
Blog, Essays, Monishots

Our Social Media Space And The Need For Reorientation.

“If you are on social media, and you are not learning, not laughing, not being inspired or not networking, then you are using it wrong.”~Germany Kent Funke Akindele’s recent experience is not one of a kind. World over the bar of moral conduct is often set higher for public figures and celebrities who are perceived as role models. And when they fall short the public queue up to give them a brain resetting smackdown. I did not make them role models. Neither did you. But by cheering almost all their actions we collectively and perhaps even unconsciously goad the big corporations and public institutions to make them brand ambassadors. Some, like Funke and Ali Baba are very well deserved while some, not so much. Of course, Madam Jenifa will be alright, I mean she isn’t the controversial type as much as I know and what’s more, her adroitness should surmount this smudge on a hard-earned career. However, her story brings me to the impact of social media on our societal values as a nation, an issue that I have been mulling over for some time and which we shall explore. The euphoria that embraced the emergence of new media and technologies as an information superhighway that will bring new hope and dignity has all but vanished. And the potential of shaping the political agenda via social media as elicited by the Arab spring only a decade ago now appears to a mirage in the distant past. All have been replaced by incomprehensible elisions, mob mentality and offensive comments. Take for instance the vile wishes that have been directed at our leaders since some tested positive to COVID 19. Somebody tweeted that Nigerian politicians deserve to be infected with the coronavirus. When I asked why, he narrated how he lost his best friend to bad governance, poor hospitals and bad roads. I empathised with him but quickly reminded him that our politicians didn’t drop from Mars. They emerged from and were voted in by the Nigerian masses. Many of us are connected to politicians either as relatives or friends, so if they are infected we could eventually be infected. Moreover, Americans are also dying because of poor healthcare. Should their politicians — whom we often eulogise — be infected too? Another eyesore is the way our youths have bolstered their confidence in cyberbegging. On Facebook, Twitter and Instagram we have real and spoof accounts littering every celebrity comment with account details. Some have even devised the emotional blackmail of adding suicide notes. It is incredible how low some will go for a pittance from strangers. We can agree on hard times but a look at the Ghanaian social media space with whom we share similar unemployment and poverty indices tells a different story. Furthermore, there is an unhealthy mob mentality which I harped on in a previous essay. Some of those who led the persecution of Adedayo and Onigbinde when they were appointed into government positions have been exposed as praise-singing hypocrites who criticised previous administrations. One begins to wonder if these appointments are meant to serve the people or the ruling party? After all, Dr Chikwe who is doing a fantastic job at the NCDC was reportedly appointed by the president after he criticised the health sector. The Nigerian social media space can be toxic and it would seem that we possess a precocious fervour to spontaneously spit venom more than to applaud or commend. Whatsmore these sudden paroxysms extend beyond public figures to each other for holding divergent opinions. Notice that by “we” I have not exempted myself. Indeed I was one of the many Twitter users on Funke’s TL demanding an apology. And even though I didn’t disparage her, I still managed to sprinkle those who attempted to defend her action with invectives. Yet these predilections are not peculiar to us, for even in our often adored ‘saner climes’ like the US and UK, while ubiquitous in their use, online platforms are nevertheless populated by similar narratives with public personalities and ordinary citizens alike savaged on a daily basis. My days are incomplete without rummaging through Trump’s Twitter timeline for the funny but sometimes noxious vitriols between his supporters and critics. However, I discovered a stark difference. For instance, some Americans who oppose Trump claim that he is destroying the country’s values by encouraging racial discrimination while his fans say that he is restoring the Christian values that made America great. The common denominator here is “values”. As Nigerians what can we rightly term as our values, one is often forced to ponder? I mean it may just be a good place to start. Unlike our ‘saner clime’ contemporaries, there is rarely a consensus on what Nigerians consider worthy national/societal values. Of course, some argue that being an amalgamation of different tribes our values will differ. But having co-existed for over a century surely there has to be one common value we cherish. Ok, we have an anthem. It is a song but how many of our celebrities and public officials can sing the national anthem? I will leave that to your imagination. Many of us cannot sing the national anthem but we are ever ready to trash our nation. And often because a so-called ‘influencer’ or someone we admire did. I have repeatedly said that the most poignant emblem of the social media era is the paucity of critical thinking. A lot of half-truths fly across our screens. Mostly conjectures and innuendos of paid rookie spin doctors, yet many willingly broadcast the same by adding the silly tag ‘forwarded as received’ without a care in the world to do a basic google fact check. Frankly, I get worried when respected individuals applaud the Chadian military over a 2015 story in a bid to mock our troops who risk their lives to keep us safe. It is appalling to see supposedly educated people commend a fugitive Imam for insulting Nigeria as a nation of terrorists. And it

Blog, Essays, Monishots

Unworthy In Character. #SexForMarks

The mediocre teacher tells. The good teacher explains. The superior teacher demonstrates. The great teacher inspires. ~ William Arthur Ward Stop mentioning my name! Why would a lecturer be wary of his name being mentioned over the phone by a student if there was nothing inappropriate about the conversation? Did he feel the student was being disrespectful by not addressing him as Prof in the usual Nigerian parlance? Or perhaps he is too experienced in such amatory conversations that he suspected it could be recorded? I can imagine the wry grin on the lady’s face when he said that, she would be a learner if she didn’t expect that line. For obvious reasons the news about Professor Akindele’s alleged sex for marks scandal did not surprise many. If you passed through a Nigerian university you will know that this is not an isolated case. What is supposed to be a four year period of study for many ladies is rather a labyrinthine jaunt laced with the ugly side of machismo. Sadly, such incidents are more or less passive stories garishly discussed in canteens and beer parlours across most of our universities. “Its normal now” you ‘ll likely hear from one of the guys huddled around a table full of green bottles. “The babe should have just shagged the brains out of the old man” another will say. “Who knows, he could have been p-whipped into giving an A after just one round” yet another will add, followed by a loud laughter and booze continues. That’s about it, end of story! And on social media, there is also a possibility of being presented with alternative facts to make the victim look like the culprit. The debate will then deviate from the alleged offence to a callow display of chauvinism between fluky feminists and lousy misogynists. Or worse still the lecturer’s church member or Pastor will boldly defend him by claiming that “the lady purposely set him up” and that he is “a man of God, who is too gentle for such act”. The absurdities we often contend with in Nigeria. Of course, we are all aware of what goes on in our institutions of higher learning. The so-called slay-queens are known to entice lecturers regularly in a bid to make unbelievable grades when they can’t even spell their course of study.  However, we shouldn’t make this particular incident about them. The lady in question scored 35 marks. She failed and should be encouraged to re-sit the course, that is the proper thing to do. So she has not committed any offence. The offence here is that a lecturer, a professor for that matter is demanding sex as a bribe to give better grades. Someone once said that lecturers are demi-gods while the Vice-Chancellor is the almighty. It is almost true. Our lecturers are way too powerful. I remember one who was notorious for this back in my uni days. He couldn’t care less if the lady was single or married. He just insisted on having his way, and like Akindele he demands in multiples. A lady friend of mine was his victim. She spent extra two years in school because she refused to have sex with him. I am talking about a lady whom I know to be a serious student. On one occasion when he rejected her coursework, it was only my intervention through his wife that made him reconsider. Incidentally, the man was fired a few years later, but only after he must have raped many ladies and frustrated others out of school. If he had a good relationship with the Vice-Chancellor then, chances are that he would have retained his job but I learnt they didn’t see eye to eye so he got sacked. Serious institutions should never allow these type of acts to go unchecked and it was gladdening to read that OAU swiftly set up a committee to investigate the matter. Obafemi Awolowo University is among the few etched in gold dating back to our colonial history. It has to ensure that this embarrassment is properly dealt with to limit the smudge on its stellar reputation. It will be better still to hear from the National Association of Nigerian Students. They are supposed to have the students’ back in matters like this. The National Universities Commission should also set up an independent apparatus for the appraisal of not just issues like this, but many others between students and lecturers. A lot of times students are blamed for the quality of graduates we produce. They are labeled as unintelligent and indifferent. While that may be true lecturers also constitute a huge part of the problem. If a graduand must be found worthy in character and learning to be awarded a degree, how much much more a university don? A lecturer should be an embodiment of all that is good in a society, and not a person found to be unworthy in character. Professor Akindele should come out of hiding and face the music.

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