Essay Competition: Week 28 Winners.

Ogbaga Sunday and Faola Bismarck have won the N20,000 cash prize for week 28.

In his piece titled The Nexus Between Illiteracy And Social Problems, Sunday Ogbaga showed a good understanding of the topic with a simple introduction that defined it. His essay was well researched with some very good analysis. He also proffered solutions. The entire work was well structured with good grammar and punctuation. Congratulations Sunday. Keep writing.

A Drop Of Bloody Hope by Faola Bismarck had a great storyline that was 100% unique. A judge commended it thus: “I enjoyed reading it. Also had good grammar and punctuation. I would have thought it had too many paragraphs but the content and message made it easily readable”. It is not too often that we see a winner in their first attempt so a big congratulations to Bismarck. We hope to read more from you.



Humble Ogbonna in Living Things passed his message across with an interesting albeit poignant story. Grammar and punctuation were top-notch as usual.

The Advocate by Roselyn Sho-Olajide was well written and had an evocative storyline. Her grammar remains impeccably simple and as usual, she dots her t’s and crosses all the i’s.

Illiteracy: A Major Contributor To Many Societal Problems by Opara Udochukwu. The writer did a good job however he needs to know the following about structure.

  1. Your abstract should be brief and concise.
  2. The introduction should lead to the body of the work before the conclusion.

Illiteracy: The Cause Of Social Problems by Ojetunde Esther had a good introduction with a concise definition of the topic. The writer however needs to develop her essays further to drive home her point. She also needs to be more articulate when writing opinion essays to have a better structure. A well-written essay nevertheless.

Favour Posu also made a good attempt in Illiteracy, A Huge Problem For Humanity And Development. The writer is however reminded to desist from borrowing too many texts from other works referenced. Make the essay your work by developing your own points.

The other essays were equally good and we applaud everyone especially those who have found consistency in this journey. I have also noticed that some writers like Osanyinro Oluwaseun, Peace Habila, and Ojetunde Esther have a thing for brevity. I would recommend visiting to learn about craft essays. Other writers are also welcome to peruse the site. The publisher Dainty Moore is an award-winning writer and the site is a repertoire of resources.

We thank all our writers, readers, sponsors and judges for another good week of writing and getting better.

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