On This Day: Birthday of Nobel Prize Winning Doctor, Sir Ronald Ross

On this day: in history (1857), Sir Ronald Ross was born. He was a British medical doctor who was awarded a Nobel Prize for his discovery of the life cycle of malarial parasite in birds. He did not build his concept of malarial transmission in humans, but in birds.

Ross was the first to show that malarial parasite was transmitted by the bite of infected mosquitoes. His discovery of the malarial parasite in the gastrointestinal tract of a mosquito in 1897, laid the foundation for the method of combating the disease. He worked in the Indian Medical Service for 25 years. It was during his service that he made the groundbreaking medical discovery.

After resigning from his service in India, he joined the faculty of Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine, and continued as Professor and Chairman of Tropical Medicine of the institute for 10 years. In 1926 he became Director-in-Chief of the Ross Institute and Hospital for Tropical Diseases, which was established in honour of his works. He remained there until his death in 1932.

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Created by Okey Obiabunmo

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