On This Day: The Fatal EgyptAir 804 Crash in 2016

On this day: in history (2016), the EgyptAir Flight 804 crashed into the Mediterranean Sea, killing all 56 passengers, 3 security personnel, and 7 crew members on board. The flight was a regularly scheduled international passenger flight from Paris Charles de Gaulle Airport to Cairo International Airport.

No mayday call was received by air traffic control.although signals that smoke had been detected in one of the aircraft’s lavatories and in the avionics bay were automatically transmitted via aircraft communication bsystem shortly before the aircraft disappeared from radar. The last communications from the aircraft prior to its submersion were two transmissions from its emergency locator transmitter that were received by satellite-aided search and rescue initiative. Debris from the aircraft was found in the Mediterranean.

In December 2016, Egyptian officials said traces of explosives were found on the bodies but in May 2017, French officials denied that.On 6 July 2018, France’s BEA stated that the most likely hypothesis was a fire in the cockpit that spread rapidly.

A manslaughter investigation was started in France in June 2016; in April 2019 a report commissioned as part of the investigation stated the aircraft was not airworthy and should have never taken-off: recurring defects had not been reported by the crews, including alerts reporting potential fire hazards. In April 2022 it was reported that the fire was caused by one of the pilots smoking a cigarette, which burned out of control when exposed to oxygen leaking from a cockpit oxygen mask.

#myhistorydiary #history #egypt #nigeria #airplane


Created by Okey Obiabunmo


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