
Essays, Writers

South-West Security Network (Amotekun): A Step in The Right Direction? by Bolaji Alade.

By virtue of the provision of Section 14, sub-section 2, part B of the 1999 Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, the security and welfare of the people shall be the primary purpose of the government. And as you already know, government in a federation like Nigeria is tripartite. That is, there is a government at the federal, state and local government level. And for effective operation, each level of government comprise of three organs with distinctive functions to wit: Executive — primarily responsible for maintaining law and order; Legislature — primarily responsible for making laws; Judiciary — Primarily responsible for interpreting the laws and applying same to the facts brought before it. Having laid this background, you will agree with me that, insecurity is a threat to law and order and as such, falls under the purview of the executive organ of government. Accordingly, the office of the executive head at the federal level is adorned with the title of Commander-in-chief of the Armed Forces. It’s counterparts, are regarded as de jure Chief Security Officers of their respective states and local governments. Therefore, state and local government executive head are presumed by our laws and appellations to be in charge of security and held accountable in any event we suffer insecurity challenges. However, this is not the case. Owing largely to the paucity of thoughtfulness invested in the drafting of our constitution. The constitution, specifically in it’s Section 214 recognize the Nigeria Police Force(NPF) as the nation’s primary internal security agency and puts it’s control exclusively in the federal government. In essence, the other two levels of government have no role assigned under the constitution in managing internal security. But the States and local governments executive head are not going to have any of this. Thus, the genesis of formation of regional security outfits across the different regions in Nigeria. This is particularly effective in the South-western region of Nigeria. First it was the Oodua People’s Congress (OPC) formed in1994 to safeguard the interest of the Yoruba people. It however did not engender deep legal and intellectual debates like the formation of South-west Security Network (Amotekun) in January 2020. And since all eyes are on Amotekun, it presents an ample opportunity to critically evaluate if the advantages of having a regional security outfit in modern day Nigeria far outweighs it’s consequences and therefore the messianic solution to conquering gross insecurity in the nation. No objective observer will disagree with the fact that the policing standard in Nigeria is not on par with international best practices. The level of professionalism is far below expectation, periodic trainings are a mirage and very importantly, the Nigeria Police force is becoming overburdened. While it may not look like it on the surface particularly if you consider how legions of police officers grace polling units on election days quadrennialy. When you consider that several of our police officers are attached to serving and past political office holder, you need no Sherlock Holmes to tell you security in Nigeria is more available to the rich and powerful. For over two years, insecurity in the southwest has deepened. Many traders now cower and shy away from transporting their goods. Even farmers no longer feel safe on their farms[i]. I bet you still remember how an Ondo State first class monarch was killed by kidnappers while plying the road last year[ii]. In this messy situation, Amotekun coming on board to complement NPF to protect the lives and properties of South-westerners is a blessing worthy of double count. It’s potential benefits will go beyond preservation of valuable properties and people’s lives, it will also preserves South-westerners means of livelihood; what a good way to fulfil government’s duty to provide security and cater for its citizens welfare. A clog in the wheel of the NPF in the fight against insecurity across Nigeria is their lack of adequate understanding of local terrain. This gives bandits, violent herders and other unscrupulous elements a huge advantage. Once they flee into the forest, the members of NPF not being local dwellers familiar with the geographical area have a hard time tracking them. In fact, the norm is that NPF employs the services of local vigilante for guidance in combing the forests. This irrevocably affirm that the NPF needs a well groomed and structured regional security outfit as Amotekun in the Southwest to complement their efforts by providing accurate Intel, accompanying their forest combing search for unscrupulous elements etc. Therefore Amotekun is a solid step towards curbing insecurity in the southwest. Isn’t it ironical that States’ Chief Security Officers cannot be held accountable for insecurity within their territories. State governors as earlier established, do not have direct control over the police officers serving in their states and this means, even in the face of imminent threats to lives and orderliness in a state in Nigeria, it’s government is helpless. Hence, the custom of awaiting directive from the Inspector General of Police before taking urgent steps. More often than not, police intervention after initial delay is often a case of administering medicine after death. But, with the establishment of Amotekun in the southwest it’s state governors can now promptly nip in the bud insecurity threats before it becomes a full blown crisis. Without gainsaying, enlisting local men and women into Amotekun also help to address unemployment among the teeming population and consequently improve overall standard of living in southwest. In the interest of balance, it is pertinent to note that there are a handful of potential harm Amotekun portends in Southwestern Nigeria. And while it’s operations in this region is still new, some of these potential damages are already surfacing. For the Anti-Amotekun school of thought, their fears were hinged on strong prediction of abuse of power by these security outfit. This category of people argued that it’s only a matter of time before Amotekun grows wing and act ultra vires — beyond legitimate power. This well founded argument hits home differently when you consider the First Premier of Western Region,

Blog, Essays, Monishots

How the South-East should respond to Amotekun.

“It is the opinion of many great authorities that every nation or people build its future on its past, that is, a past that has been properly studied and understood, and whose seminal experience has been extracted and redeployed for further use”. ~ Prof. Adiele Afigbo Ever since Mohammed Yusuf was extra-judicially murdered by the police in 2007- a costly insurgency that has so far claimed over fifty thousand lives and displaced about three million continues to ravage the nation. The hydra-headed problem turned into a conflagration which continues to oxygenate the activities of bandits in the North-West and killer herdsmen across the nation. The inability of the national defence and security apparatus to contain the insurgents has seen an otherwise localised conflict permeate the other regions in different guises. In the South West kidnapping became so rampant that even the high and mighty were not spared. Chief Olu Falae is lucky to be alive while Pa Fasoranti’s daughter -may her soul rest in peace- wasn’t so lucky. What’s more, President Buhari’s lopsided appointments in the security architecture and his reluctance to replace the service chiefs in the face of perennial insecurity culminated in the birth of Operation Amotekun. Well, so the Yoruba leaders say. I am not sold on that narrative. I believe that Operation Amotekun is actually more about politics than security. Why do I think so? Well, part of the reason should be obvious to the discerning observer. With the exception of some Nordic countries and a few others, even the most liberal democracies have its security framework usually designed with the principal consideration of protecting the ruling elite let alone Nigeria where ours was largely shaped by long years of military dictatorship. Precisely, the established operational paradigm in the country can rightly be described as regime security rather than national security. This is better exemplified in the fact that it is normal to have the number of security operatives attached to the office of a local government chairman supersede what is left to guard the local government area itself. Tinubu himself is very much aware of this. As the political godfather of the South West, his measured statement calling for dialogue with the federal government couldn’t have been better crafted given his rumoured ambition to succeed Buhari. Who wants to stir the applecart? And did his caution prevail? Certainly, the northern dominated federal government is aware of existing security outfits like Hisbah, JTF and the rest. So it makes little sense to boisterously oppose a similar initiative by the politically aligned South West. Moreover, any other amorphous security organisation out there that exceeds set boundaries as the so-called legal framework will definitely outline can always be tamed. Cut to size and reduced to omonile like Obasanjo did to the Oodua Peoples Congress OPC. So, as the Federal Government led pally with South-West Governors on the contentious issues concluded with a mutual agreement public attention will understandably switch to other regions particularly the South-East. Leaders of the region will be inundated with more calls to reproduce something identical. Already we ‘ve had some chest-thumping from usual vocal quarters. While Ohaneze Youth Council called on the conspicuously silent South-East Governors to resuscitate the defunct Bakassi boys, IPOB leader Nnamdi Kanu promised to relaunch the disbanded Biafran Security Service with the aim of supporting Amotekun with one million men. However, our leaders need not succumb to these chaotic and discordant demands. There are factors to be taken into account before any coordinated response if at all there will be one as different geopolitical regions in the Nigerian enclave has its peculiarities. This is even more so with the South East. For one, baring Kayode Fayemi of Ekiti state, the remaining South West Governors will face reelection sooner or later with Akerodolu of Ondo state looking to renew his mandate later this year. The region’s electorate often described as the most politically sophisticated couldn’t care less about the fact that bulk of the governors are members of the ruling APC. Given the opportunity, the Oyo state experience may be replicated in states where the governor’s report card is subpar. Now given that the security of lives and property is always a paramount factor in electioneering campaign and if your people have been lamenting the poor security situation, what better promise than an indigenous outfit to secure the region? Moreso, when it will likely be opposed -as we have seen- by perceived traducers or invaders like Miyetti Allah as Odumakin and Femi Fani Kayode, would have them believe. We can now see the reason behind the collective insistence and perhaps desperation of the governors to fly the spotted cat. Perception is key. In reality, the converse is the case in the South-East. Only Hope Uzodimma will seek re-election. The rest are doing a second term. Moreover, the region has fared best in terms of security over the last two years. According to the statistics released by Nigeria Security Tracker (NST), it had the least percentage (1%) of reported cases of kidnapping between Jan-Sept 2019. Compare that to (43%) in the North West and you can see who really needs to emulate Amotekun. The truth is that silently the South-East governors though often perceived as inept by a majority of her people have performed creditably in the area of security. Gone are the days when the region was notorious for kidnapping. In Anambra state, for instance, Governor Obiano encouraged community policing from day one. Each town union is well funded to maintain a vigilante group who collaborate with the police. The governor also regularly equips the state police command with vehicles, communication and security gadgets including drones. This laudable initiative has earned the state several accolades as the safest in the country and is currently being xeroxed in Abia and Ebonyi states. So Igbo leaders need to be circumspect and proactive here. Ours is a region blessed with abundant natural resources like oil, coal, zinc, limestone, salt and much more which remain largely

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