
Essays, Writers

Take Away From The COVID-19 Pandemic by Ojesola Itunu.

November 2019, a spectacular month that will remain evergreen in the hearts of humanity. For in this month, the world played host to an extemporaneous visitor which brought it to a standstill. It started as an epidemic in the city of Wuhan and metamorphosed that found its way into Nigeria on February 27, 2020 This pandemic, which in common parlance is referred to as COVID-19, brought the world to a momentary cessation, turned facemask to our daily apparel and continuously confines us to our domiciles. It is indeed a threat to our hope, freedom, and unity. Day after day, we are glued to our screens, waiting solemnly like rams being led to the slaughterhouse, for the next bombshell about the seemingly in-exorable rise in the number of infections to be dropped. It has proven to be a thorn in our flesh and a barrier to national progress, as economists have gravely forewarned about the woes that besiege our economy after this pandemic, that even after the frenzied war against this unseen enemy, our country is faced with the risk of plunging into the abyss of economic ruins! Oh! We are totally lost in the gloomy climate of this pandemic and are frantically struggling to get back on our feet. Furthermore , the emergence of this global pandemic has left many destitute, as individuals who could previously boast of three square meals a day now struggle just to afford a miserable meal , many have lost their jobs and are left to the mercy of hunger which is now emblazoned on the forehead of our nation, thus most individuals are left with no option than to get onto the streets and pitifully beg for alms, while some individuals blindly resort to criminality and continuously throw many families into agony. However, due to the plethora of scientific knowledge at the disposal of man today, there is the hope that in no distant time, this common enemy will be defeated. Although, the havocs wrecked by this pandemic may take up to a lifetime to be rectified, it has helped to enlighten us on the need for a radical departure from the primitive ideas that have from time immemorial proven to be the problems of this generation, thereby making it opium for this dying generation. Firstly , this pandemic eliminated all barriers which have been the basis for discrimination in the past, as all and sundry are at the mercy of this pandemic, such that every nation has to depend on another for one assistance or the other, thereby accentuating the fact that inter- dependencies are indispensable.. In addition, a slogan that has become ubiquitous goes thus, “You protect me, and I protect you” further emphasizes the need to collectively take preventive measures against COVID-19, as failure of someone in this regard will result in an astronomical increase in the transmission and continued prevalence of this pandemic. This further highlights the beauty that exists in our collective humanity. Also, because of the pandemic, we continue to hear the cries of innocent citizens for justice due to the spike in criminality, occasioned by the ruptured value system of the offenders. This implies that any action taken by an individual will not only have a resultant effect on him but the entire populace. It is no news that some countries of the world continue to receive donations and support from various organizations and individuals to ease the stress of combating the pandemic, there is no gainsaying that they are currently enjoying the merits of their efficient relationships in the pre COVID-19 era, while some countries so far have received little or no donations due to their feeble relationship status and thus are left to wander un-aided in the gloomy weather of this pandemic, as they cannot reap where they have not sown. Without mincing words, this pandemic has left an indelible mark on all facets of human endeavors and served as an eye opener in various ramifications, it will forever remain evergreen in our minds. We hope that we are almost out of this tunnel; we all need to stay safe and come together in order to win this war as one and live to tell the story.   Ojesola Itunu wrote in via ojesolaitunu@gmail.com

Essays, Writers

My Takeaway From The COVID-19 Pandemic by Odediran Anointed Ifekristi.

Just when we were saying there is nothing new under the sun, COVID-19 hit us like the ray of the sun, forcing everybody to lift up their umbrellas. COVID-19 turned everybody to superheroes with our masks on, and we can’t even deny the fact that COVID-19 is leaving giant footprints on the sands of the whole world; footprints that would last for many years to come. I was preparing for my First Semester Examinations when we heard that a virus was spreading like wildfire. It was first a rumour until we heard that Nigeria recorded its first victim already and within the blinking of an eye, Coronavirus was spreading in Nigeria. We thought that was all until the government announced that all schools in the nation were to be closed down and academic activities suspended. I received the news with mixed feelings, every student loves the holiday, but it should be after examinations not before it. It is no longer news that COVID-19 first surfaced in Wuhan, China in December 2019 and since then spreading to over 196 countries and territories around the world. It has since claimed the lives of over 822,000 people with over 24 million cases, and over 15.6 million recovered. People were forced to stay at home due to the fast spread of the Corona Virus. Markets were closed, companies closed, shops closed, and everything was put an abrupt full stop and the health sector bombarded with patients. Due to this many staff was laid off, and many institutions faced bankruptcy, human capital left with nothing but to stay at home. With no means of income, to this end, people began to resort to many ways of getting money which had led to increase in kidnapping, theft, and other crimes, in fact, shops that have been locked down due to the pandemic are being burgled due to the fact that people are at home. But as it stands, it seemed things are back to normal. The inter-state travel ban has been lifted, markets have been opened and people are back to work, only schools are left to be opened, even though the JSS 3 AND SS3 students are back in school to write their exams. But that’s not why I’m here today, is it? I’m here to share my takeaway from the Covid-19 pandemic. As I have explained above, there are no many negatives from the COVID-19 pandemic, but fortunately, I have many positives to be taken away from the pandemic, and I’ll share below; Firstly, I am known for complaining that; ‘I DON’T HAVE TIME’, guess what COVID-19 did; it gave me all the time in the world. But funny enough, I kept complaining I didn’t have time, and then I learnt an important lesson: whether there is luxury of time or not, you have to plan your schedule, otherwise, there will be plenty of time yet you’ll complain of no time. So I kept that on my left hand, plan my schedule, harnessed my energy into profiting from the stay at home. Secondly, I learnt something from the ‘ZOOM’ app. To be sincere, it was during the COVID-19 pandemic that I heard about the app. Only for me to discover that the app had been founded since April 21, 2011. But the app didn’t get the recognition it deserved, the founded never gave up, and the advent of the pandemic gave it its deserved recognition, in a matter of months, the founder is now a billionaire. Out of every disaster is an opportunity. Many are complaining of hunger and poverty due to the rise of the pandemic and on the other hand, some are getting richer. Just few days ago, Jeff Bezos became the first person to worth more than $200 billion in the world, in the same pandemic. As a result, I decided to learn software engineering, making use of the time and opportunity before me. In fact, this is the best time to be innovative. In addition, life is short, live life before you leave life. Lastly, family is all we got. When the lockdown was declared, no friends, no classmates, nobody, just me and my family, it was then I realized that, whatever happens, we should never neglect family. I’ve learnt to place family high, and never disregard family. In conclusion, history has been made; we can’t say if the world would experience something like this again, but this is a turning point in all our lives. I hope people really utilize this period, because, we have no excuse, much has been given, much is now expected. COVID-19, thank you. Anointed Ifekristi is a Part 4 student of the Faculty of Law, Obafemi Awolowo University Ile-Ife, Nigeria and can be reached on Twitter @@ifekrist

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