
Blog, Lifestyle, News, Writers

The Winner Of N100k For The 21-Day Challenge Is…..

Becky Peleowo! We had a peer review to select the winner of our creative assignment for the 21-day challenge on 7/01/2024 with the following criteria. i. No self-nomination ii. Nominate 2 ONLY and explain why they deserve the prize. iii. A tie will be broken by the publisher. After the contributions and nominations by some members of the community, Becky Peleowo and Victor Oladejo tied at 3 nominations each. Immigrants of the Turbulent Waters is a thought-provoking project that demonstrates Becky’s versatility as well as a testament to her progress in creating rich media content. Dear Netizens embodies Victor’s talent as a creative and its captivating cover image shows that our mantra of stacking up digital skills has been embraced by this young writer. As we agreed, the community will strive to reward the best works instead of paying out tokens to encourage everyone. Hopefully, we will start rewarding our intellect with millions of naira soon enough. To break the tie I considered participation and other factors but I will summarise my assessment by paraphrasing the honest appraisal of one of us. “Becky — I noticed that she attended the pre-21-day challenge meetings on Sundays and this helped her in chronicling her work. From her work, she worked on a vocalised poem and attended a skill acquisition which is a testament to her judicious use of time”  “Victor —  I like the fact that he listened to the advice to reduce his unproductive time on Twitter and created a work on Netizens. Hopefully, his next digital project will involve more forms of media production” The projects by Solomon Ekoja and Oluwaseun Osanyinro were equally good. We can be proud that our writers can now create multimedia content. It shows we have come of age. The baby step taken in 2020 has developed into adult strides that will eventually become giant leaps. The 21-day challenge will be a recurring fixture because it will form part of a digital product I’m developing. As we already know, the best part of our journey together is yet to come. By the end of January, we will meet again to chart the path for 2024 starting with our Book In A Year challenge which commenced in June 2023. I thank everyone for their support especially those who participated in this challenge. I’m fulfilled that we learned a thing or two. I also use this opportunity to appeal for more participation from our community. Happy New Year!

Blog, Creative Essays

Commentary On My Digital Product by Oluwaseun Osanyinro

1. Journey in the Media Unit: As time marched on, I discovered something big — more significant than just crafting digital stuff. It’s the power of being there, doing your thing, day in and day out. The power of consistency. This realization hit home when I joined the Media Unit at Living Faith Church, Total Garden. Being consistent in creating digital products for all sorts of church happenings helped me grow big time in content creation, social media vibes, and even a bit of graphic design. The once naïve content writer could finally create digital products worthy of commendation. What can I say helped? Time and consistency. Thinking back to my first week in the unit, I was no digital wizard. Writing was my comfort zone. A safe place, a hiding place. But, you know what? Curiosity kicked in, and I couldn’t resist diving into the world of graphic design. Maybe the creativity pulled me in or the play with colors and shapes that produced captivating designs. My environment, the Media Unit, encouraged my new-found passion. There was always something to create. A design to invite members and newcomers to church, a design to summarize the service, a design to invite members to concerts or children’s parties etc. Every task I embarked on brought me closer to competence. Fast forward a few months, and I was not just jotting down sentences during sermons; I was diving headfirst into creating cool graphic designs, empowered to create compelling digital products. Last Sunday was like a highlight reel of how far I’ve come. Two assignments, limited time. But my time management skills, which I’ve been polishing up, kicked in. First, I soaked in the Pastor’s words, capturing those moments that hit deep. After a bit of proofreading, which I did meticulously, I worked my magic with Adobe Photoshop, turning those phrases into eye-catching sermon notes. Posted them on social media with a short caption, and to top it off, a reel on Facebook. Our church activities never looked so vibrant. The likes and comments were testaments. https://web.facebook.com/reel/367643412612744 For the other service bits, CapCut was my go-to for editing videos, throwing in some tunes, and sharing them online. My digital creations became the life of the party for our church happenings. Nowadays, I use CapCut to create birthday shoutouts for members of my church and to celebrate notable milestones. 2. The 21-Day Writing Challenge: Ever heard that you can make or break a habit in three weeks? Well, that is what Cmonionline’s 21-day writing challenge was all about. It happened at a time when my phone decided to go on vacation, whether I liked it or not. At the start, I had no clue what I was getting into. Balancing work, writing, and keeping up with online posts was a bit like juggling flaming torches. My writing prowess was taking a hit. I have had my fair share of disappearing acts — sometimes for a month or a few weeks — usually when life gets a bit too crazy. But this challenge was different. It was a learning rollercoaster, all thanks to the writing community. In our second meeting, we dug into Hal Elrod’s “The Miracle Morning.” It struck a chord with me. Taking charge of the day in the first 60 minutes — meditating, exercising, jotting down thoughts before the world wakes up. A way of staying consistent as a writer before the crazy day kicks in. It’s become my secret sauce, making me better at tackling the day. Now, what happens after the 21-day challenge? Can I vanish into thin air forever? That was the ponder as we ended the challenge. Buffer — the secret weapon our convener dropped on us answered my question. It’s a game-changer, linking all my social media, scheduling posts, keeping tabs on engagement. It’s like having a reliable sidekick, making sure I don’t ghost the online world for too long. I usually say What you don’t know is your older brother. I was elated and tried my hands on it and within an hour, I made my first post simultaneously to my Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn pages. On improvement, I would say I am already on my way. Having a faulty phone has helped me realize I could do well without a mobile phone on me at every minute of the day. I would love to cut down more of my social media activity to certain hours of the day and spend my time on productive activities such as getting a certification in creative writing and plot. In all, I would always thank Cmonionline for his passion for building a writing community not after prize money only but becoming better writers daily. It was three weeks I would not forget in a hurry.


A Commentary On My Purpose Driven Challenge by Solomon Ekoja

  Digital products created: Silent night Long time ago All things bright and beautiful That name Jesus I die daily He takes a beggar and makes him a king I have a shepherd BIBLE is good enough for me – YouTube I believe – YouTube https://www.youtube.com/ekoja7 https://docs.google.com/document/d/17vaU2b9lJ7-QPFsgD00nefsjzPua7Ng_/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=117109243475770631899&rtpof=true&sd=true As a creative, one may be tempted to expend energy on unproductive ventures while the wheels of creativity rust. This was my story. Though caught in this web, the 21-day challenge from distraction liberated me from the grip of this fruitless adventure. After engaging in a critical thinking exercise to come up with a creative idea, my mind went back to my dormant 3 years old YouTube channel, which had just a video on its dashboard. The challenge challenged me to create over 10 YouTube videos for public consumption. Reasons why I chose the Carol video production: *There was a need for digital contents with the capacity to lift one’s spirit during the Christmas and New Year celebrations. *I wanted to create a routine and cultivate a positive habit that could become a lifestyle *I yearned to revive my channel after years of dormancy *I desired to create content that could be consumed by kids and adults globally *I wanted to develop my music skills *I have always longed to impart my generation positively Method approach used: As a creative, one needs to study his environment for trends/seasons to create digital products that resonate with the needs of consumers. With Christmas drawing close, the knowledge helped me to leverage the season to create some carol videos. In creating the products, I first researched the lyrics of some songs from the internet to get a personal copy. This was followed by a series of practice sessions to be conversant with the tone, pitch, and keys. After gaining some mastery, I recorded and reviewed my first video draft to measure my performance and correct lapses. With the necessary corrections taken, I proceeded to record my final videos in a calm and quiet environment. This was done to avoid unnecessary distractions. When the final recordings were completed, I saved my files safely in a phone folder. For newbies, it is important to take note of this step because failure to do so may lead to the loss of an entire digital production output. After creation, I got a data package from my network provider to upload the files to my YouTube channel. This took hours from me and were it not for my resilience, I would have abandoned the exercise midway. From my experience, I noticed that it is easier to download files from the internet than to upload them. Digital creatives should always try to imbibe the virtue of patience during this stage because; uploading may sometimes be frustrating to newbies. In addition, I tried to monitor the progress of my digital products after uploading them to gain insight into areas I needed to improve upon to retain my audience. From my observation on the 18th of December 2023, my videos were able to have about 100 views from members of the public. This progress wouldn’t have been measurable without the skill of follow-up. Digital creators should please try their best to follow the analytics of produced works because in analysis lies progress. Finally, one thing I noticed about some digital creators is that they hardly extend their knowledge and failure stories to others. To escape this norm, I deliberately took it upon myself to teach my learners/orphans how to sing some songs and engaged them to create some digital products too. This I believe may be the spark they would need to thrive in this digital era while they age. What I learned: In the course of the 21-day challenge, I learned how to create and upload video clips to YouTube. This proved to me that anyone anywhere could be a digital creator. As I deliberately carved out time to exercise my body after the day’s work, it eased me from stress and helped me to think straight. This is a testament to the important role exercise plays in spicing up the creativity of a digital creator. My visit to the NKST orphanage exposed me to the bitter plight of disadvantaged members of the public. It further enlightened me about the voluntary role I needed to play in my community. As a lucky online attendee at the Drucker Forum conference in Austria, I learned that as a leader, I needed to normalize regrets to become a better negotiator, problem solver, and strategist. In the course of the challenge, I was able to complete an 8-week business management course organized by the Tony Elumelu Foundation in less than 2 weeks. Thanks to my resolve to deliberately shut out distractions and be productive. Through the extension of my music skills, I learned about the virtue of transferring knowledge across generations. After visiting a sick colleague, I understood the importance of purposeful rest. Areas for improvement: * With primary assignments calling for my attention, there’s an urgent need to learn balanced multitasking *I need to develop my networking skills amidst varying commitments. *Deliberately scheduling rest without feeling guilty.   Click here to read a richer version of this on Google Docs.

Blog, Creative Essays, Writers

Commentary on my Digital Product : Immigrants of the Turbulent Waters by Becky Oludayo Peleowo

                                                                                                            I  I recall that the first time I became fully conscious of illegal migration was when I heard a first-hand story from a victim at an Illegal migration awareness conference, where I had accompanied some secondary school students to listen to the dangers of this shady business. The stories I heard that day tormented me for months and strengthened my resolve never to be desperate about leaving Nigeria. It was even more a resolve not to seek permanent residency in any country outside the coasts of Africa. You can say I was traumatised by the stories I heard and you would be right. Who would not be after hearing such gory tales?  That resolve waned with time but I would still vehemently discourage illegal migration. Many Nigerians are unaware of the peril that lies ahead of going through unauthorised paths to a foreign land. Many lack an international passport but will fall victim to agents who promise to take them abroad with seamless efforts. My commentary centres on this persistent challenge as the Japa Syndrome due to the financial crisis and insecurity in Nigeria is on the rise.  The 21-day self-evaluation exercise organised by the Cmoni group required us to do away with bad habits that were affecting our productivity and build new and better ones. Luckily I was taking a digital marketing course and the time I used to chitchat on social media was channelled into this course and also on writing in a platform, (Nircle community), where we had to write on different prompts monthly – For instance, December’s prompt is water. What could I write about water?  First I had to complete my Capstone Project for the Digital Women Boot Camp, then to make this commentary and finally to submit my entry on the prompt in Nircle Community. Merging this task was herculean for me but since one of the skills I tried to improve on during the 21-day retreat was time management, I decided to work on a vocalised poem as my digital product. The poem was my entry for the Nircle Community. I recorded the poem as a voice-over track, then used some stock and personal images to create content that emotionally appeals to the public. I used the Capcut app to achieve this and the experience of creating and editing my design was an exhilarating one for me.  The topic, “Immigrants of the Turbulent Waters” was chosen because I had to write on water and secondly because of a distant relative who was reported to have left Nigeria through one of these illegal means and her immediate family had no information on her whereabouts. A neighbour also shared his brother’s pathetic story on the same topic. Drawing my inspiration from these situations, I linked water to illegal immigration by sea and then I wrote a poem for the Nircle Community and made a vocalised poem in video form for my Cmoni Project, using the skills I had acquired from the Digital Boot Camp. Now I have one theme presented in different forms. You must be thinking of the cliche, “Killing two birds with one stone.” That’s just what it is!                                                       II  During the 21-day disengagement exercise, I acquired digital skills. I learnt Search Engine Optimisation, Google Analytics, Social media analytics, and web analytics amongst others.  Currently, I have confirmed my Google website and am already taking measures to increase the visibility of my business in search rankings.  Just like I mentioned earlier, my time management skill has improved. This makes me more productive and gives me a sense of fulfilment. The above-mentioned skill could not have been achieved without the Pomodoro app – Focus and Google tasks.  Regular writing on the Nircle app and reading from other writers expanded my knowledge, especially in poetry and non-fiction writing. Writing more often is one of the target skills I had to improve and I achieved this and got rewarded for my effort. I was able to read often too but this time my focus was on the resources for the Digital Marketing Course. I am glad to say I completed the course and I am looking forward to my certificate, a document that will propel me into the digital jobs sphere.  On improvement, I would love to spend less time using my mobile phone. I noticed that my daily dealings revolve around it. I’m already using my laptop for journaling but then the portability of the mobile phone makes it a better option. The time away from this device will be spent on family bonding. 

Blog, Lifestyle

Your pathway to online productivity.: Disappear For 21 Days.

Week 1: Welcome to our first meeting. I’m a stickler for punctuality but I usually give 10 minutes because we all know the frustrations with Nigerian networks. So after 10 minutes, we started with Becky Peleowo and Solomon Ekoja. The attendance was good enough for me to unpack my points without any feeling of disappointment. I’m experienced enough to know that doubts often follow disappointments. It is even more so in the early stages. Your response should be to hang in there with self-belief because you are creating value to build something bigger than yourself. The disappointment and doubts will eventually form an interesting part of your success story. So I thanked them for accepting the challenge and turning up. Now let’s dive in. I’m excited about this self-development step of having better control of your time. If you have been following my writing, you will know I’m interested in skills capabilities development with writing as the crucible. I develop compelling content including but not limited to articles that not only inform but also provoke thought and discourse. It’s a burgeoning passion fueled by the desire to give back to society. Before now, I wrote sociopolitical commentaries mostly on Facebook — arguably a complete waste of time. I could write multiple posts daily. It’s easy. I introduce the topic, smack down opposing views, then present my take and conclude. That’s it. Post done and arguments ensue! But if I have to be published in a newspaper — perhaps a worthwhile venture —  I take my time to research the topic, review the background, argue for and against it, and analyse the different perspectives before concluding with my opinion/suggestions. It’s a skill I learned in my Cardiff days studying Political Communication. It’s also a better way of articulating my thoughts in a more comprehensible manner. However, I decided to move on to scalable writing, investing my resources in building digital communities for knowledge acquisition that will enhance the productivity of our teeming youths. I no longer fall for cheap dopamine and the vacuous validation of uncritical minds. Now I derive real enduring pleasure in reading stories from writers in our growing community, in seeing their enthusiasm as we chat during Talkshops and in the vision I have for younger people to be more productive by creating solutions that add value. The cmonionline essay competition was a baby step I took during the pandemic lockdown of 2020 to improve the waning literary culture in Nigeria. Through repetitions and iterations, we developed consistency in writing and we keep growing. Already a member of our community Oluwaseun Osanyinro has published a book and more members will evolve into published authors at the end of our current “A Book In A Year” project.  We are also evolving into digital creators, educators and multiple solution providers as we acquire practicable digital skills through various e-tivities. It’s a process, and even though progress may appear slow now, I am certain the tune will be different sooner than later. By embarking on this journey we will reduce the distractions in a fast-paced world and increase our focus which of course is essential for improved productivity. During our meeting, I narrated my Facebook story which informed this challenge. I also shared my experience with Communities Of Practice, a module in my post-graduate studies at UCC which exposed me to the importance of group work and collaboration. Future write-ups will have these stories but for now, let’s focus on what we can start doing. Much of what we have to do in 21 days is in the text you read. In between we will meet thrice to discuss and learn on Sundays 19/11/2023, 26/11/2023 & 03/12/2023. If you haven’t read the post please find time to read it here. Let me repeat number 6 which will form the basis of the final creative project that will win the 100k prize. Journal: Finally, get a notepad/diary, traditional or digital and write down your daily routine/experience. As hard as it may seem, endeavour to write some words each morning. 100, 200 or more words will do as the following 3 weeks may well prove to be a turning point. And what better way to appreciate it than to record it for possible systemisation, productisation and monetisation! ACTIONABLE TIPS: You can start doing any or all of the following that require zero capital. 1. Create a routine if you don’t have one already. If your routine is based on your current job you need to modify it to integrate your aspirations. Don’t spend all your time working to achieve another person’s goal. 2. Start sanitising your social media TL Follow those who post value and your interests. Interact, engage. Social media is a mirror that works on algorithms. Your input determines your output. I follow and unfollow people daily. If you constantly tweet values like writing and other skills I’ll follow you. If you repeatedly tweet frivolities like betting and porn I will unfollow you. Read this post to understand more. 3. Use a reminder to think twice before you act online. eg I have a stop sign as my screensaver. It reminds me to stop engaging in frivolities when I pick up my phone. 4. Start creating online. I’ve written about this here. The creator economy is huge and guess what? It requires zero capital to start. You only need digital skills. There are tons of free and affordable knowledge tutors to learn from. Podcasts, YouTube videos, courses etc. 5. Use tools that aid your consistency. eg I use Buffer to schedule my posts every Sunday. If I’m driving or sleeping my scheduled posts are uploaded. You can start with free versions of these tools till you feel the need to upgrade. 6. Start learning a new skill or something. As you would expect I recommend writing ie if you are not writing already. But there are many other skills, especially digital skills to learn for free. Email and social media marketing, graphic design, copywriting, public

Blog, News

Winners: #WritingContest

We published 11 stories and 9 poems summing up to 20 entries for this #WritingContest and you can read them here. The winners of the N100,000 cash prize emerged following our peer review on 01/10/2023. 1. Solomon Ekoja tops the list with the most nominations, (3 for his poem One More Push and 1 for The Blame Game Analysis). I love the essay, it was written in a unique style and further shows the writer’s versatility. It is worth saying that only Solomon submitted 3 entries. Congratulations, you have won N20,000. 2. Victor Oladejo got 3 nominations, (2 for Notes On Nigeria and 1 for Sailor). We all know this writer is a talented and consistent veteran of our community. The poem which I describe as hybridized was brilliantly written. Additionally, the fact that the feature story was actually his first attempt in the genre is also a testament to the foregoing. Congrats Victor, you will receive a credit alert of N15,000. 3. Becky Peleowo also had 3 nominations for her brief but entertaining story Who Is Buchi’s Father. The writer also penned a poem Tetralogy Of Hope Songs which is equally as good if not better. Well done Becky, you have won N15,000. 3. Chukwuemeka Oluka had 2 nominations for his feature story titled Nigeria’s Turbulent Journey: Who Is To Blame. He wins N10,000. Congratulations! Faith Oyadiran, Emmanuel Enaku and Oluwaseun Osanyinro had a nomination each for Meeting The Mysterious (A Night With The Deities), My Father and Weapons Of Defence respectively. They have won N10,000 each. Oluwaseun’s story received the following plaudits from Oluka: For “Weapons of Defence,” much as it was laced with fear, the writer was able to infuse some pockets of humour into her story. Imagine when she wrote, “Had I been in my room, I would have plugged my phone.” That, for me, was sublime and off the chart. Now this is what we need to see more. Going forward we should be able to outline particular sections of a story that released the dopamine for us during our peer review sessions. And then ONLY those who attend the session will be eligible. This will promote transparency and improve our commitment to the process. Kenneth Nwabuisi and Victor Akintomide will be encouraged with N5000 each. Writers are urged to get creative with their captions. You mustn’t use the topic as your story title. Sadly one writer plagiarised and was banned from the competition. It is disgusting to see such behaviour. Writers who only send in entries when there is money to be won are more likely to flout the rules. We are NOT here to make money but to learn and improve in the craft we love. Please beware and say NO TO PLAGIARISM. Writers are advised to join our WhatsApp group to keep abreast of our activities by sending an email request to admin@cmonionline.com as only those who participate in our peer reviews will be eligible for the prize. Also, endeavour to get a domain of your own to start building your platform. Feedback has been sent to some writers and you can always refer to our free resources and this post in particular for tips that will help you to improve your writing. We thank everyone who participated in this competition and those who have been on the journey with us. Our special appreciation goes to Stanley Ugbo Okeke whose benevolence made this contest rewarding. Next up will be the BIG ONE..follow our social media pages for regular updates.


Writing Contest.

My good friend Stanley Ugbo Okeke recently blessed me with N100k and I decided to reward those participating in our book-in-a-year challenge. So for N100k let’s write! Please choose from the topics and follow the instructions below; Who is to blame for Nigeria’s turbulent journey? Bad weather, the passengers or the captains? (Feature) Fuel subsidy removal, analysing the effects and possible suggestions for a better economy. (Opinion) Meeting the mysterious – A tale on fear. (Fiction) Between the Devil and the Deep Blue Sea – The dilemma of resolving a serious issue or committing suicide. (Fiction)  Don’t give up. (Poetry) Write an ode to a person who has played a huge role in your life. (Poetry)   INSTRUCTIONS: The word count for poetry is (500 -750) and (1000-1500) for fiction/feature/opinion ±10% You MUST submit 2 entries one of which MUST be poetry. The submission deadline is 11:59 pm 15/09/2023. IMPORTANT!!! Edit & proofread thoroughly before submitting your entry. Your entry will not be published if it is full of errors. Submit via email to admin@cmonionline.com  Note: Read our general rules before submitting your work. Pay particular attention to items 2 & 9 because many entries have been trashed for not following instructions. WARNING!!! PLAGIARISM will get you banned from this platform. We will publish the essays as they come. Please try to submit early to make our job easier. Share your published stories widely for others to read. Good luck!

Blog, Creative Essays, Writers

“Shap Shap” by Faith Oyadiran

I know a very bright young man. He lacked proficiency in the English language. He is very diligent (I’m not giving out his details so people won’t come for me). He was asked to give another word that could replace “hurriedly.” In his innocence, he wrote “shap shap.” One of my girls saw it and burst into laughter. I had a good laugh as well. I must reiterate that the young man did it innocently. I will assume that the song “Oluwa, answer me sharp, sharp, answer me sharp, sharp” from Funke Akindele’s epic Blockbuster “Battle on Buka Street” will naturally pop up in your head like it did in mine. After that event, I headed to my office. I needed to be alone. I adjusted my chair, drew my table close and blanked out of my immediate environment. I mulled over that particular incident. It was hilarious but the paradox didn’t elude me. It is a representation of how rationality has been rationed over the years. We have transcended the vistas of logic. “Sharp sharp” has morphed into “shap shap” At that moment, I realized the importance of “deep work” which stood in stark contrast to “shap shap” I joined a writing group (A Book in a Year, hosted by @cmonionline) in May, and I can remember two different sessions where the resource personnel emphasized the importance of “deep work.” It lent more depth to my contemplations. “We are the generation that is quick to put everything on display including our folly” I concluded. Process, depth, and diligence often eroded in a whiff. Hotness and parsimony have been awarded prominence over posterity. “Balloons and balloons,” my friend and I once joked. An occasion without them is criticized as not colourful. A church service without them is bland and unorganized. Gifts and flowers without them are watered down. Pastries without them are regarded as a “mountain of flours” and so on. My friend further mimicked a scenario from the Bible in the old KJV’s voice: “O ye generation of balloons, who has bewitched you into the blow fast and ‘poof’ in a swift doctrine? The essence of the joke was to foreground how deep we have sunk into shallowness. We quest for everything like fast food but neglect the transcendence that comes from meticulous efforts. This is why the gaps in many success stories will forever remain unarticulated. The process can never be cheated. I reminisce on Ralph Ellison’s ‘Invisible Man.’ My intent is not to draw attention to the shenanigans surrounding the settings of the literary work. Neither do I seek to draw away the sympathy the protagonist has garnered across ages. I’m intrigued by the unnamed guy’s demise into oblivion. He embarked on adventures to gain a voice. Every measure of visibility he attains makes him more obscure. The irony of the story comes to the fore when the unnamed hero cements his invisibility by ending up in a manhole buried forever in oblivion. In isolation, we discover that he has been given a rare opportunity in the form of time, obscurity, and a perfect atmosphere to do an appraisal. We have the tools for lasting success at our disposal, so why not give due diligence to careful observation? Pay attention to details. Ponder and rummage. Study and gather facts. Then give yourself time to grow. Investing in the wind guarantees that you will be swept away by the formidable momentum it yields. Oyadiran Faith is a graduate of English Language and Literary Studies from Obafemi Awolowo University Osun State, Nigeria. He is an avid reader and a passionate writer. He currently works as a Diction instructor. He is on Instagram as @Op_bolu and can be reached @oyadiranfaithopeyemi@gmail.com

Blog, FEATURES, Lifestyle

Success Journey XXVII: Why We Offer Free Training In Graphic Design.

If you can’t explain it simply, you don’t understand it well enough.~Albert Einstein Last year Cmonionline sponsored the training of 5 people in Graphic Design. Then I approached about 5 trainers but Geneza had the best customer relationship and also offered a generous discount in appreciation of our noble initiative. The 5 people trained last year have since moved on and we hope they are utilising the knowledge gained. This year we promised to train 10 writers but only 4 wrote in for the challenge and we have now paid for the training of the following four writers. Chukwuemeka Oluka: The Trajectory and Influence of Digital Technology in Graphic Design Becky Peleowo: Hidden Millionaire Faith Oyadiran: I Came To Win Emmanuel Enaku: Being The Boss I congratulate them and hope they not only benefit but also utilise this opportunity going forward. You can search the internet for the benefits of graphic design but let me quickly illustrate this using my experience. When I started publishing I was using stock photos from Google. You know with that there’s always the right of copyright infringement but we take these things for granted in Nigeria. I studied media law as a module during my master’s, so I’m aware such things shouldn’t be taken for granted where I now reside. I had to use original graphics. On inquiry, I was introduced to a handful of designers and after trying them out I settled for Chuks because his designs creatively appealed to me a lot more. Then he would charge 2k, 3k or 5k max for a design. Usually simple designs for blog posts. But we always had one problem. I’m sure you can guess what it is. Yes! breach of the delivery deadline. If we agree on delivery for Monday I would zero my mind for Wednesday, not even Tuesday and sometimes the Wednesday will not be met. Every job with Chuks reminded me of tailors during Christmas! As the delivery disappointments continued it struck me that I could do the designs myself. Perhaps not as good but at least something I could use for my posts. They are simple enough really. Now Vodafone used to send me monthly freebies which I ignore but I remember getting one for a free graphic design course. I decided to try my luck. So I called them and luckily it was still available. Canva Basics, a 4-week course of about 60–90 minutes weekly. I can’t be too sure now but it wasn’t more than 2 hrs. I jumped in and the rest is history. I’m still learning but I now do all the jobs I usually outsourced to Chuks. And guess what? I can get most done in less than 20 minutes. After some months Chuks hit me up on WhatsApp and was like; “Oga good day sir. E don tey o” “Yep, longest time..how you dey?” I replied. “Good sir. Only say hunger de wire person”, he said jokingly. “I knoooow! 9ja is now the poverty capital of the world”, I said in agreement. He then asked why I wasn’t giving him jobs anymore and wondered if I stopped publishing. I sent him a design with a grin and told him to help me with clients. I bragged that I may even be a better designer than he is right now. We had a good laugh and agreed to keep in touch for possible future collaborations. Recently my friend in America needed a poster and asked me to recommend a graphic designer. I could have done it but I remembered Chuks and referred him immediately. 10k may not be much to me but it can take care of groceries for Chuks. That is the beauty of networking and it is part of what I encourage at Cmonionline. I can’t imagine what I’ve saved myself in terms of time and money (2 of the most valuable resources) since I started doing my graphics. If I have created 500 designs I could have paid for 200. At 5k each that’s a cool million. But more importantly, I saved myself the invaluable hours I could have lost chasing Chuks around. Now back to the juice. In a few years, there will be half a trillion dollars for the taking by content creators. And no, I didn’t make that up. The reputable global financial firm Goldman Sachs recently predicted that “as the ecosystem grows, the total addressable market of the creator economy could roughly double in size over the next five years to $480 billion by 2027 from $250 billion today”. These days anyone can be a creator. So long as you have a smartphone and data, you can post whatever you want and there may just be an audience out there. But the outstanding creators are mostly those who creatively deploy digital skills to produce unique content that simply and concisely delivers the message. Nevertheless, if you can play with audiovisual stuff, you can boldly claim to be a creator. Yet few realize that the first port of arrival for any original thought/idea is a blank page. Writing is the mother of all media creations! We all know that oftentimes writing doesn’t pay the bills. Many successful authors had to juggle between work and writing. Some even worked multiple jobs to make ends meet while still pushing the craft they loved. So it is normal that writers are asked to earn through other means even as they push the pen. These days you also have to work smart to save time and make your chosen vocation more enjoyable. There are a million ways to do this but the one I love especially is graphic design because it creatively stimulates my latent talent in fine arts. Yes! I was great in fine arts during my early days. I drew a wonderful picture of Samson slaying the lion from The Children’s Bible back then. That pic lives eternally in my mind and God knows I will resume fine arts soon.

Blog, Resources

A Book In A Year And Our Vision.

Let’s talk about 3 things. Our ongoing writing project The graphic design course Our vision Punctuality is a big problem with Nigerians but I allow for just 10 minutes. Again it’s easy to feel discouraged when you don’t have the numbers for an event but I long learned to keep pushing with what you have. That’s exactly what my essay on the plurality myth talked about. If you keep waiting for the right moment or numbers then progress or even starting at all will remain elusive. So at 17:10hrs, we started the meeting with 2 members in the room but we were later joined by others. A BOOK IN A YEAR: I know some of us may not have started writing while some would have written for a month. Life is like that and we may well have valid reasons for lagging behind but no time is late. I also didn’t start immediately because I fell ill and did some training for a new job when I felt better. But I have started and believe me I’m flying. So you can start now and still finish before everyone. The most important thing like every other thing in life is to start. Having said that let me begin with my own project. I am doing a series on self-development which I publish as The Success Journey. I initially started writing it based on eternal principles with real-life examples to make it more relatable. Along the line, I read Attention Span by Gloria Mark which offered a different perspective on digital distraction and productivity. I reckoned I should adapt my writing to reflect the internet world we live in. So I am now interrogating more resources on digital productivity, books, podcasts, stories etc. I also started following people that talk about related topics to fill my cognitive resources. In the end, I will sort what I have produced, develop it more and arrange it into chapters and bang I have a draft! I write daily now but of course, I can’t publish everything. However, I try to publish at least 2 stories each week. Even though I have deleted all my drafts on politics I still have over 20 left. Some 50 and some 400 words. This is even with my workload which is now clocking about 40hrs. As a matter of fact, by the end of today, I would have done 48hrs for the week. Yet, in between I still find time to oversee my businesses in Nigeria. My hack is this: I wake up by 5:15 am and do deep work for over 2 hrs before I start the day. If you know you really don’t own the rest of the day and that you must work to earn then 2 hours daily is certainly more than enough to keep building towards goals and objectives that will define your lifetime. Faith Oyadiran is working on a project he described as a kind of hybrid between fiction and non-fiction. I encouraged him to keep up his writing practice by trying out other topics every now and then. Life is not linear and even though you are writing a book there are still many other issues to discuss. Emmanuel Enaku has about 10000 words in a story where he is trying out a character that isn’t Messidinho. I believe he can create as many characters as he likes because we all know he has a knack for creative fiction. He also has over 5000 words in another native story that will require more work and research. It was delightful to hear about these huge strides. Surely we will have more published authors after 365 days. On the reward process, I think we are yet to make enough progress, after the 2nd month we can discuss that. Already we have ideas like book reviews noted down from our previous meetings and I am also searching for a practicable weekly short contest that will replace my defunct Twitter #SundayPuzzle GRAPHIC DESIGN COURSE: I have shared that I got the same price as last year for the training and that is great news considering the rate of inflation and the worsening economic hardship. If my friends don’t come through with their pledges I will fund the training. It is not a big deal after all only 4 people wrote in and I can decide to fund those 4 if my pocket is feeling choked. VISION: You may have come across the paraphrases in my writings but here is where we are headed in a nutshell. To be the leading platform for FREE and AFFORDABLE digital skill acquisition. Starting with writing we will keep acquiring complementary digital skills that are vital for improved productivity in our world today. We are still a long way but we are on the right path. They say two good heads are better than one and that is why I encourage contributions. We are building something that will exceed our expectations. A tribe that will collectively add greater value to our society than we can do individually. However, achieving this will depend largely on two major factors I sing about daily and please pay particular attention to them. (i) Consistency: If you are working towards a target try not to lose focus till it’s achieved. One way you can achieve this is by being consistent. If you decide to write daily then write daily. I have already written on this and you can peruse it here. (ii) Platform: Get your own domain, I can’t say this enough and I also wrote about growing your Platform. Read, like, share and engage texts, ideas, resources, and publications. Take advantage of this community and other networks to grow by supporting each other. Be deliberate about this because all the hard work will amount to nothing if you have no platform that will serve as your launch pad as well as a support system. Patrick Collison said; “Make friends over the internet with people

Blog, Resources

Success Journey XXVI: Brain Dump, Get It Off Your Chest!

A brain dump is an idea you have but need to remember for later. Brain-dump your thoughts to get your work done. ~ Anon I was a bit hesitant in doing this because I thought hell there are loads of articles on the topic which anyone can access but on second thoughts I remembered I had my own audience and if I want to serve them why should I refer them to others? Surely I can articulate the few ideas I have in my voice and recommend further readings. In On Writing, best-selling author Stephen King also stated that writing became easier in his later years as he rarely spent beyond 3–6 months on any new project, at least for his first draft. He said he struggled to understand how writers spend years writing one book/novel when all that was required was just pouring out those thoughts. Let us examine this a bit more. I liken it to the popular advice in writing; Write daily. Some advise us to embark on “word dump” this with brain dumping). Yes, we can dive in and dump everything. It’s a strategy that helps in many ways but most significantly in overcoming the dreaded writer’s block. The fact that many best-selling writers attribute their success to the brain-dump/writing-sprint method doesn’t necessarily mean it will work for you but it does work because I have tried it and I just did a dump before starting this post. I usually wake up with a clear head at 5:15 am. I used to wake at 4:50 am until I asked myself where I was hurrying to so I decided to add an extra half hour. No, I cut 5 minutes and added 25 more minutes. Back to the topic. I woke up with an unusual cluster of thoughts even though I had a good rest and I just couldn’t figure out why. My thoughts were running wild with different issues competing to be at the fore. I figured this was because I had a jampacked weekend of work including on Sunday and in between I had 3 scheduled meetings. One with the cmonionline community and two with business concerns. I had to clear my head! So I decided to do a brain dump instead of my usual Morning pages. Yes, I do a brain dump multiple times but I do Morning Pages once a day. I set my timer for 15 minutes. I usually do brain dumps for less, max 5 minutes. Most times I just use a voice recorder and pour out my thoughts for 3 minutes. More often this serves as a reminder than to clear my head. As I started dumping my thoughts I soon realised that the recurring worry was related to my unpreparedness for the meeting I scheduled with my staff at Newross & Co. By the time I finished, 3 out of the 4 pages I wrote had almost everything I should need for the meeting. I knew I had done enough. I can develop the points further while speaking during the meeting. My head was clear and I faced my laptop to write what you are reading now. That is really one of the primary purposes of doing a brain dump; to clear your cluster of thoughts and allow your conscious mind to focus on the Most Important Task MIT. It is a great technique for beginners as well as experienced writers because we all have millions of thoughts roaming through the brain in high entropy. And the sweetest part is that there are no RULES! Some writers will advise you to do it on screen or in longhand. Others will tell you to use a speech recorder. Yet some will advise you to set out a time of the day. These tips are all worthwhile but just do you. Do what suits you. There are other benefits and like I said at the beginning this is the time to refer you to other texts. You can read them up here and then check out more tips in my repertoire of writing resources in a digital era. We live in a time when it is easier to do many things including writing more than ever in history, so why not utilise the available tools to improve the craft you love? Before I leave you, hear this. I recently came across a mind-blowing software that makes you bang out words at a breakneck pace. The write-or-die app created by Dr Wicked is designed to delete your previous words if you don’t churn out more at a certain rate. Can you beat that? Of course, you can! The app is over a decade old. We now have ChatGPT from Elon Must and other AI text generators with seemingly limitless possibilities. The future is scary looking at the speed of these technological innovations. But we won’t run away. We are here to stay so we will definitely adapt because that is what humans do. If you enjoyed this please share it and hit the follow button to join our community of digital creatives at cmonionline.com let’s grow together. Thanks for reading.

Blog, FEATURES, Lifestyle, Resources

Success Journey XXV: Why Writing Is The Crucible Of All Media Creations.

Writing isn’t about making money, getting famous, getting dates, getting laid, or making friends. In the end, it’s about enriching the lives of those who will read your work, and enriching your own life, as well. ~ Stephen King   I’ve had a few people question why I chose writing. Why not create audiovisual content like others are doing and start earning money? I mean writing doesn’t pay much, does it? It should be easier to convince and convene people to learn content creation that will earn them good money. Before I unpack my points let’s get two things straight. Firstly, it is erroneous to think that writers don’t make money. And secondly, writing is the root of all content. Now I am not a fan of those ads/articles that ‘reveal’ how you can make millions from writing etcetera simply because I know a majority of them are false. The aim is usually to sell something to you or worse still, sell you as a product by collecting your data. But don’t get me wrong people earn good money by writing. For instance, David Perell. But he will be the first to tell you the plain truth. You don’t become JK Rowling or Stephen King in a year or even 10. These bestselling authors were once like us, struggling to fill those blank pages and at times to pay the bills. The abraxas is that writing is a process. You just have to keep doing it by following the right path ie learning and implementing the strategies of those who succeeded before you. Then the millions MAY roll in. But even if you don’t earn big money you will still get the most important thing, fulfillment! There are innumerable reasons why writing is important and most people want to write for bragging rights. Of course, I want to belong to that elite societal class but I chose writing because of 3 things; 1. I love reading good stories. 2. It is a craft that gets you reading, thinking, and of course, writing MORE! (all components of learning). 3. Ultimately every creation started with an idea that must be written and acted on. So if thinking is the father of creativity ie the means of conception then writing is the mother that births it ie the delivery path. Writing is the mother of all media creations. There is practically nothing you can build or create without writing. Books, songs, movies etcetera. This is trite knowledge. Before now I used to scoff at Instagram slay queens who are all about skimpy wear and dancing as content. But I realised that many still write to describe their intention. Be it modelling, marketing or whatever, they write at least a line or two. So writing is critical. It is the crucible. If thinking is the father of ALL media conception then writing is the mother through which it is delivered. I hope I’m beginning to make sense. You can see that as a writer you already have the foundation to grow many branches. Your work can be converted into books, songs and movies. As writers, we join communities and interact because we want to keep improving our craft. Yet as as members of a larger society we equally want to acquire knowledge and skills in other areas that will improve our productivity. Learning from those who are doing it and willing to share free knowledge is a huge plus. Now even if we don’t set out to make money by writing we still want to earn some income from it. Money is the lifeblood of any society. It’s the sad truth but many make the mistake of prioritising the pursuit of money over value creation and end up disappointed or worse still, fall into greedy traps. But if you acquire essential skills, and create value/solutions the money will definitely pursue you. From writing to e-learning to languages and even foreign education and scholarships. I write about all these all the time because I want to learn and enhance my productivity with people who have the same goal. Through learning and networking, we can add better value to society and ultimately earn more. Now you can stack up these complementary skills and take a holistic approach to whatever you wish to create. Or you can niche down to the area that tickles your fancy the most. Either way, the ever-burgeoning creator economy is yours for the taking. You can brand and monetize your product and service after gaining the requisite experience. In the nearest future, this community would have metamorphosed into an institute for knowledge acquisition that will be either free or at the most affordable for anyone who desires to be intellectually productive. And the great thing is that by being part of our community you would have a diverse network of digital creatives as your support system. CAVEAT!!! There are no quick hacks. It’s a gradual process of trial and error. Learning and unlearning. Iteration and evolution. But believe me, it will be fulfilling and well worth it. In the meantime, we keep pushing with our current project of writing a book in a year. Reach out via our contact form if you want to join us or collaborate. If you enjoyed this please share it and hit the follow button to join our community of digital creatives let’s grow together. Thanks for reading.

Blog, Creative Essays, Writers

Being The Boss by Emmanuel Enaku

I poured myself yet another glass of Brandy and relaxed on the sofa. Life had been good the past few years. I had acquired lots of property and my bank account smiled daily with figures that carried excess zeros. I smiled as I sipped the Brandy. The drink traced a burning path down my throat and I began to feel a bit lightheaded and well, excited. I knew that I wasn’t supposed to get drunk because I’d need all the stamina I could get for the adventure Samantha Dinka — the wild, pretty, sassy and seductive damsel I met about a week — would be bringing but the date was 17th June, the day which, a year ago, the heavens seemed to have smiled down at me and made some editing to my life’s story. Did I say editing? Haha… Oh, dear! You see, I like to think that if there’s some supreme being out there, this being, would be a writer or something along the line. A huge hand wielding a huge pen and body bent over an equally huge desk, scribbling on a huge book, or perhaps, scroll — something like that, yunno, ancient of days with ancient stuff — and a supernatural brain pumping ideas into a supernatural imagination, hmm. I like to think all about this but it sometimes gets tedious as the stern voice of my Sunday school teacher would reach me from afar — “God’s ways are not our ways!”. Well, I give it to pastor Dotun. I think he knew better about God’s ways than I do even now. However, when I remember the effusive smile and powerful handshake Mr Chukwudi gave me on entering his office that Monday morning, I was sure that God must be a master of comedy, tragedy, tragicomedy — those sorts of things. My meeting with Don, AKA, Chukwudi was my first step in applying what I had learnt so far in the creator space. My journey of learning was, at first, more like an idle scrolling and reading and watching of YouTube videos — anything to distract me from the hurt I felt after my break-up with Sadiya, a ship that split right in the middle after colliding with the iceberg of religious incompatibility — and I could not believe, not in a long shot, that the snippets of knowledge I was gaining here and there would bring about such astronomical progress. You see, I signed that deal with Chukwudi for a paltry sum of money. I never saw Mr Chukwudi smile. He didn’t smile even as he signed the copywriting agreement and I didn’t smile either because I had lesser faith in myself and my abilities than he thought he had in me. I just wanted the distraction of a job. So, you could imagine my consternation when I saw his face, which had always looked like that of an angry ox, transformed with a pleasant wide grin. “Sit down, sit down!” He said, gesticulating with obese arms and then, he explained to me how my writing had brought in more customers and how business had thrived. As I left his office that afternoon, with my paycheck and a huge bonus, I was a completely different person. I began my blog and started a Messidinho series. A series that told a little of my life and my escapades as a young and hot nigga with an insatiable craving for honey-pots, what the Igbos called Otù. (Chuckles). I watched my followers increase across various social media platforms and took note of the corresponding increase in the figures at the bank. I became more adept. I started a series to help men who had low self-esteem and problems approaching women, leveraging my experience and the latest podcasting tools. Soon, I had paid classes that turned in a lot of people who were hungry to learn. For kids, I had a platform where I taught art creation. Having previously perfected my art ability and taken several courses on creative arts and graphics design, I employed people to work remotely from home giving tutorials not just in art and graphics but in many other subjects that a youngster would find interesting and perhaps, daunting. You know kids and adventures. I travelled and made vlogs, hosted conferences from the comfort of my home made use of Google meetings and similar tools. The money kept flowing. As my fans increased, I started getting paid in mega amounts of zeros to appear in shows and conferences within and outside the country. I wrote books, started a publishing company, created visibility online, across platforms and created a community for talented writers to grow. Soon, this community began to accept deals for ghostwriting, copywriting and playwriting from top shots and film houses. The journey has been great and I can only imagine what the future would bring, great, I’m sure! I mean, just look at it this way; the nearest future would bring Samantha Dinka, which isn’t going to be bad at all but ten years or so, wow. I’m already at the zenith of the Creator’s space but then, I doubt I’m ready to step down from the playing field. I know, I know you dread me having ten Samanthas. I don’t think I have the stamina anymore but there should be some wild nights or don’t you think so? Now, don’t look at me like that. I’m Messidinho after all and I don’t plan to stop being Messidinho anytime soon. (Chuckles).

Blog, Creative Essays, Writers

Hidden Millionaire by Becky O. Peleowo

I accompanied Maami to my cousin’s wedding on her insistence that I should reduce my digital presence and pay attention to “urgent” matters. My cousin, Kiki is getting married at 28. Kiki, a fresh graduate has no job but her would-be affluent husband would take full responsibility for her needs. That was what mattered more in Maami’s eyes. I also needed to prove to our extended family that I was not an Ashewo, the classified prostitute every one of them thought I was. I didn’t refuse Maami’s request because it was hopeless to do so. Even a widely acclaimed attorney would not win an argument against her. For Pete’s sake, why would my own family think I am a prostitute? Is it a crime to be a millionaire? Is it wrong to work from home rather than prance about town like a hunted gazelle? Or does driving a Lexus RX 350 and dishing out highly competitive content on social media make one a prostitute? What about being an author, a blogger, a TikTok queen and a social media influencer? I worked hard to earn my keep. Maybe Maami was right; Many Nigerians like to hear a simple-name profession. You have to be a doctor, a lawyer or a what-the-world-wants-me-to-be. I feel for Maami as I thought of her trying to defend her 40-year-old single-mum daughter that earns enough to buy a home on the Island in a classy metropolitan like Lagos. I imagine her trying to explain to her untutored circle of friends that her daughter made her money from writing and making videos that promote adverts for companies. I imagine her trying to explain how much effort I put into these videos, how frequently I study late into the night and how tasking replying to followers’ comments can be. Perhaps Maami needs to change her social circle to suit the changing times. Sitting on a decorated chair in the wedding hall with one of the flowers stands almost touching my head, I reminisced on how I started my journey to financial freedom. I used to be that jobless mother of one who had her CV in almost every organisation until one of the employers told me I was unemployable. What! Why? He said I lacked modern skills that could get me a decent job. I felt lost. I had grown up with criticism all my life. Body shaming and bullying were two monsters that tormented me until I discovered the route to self-esteem and self-development. I was born with bulging eyes that appear to be falling off their sockets when I spoke. In secondary school, I was always by myself because I did not want to be an object of ridicule to my friends. In my University days, I wore dark shades under the pretext of a sight defect just to ward off unpleasant comments. My sisters would call me “fish eyes” when I annoyed them. My mum would ask me why I was not as plump and curvaceous as my sisters. She would fret and lament how difficult it would be for me to find a man but now, I rock my “sexy eyes” and my petite figure like America’s next model as Donald would call them though I was closer to the floor in height. I looked around to see if Donald had arrived. He is my world and I am already feeling bored at the frivolities that clouded a typical Nigerian party. I anticipated Donald’s arrival with impatience. When I met Donald, I found out that there was finally one person who saw things differently from the scrutinizing eyes of the world. Everyone, including my son’s father, saw a skinny, unattractive woman who had no hope of making it on her own. My sisters used to tell me how lucky I was to have attracted my ex. Later I discovered he only wanted to marry me to process his visa to the United States and then he broke off the engagement and never returned, leaving me with an unborn baby. Donald saw a light in me that no one else saw. His first comment about my beautiful eyes still rings in my head and endears him to me. That he made me an independent woman and coached me into the creator economy was another reason Donald meant much to me. When we first met, I was shocked at how such a young guy could be so rich. He was a lab scientist but also a social influencer. He introduced me to digital marketing, then life coaching on Youtube and making content on TikTok. Currently, the best of our income comes from a partnership with companies on product advertisement and getting paid as social influencers. We created content on relationships, our daily life, health and many other topics that targeted the younger generation. Donald and I have been on for four years now and Maami thinks he might leave me for a younger woman soon. After all, why would a 35-year-old man dot on a 40-year-old woman with a child? “Wine, Ma’am?” A young dude carrying a tray of drinks flashed his teeth at me in the corner where I sat hoping that one of my followers would not recognise me. “Thanks,” I said, ruminating why the usher seemed jittery. I am not a celebrity, wait, maybe I am a digital one. “I should thank you!” He said beaming with smiles. “Why?” I replied “Your content on TikTok is inspiring.” “Really?” “Yes Ma’am!” “I follow you on Youtube and Instagram too. You’re Ewa from Ashes, right? I follow Don success too. I mean your boyfriend.” “Oh, thanks!” I gave a humble smile hoping the young chap would disappear before a family member appeared. Where on earth was Maami who wanted me to socialise and get a husband on time? “What’s happening here?” Maami always showed up when you needed her most. “Just one of my fans from the social sphere.” I turned to the youth, “If

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Writing Challenge: Free Graphic Design Training

The prize-winning for this challenge is the FREE graphic design course worth N40,000 each for 10 writers. If you attended our last Talkshop please indicate so in your submission email and your slot is guaranteed. If you missed it your submission will be assessed alongside others to qualify. Please choose from the topics and follow the instructions below; Trace how digital technology has influenced the role of graphic design. (Feature) Imagine your journey to the zenith of the creator economy and narrate it in a creative manner. (Fiction)   INSTRUCTIONS: The word count is (750-1000) ±10% The submission deadline is 11:59 pm 06/07/2023. IMPORTANT!!! Edit & proofread thoroughly before submitting your entry. Your entry will not be published if it is full of errors. Submit via email to admin@cmonionline.com  Note: Read our general rules before submitting your work. Pay particular attention to items 2 & 9 because many entries have been trashed for not following instructions. WARNING!!! PLAGIARISM will get you banned from this platform. We will publish the essays as they come. Please try to submit early to make our job easier. Share your published stories widely for others to read. Good luck!

Join our essay competition.

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