companies, who have been statutorily mandated to carry out regular public awareness campaigns on these and other consumer rights within their franchise area. There is a solution at hand. Go to Register. Ask any question that bothers you. Ask for help. It’s all free. One candle loses nothing by lighting another. It only spreads light and pushes back this present darkness. If you have suffered from a breach of your rights as a power consumer, chances are someone you know has been, or is, a victim too. Light a candle. Push back the darkness by sharing this message widely.

Blog, Reverie

Fashola, Nigeria cannot be great in darkness.

. “When people say Germany is exporting power, your country is exporting power too. To Niger, to the Republic of Benin, to Togo and we are selling gas to the West African region. Stop putting yourself down, we are a great country. We have challenges let us go and deal with them,” ~ Babatunde Fashola The Minister of Power, Works and Housing reportedly made this statement while answering questions at a workshop on the power sector recovery programme (PSRP). I don’t know about you but I’m certain that if you replace Fashola’s name on the above quote with that of Basket Mouth or Ali Baba the words will make better meaning for what they should be..comedy! For over two weeks before I left Nigeria much of Awka South LGA was in total darkness, we didn’t see a flicker of light. Today the story is very much the same my mum tells me. That is about one full month without electricity. The same was the case last Easter, for over a month Awka metropolis had no power supply, and it only serves to infuriate us the more that Enugu Electricity Distribution Company (EEDC) often has a lousy explanation for these failures. In March 2016 it was widely reported that Fashola had resolved the protracted dispute between  Geometric Power Limited and EEDC over power supply to Aba. We all rejoiced and hoped for an improved supply that will resuscitate the industrial city which was once labelled Taiwan of Africa for its giant strides in manufacturing. Last September, following a short clip by Professor Barth Nnaji, yours truly enthusiastically published here that Geometric energy will more than quadruple Aba power supply in five months. Well, I still soak my chaplet in water praying daily for that promise to come to fruition because the GREAT Enyimba city is close to my heart (and yes I said GREAT because Aba is a city of people with the kind of unity that is lacking in Nigeria). Fashola is a performer whom I still hold in very high regard and I believe many Nigerians do too. Some are beginning to doubt his capacity, however. In the run-up to the last general elections, he was sensationally reported in the media to have claimed that Lagosians can have stable power supply in six months! Those of us who read beyond the caption know it was what Trump now famously call fake news. He did make the claim but with a caveat. His words: “Let the EKO DISCOs sign a contract with me, giving part of their concessions to the state government. In about six to eight months, there will be power in all homes in Lagos State” But whether or not our DISCOs are willing to give part of their concessions to the government is not what Nigerians want to hear. We just need light! We all agree that Nigeria is facing a myriad of problems and we should come together to tackle them but we shouldn’t be deceived into believing that greatness bollocks. The situation is so bad that the average Nigerian is now familiar with technical words such as megawatts, metric tonnes etc. Terminologies that will sound strange to many in civilised climes. So those who have the Honourable Minister’s ears should tell him to quit acting comedy with what is perhaps the most troubling issue in the country today. He needs to appreciate the fact that the average Nigerian is becoming more and more exasperated with the increasing darkness even as billions of dollars have been spent on the energy sector in recent years. Last December I bought a new generator and MTN Lumos to reduce the amount of money I spend on fueling the generator all because I couldn’t trust EEDC to provide regular supply during the festivities. Where is the greatness in that? 2nd base jare!  

Blog, Resources

Geometric will quadruple Aba power supply in 5 months- Barth Nnaji

Former Minister of Power Professor Barth Nnaji has disclosed that Aba will begin to enjoy improved power supply in about 5 months. He made this known in a short video released by Sam Hart Senior Special Assistant ‎to Abia State Governor Okezie Ikpeazu on Public Communications. Professor Nnaji said that Geometric Power is arranging the finance to settle the whole arrangement with Enugu DISCO and that once that is done the process of reconnecting the power plant at the various sub-stations will commence. And after that Aba will begin to receive unprecedented power supply. Professor Nnaji stated that the Geometric power plant has 4 units of about 47MW each, totalling to 188MW. He also revealed that just one unit will deliver more than the power currently received in Aba. He concluded by saying that in the next 5 months Aba will start enjoying the long-awaited improvement in power supply. Recall that last year, the Federal Government has settled the power tussle between Enugu Electricity Distribution Company (EEDC) and Geometric Power Limited over which of the two companies would supply power to Aba and its environs. The Minister of Power, Works and Housing, Mr Babatunde Fashola, said then that the companies signed an agreement in Abuja after Vice President Yemi Osinbajo instructed him to intervene in the matter. The settlement of the dispute was a historic achievement in the power sector. When all the bureaucratic bottlenecks have been dusted the Enyimba city will begin to enjoy steady power supply and hopefully reclaim its old glory as the industrial hub of the South East. Watch the video below. In the light of the rumoured ‘Nationwide’ blackout, everyone is asking me about Prof. Bart Nnaji & Geometrics. I found him to answer himself — Sam Hart (@hartng) September 29, 2017 Source: @hartng twitter

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