On This Day: Jack Dorsey Founds Twitter


On this day: in history (21st March, 2006), Twitter was created.

Twitter is an American micro-blogging and social networking service on which users post and interact with messages known as “tweets”.

Twitter incorporates aspects of social networking websites with instant messaging technologies to create networks of users who can communicate throughout the day with brief messages, or “tweets.” Tweets may be on any subject, ranging from jokes to news to wedding plans, but they cannot exceed 280 characters.

Twitter emerged from the podcasting venture Odeo, which was founded in 2004 by Evan Williams, Biz Stone, and Noah Glass. (Williams and Stone had previously worked at Google, and Williams had created the popular Web authoring tool Blogger.) Apple announced in 2005 that it would add podcasts to its digital media application iTunes, and Odeo’s leadership felt that the company could not compete with Apple and a new direction was needed.

Odeo’s employees were asked about any interesting side projects they had, and engineer Jack Dorsey proposed a short message service (SMS) on which one could send share small bloglike updates with friends. Glass proposed the name Twttr. Dorsey sent the first tweet (“just setting up my twttr”) on March 21, 2006. Seeing a future for the product, in October 2006 Williams, Stone, and Dorsey bought out Odeo and started Obvious Corp. to further develop it. Interest in the platform sharply increased after it was presented at the South by Southwest music and technology conference in Austin, Texas, in March 2007. The following month Twitter, Inc., was created as a corporate entity, and Dorsey became Twitter’s first chief executive officer (CEO).

#myhistorydiary #history #twitter #nigeria



Created by Okey Obiabunmo

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