Aquitaine Exploration

Strive to find fulfillment in experience rather than materialism because the most important things in life are intangible. ~ Odogwu Cmoni

Thank you for all the birthday wishes. And please if I haven’t responded or missed your call just understand that it isn’t intentional as it was a day on which I had several appointments and still had to fly away. But first, the kids ensured I cut the cake before jetting off. I’m supposed to have a chill trip with my First Minister. So far it’s not looking like it will be unless I put my foot down.

My manager is calling repeatedly. He is anxious about the way I broke off halfway into our last discussion after telling him it was important.

My mum is piling pressure on me to wire funds for an ongoing building project. “Just send what you can my son, let me restart the work now I’m back here, God will make a way and we will finish the house”. Of course, I’ve been here severally before and I know how it will play out.

And then there are the latecomers. More calls, and messages coming in by the minute to wish me well.

Gosh! I can’t cope, I just can’t. But at least I can be thankful that I’m away from Facebook this time because that platform always had me wondering how celebs manage their birthdays. Yes, if you don’t feel like a celebrity on your birthday then you need to change your circle.

Maybe I should go grab breakfast before I continue this…..

I’m back. That was a good break. An expensive breakfast but well worth it if you can maximise value as I do. The spread was the typical French gros petit-déjeuner and I ate everything! The gym is there. The pool is also available and of course, I can always jog to shed those calories.

Our typical vacation is an invaluable quality time. It is invaluable for family bonding because it is usually a period of reflection and exploration. The former in the morning and the latter from noon.

But this particular one should be better without the distraction from the kids. It is special in the sense that I know the year will be a turning point in my sojourn abroad. Yea for decisions too many to contemplate listing now but will be evident in due course as the stepping blocks of the self-architecture I embarked on.

Stop wondering, it’s neither rocket science nor groundbreaking. We know what to do but rarely act on these thoughts/ideas. So when we eventually do it appears like we used a magic wand. The journey is a process and the process is a journey because the destination keeps getting farther. Each milestone births a new one et cetera et cetera.

Ok, enough of this stream of consciousness. Now I’m chilling in my hotel room savouring the bright Merignac surroundings in western Bordeaux. Almost ready for the day’s expedition but first let me take a short nap to let my alimentary canal commence the digestion of croissants, cheese, bacon, and the stuff I just gulped down.

I should wake up fresher and lighter for the walking tour of this UNESCO heritage site dotted with rustic medieval Chateaus, lush vineyards, and exotic cuisine. You will be updated and yea that’s my journalling for the day. Enjoy the rest of the weekend.



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