
Opinion Articles, Writers

When The Tables Are Turned by Oluka Emmanuel.

    Indeed, when animals turn the tables and fight back against their attackers – chasing them away or even killing them or maiming them, for whatever reason best known to them, – then, the hunter becomes the hunted. This is presently the case with security personnel in the country. The tables have turned and the hunters have regrettably become the hunted. It is painful that officers meant to attack criminals, now become the attacked. These officers cut across the police, the army, the correctional facilities, and so on. The attacks range from the burning of police stations and patrol vehicles, ambush laying leading to a shoot-out with personnel of security formations, stealing of arms and ammunitions, and aiding jailbreaks at correctional centers. The frequency with which the attacks are being orchestrated is alarming! It is therefore no longer a case of one week, one trouble for our security personnel; it is now one week, several troubles for them. As of 29th March 2021, the BBC reported that the Police suffered the highest form of attacks within the south-eastern region between January and March this year. A breakdown of the report shows that only Enugu state remained the state yet to be attacked within the region at the time1. However, as of 24th April 2021, Enugu state witnessed an attack on the Adani Police Station in the Uzo-Uwani area where two officers were shot dead, reports PREMIUM TIMES2. The south-south region is not also spared as there have been recent attacks by yet-to-be-identified gunmen on police formations in states like Rivers and Akwa-Ibom. The Nigerian military has also had a share of the attacks. PREMIUM TIMES also reported an attack on the Nigerian Military camp in the Zagzaga community in Munya Local Government of Niger State. According to the online newspaper, no fewer than 60 bandits invaded the military camp in the early hours of Wednesday, April 21, 2021, leading to heavy casualties on the bandits2. On the 21st of April 2021, Lagos state released a statement for the manhunt for a driver who smashed a bottle on a police officer’s head. There have also been many tales of unjustified aggression towards police officers within the same state for trying to apprehend drivers for breaking traffic laws. These assaults are just some out of numerous experiences security personnel have suffered in recent times. These ugly developments leave the question, can a society survive without law enforcement? Is attacking these security custodians the best way to go? In this essay, the writer examines how we got here and the consequences such attacks hold for our society while exploring the way forward. How We Got Here (The Causes…) What readily comes to mind is mutual suspicion. For example, “Police is your friend,” is the agelong motto of the Nigerian Police Force. But, recent attacks on police formations across the country may suggest that its friendship with the people may have become strained. Thus, today, there seems to be a mutual suspicion between the people and their friend, the police. Meanwhile, security agents have not always come out smelling like roses whenever their activities are being x-rayed. There have been documented cases of alleged abuse of their constitutional powers and blatant human rights violations. Also, there have been documented reports of the Nigerian Military and the Police using excessive force against civilians. Such violence against the people can ignite reprisal attacks if the opportunity presents itself for the civilians. Yet, the feeling that security personnel sometimes go unpunished and victims left helpless, is also telling. Sad tales like these may have propelled the nation-wide End-SARS 2020. The demonstrations began amid calls to disband the defunct Special Anti-Robbery Squad (SARS), a tactical unit of the police. The protest quickly moved into bigger calls for police reforms. The End-SARS protest and subsequent demonstrations were halted by security agencies, and the mistrust between the people and the security personnel seems to have deepened. So, is there any connection between how the End-SARS protest ended and the surge in attacks on security personnel across the country? The media have also been indicted. Some media reports incite public calls for an immediate reaction through strategically designed sensationalism.  For instance, the approach of some media reports during the End-SARS saga may have inadvertently contributed to exacerbating undue public perception and hatred suspected to have links with the spiral of attacks we now witness on security personnel across the country. Meanwhile, poverty and the lack of necessities by the people in Nigeria have created a pool of frustrated persons who are easily lured by any event to be violent. The argument is that an idle mind remains the devil’s workshop. When no jobs exist to engage these pools of people, they jump at any opportunity to launch their frustration on anything. The Damaging Consequences… Continued attacks on security personnel and their formations have dire consequences for Nigeria. It can lead to anarchy, breakdown of law and order, and no person will be spared. The writer reports that in his street, there have been increasing cases of phone snatching, secret cult clashes, and even broad daylight robbery. These crimes before now, were almost none existent, making the people’s hope of sleeping with their two eyes closed quite elusive. The brazenness of the assaults creates fear within the security ranks, leading to the dearth of officers to prevent and detect crimes, maintain law and order, and protect lives and property. Tellingly, this also impacts negatively on the growth of existing businesses. Nightlife and the attendant business dependent on it to survive, suffer the consequences too. The ferocious attacks on security personnel and the frequency of their occurrence especially by unknown gunmen give the signal to the international community that Nigeria is not a safe and secure investment destination. The economy bears the brunt because of this. This leads to the paucity of Foreign Direct Investments (FDI). Potential investors become scared to invest in the economy due to the uncertainties that would

Blog, Essays, Monishots

President Buhari must halt the rising body count.

“The problem of terrorism is not confined to the North alone. Insecurity generally should be blamed on the Federal Government. The world is very much concerned about two things — the issue of security and economic well-being of a nation. Security is number one. A nation can only be economically viable if there is security.” ~ Muhammadu Buhari With the above words, Buhari specifically blamed President Goodluck Jonathan for the killings in the North while speaking to the Hausa service of the British Broadcasting Corporation in April 2013. Fast forward to 2018 and the same region is still in the news for the same bad reasons. The relentless killings have now spread from Benue to Zamfara to Taraba to Plateau and now Kogi state. Who knows the next bus stop? Is there a passing day that we will not have to contend with this increasing body count? Curiously, these carcinogenic marauders have severally proved to be irrepressible. The ease with which they roam around the country can be likened to that of politicians in their siren blaring convoys. You may not be wrong to categorize both as the same kit and kin. Finally, the Kogi state governor found his voice, in a statement released on Friday 16th March- two days after the attacks, Governor Bello said through his spokesman that: “The violence has since been contained and brought under control. The incident, however, remains under investigation while efforts are ongoing to apprehend the attackers and bring them to justice” Even though the statement condemned the killings and rightly called for caution while urging citizens to ignore the conflicting numbers in the news there was neither enough outrage nor alarm to reflect the gravity of the matter. This is quite regrettable for a young man saddled with the huge responsibility of leading his people. I had expected that the Governor would be bold enough to rebuke the federal government just like when he hammered the church on corrupt tithe proceeds. Contrastingly the Senator representing Kogi East was more emotive at the floor of the Red Chamber. Reporting the incident to his colleagues Senator Atai Aidoko had put it thus: “The Senate notes that on Wednesday 14th March 2018, no fewer than 20 people were killed in a violent attack on the people of Dekina Local Government and 12 people gruesomely killed in Omala local government of Kogi state by Fulani herdsmen” Despite the obvious lack of certainty in the statement as we have seen reports of varying numbers ranging from 20 to 32 and the Senate had previously been misled into believing that Fulanis carried out similar attacks in Zamfara state, the Senator, however, re-echoed the thoughts of many Nigerians when he said that, “the perpetrators of these heinous crimes have not been arrested and persecuted by the Nigerian Police Force. This has led to the continuation of the killings in the country” President Buhari has gained notoriety for his slow response to burning issues. An unfortunate and frustrating style that is eroding much of his hard-earned reputation as a strict soldier. The seeming helplessness of his administration in the face of these persistent attacks should be giving him insomnia but rather we are regularly bombarded daily with pictures of red carpet ceremonies. I am quite aware that human beings have peculiar biases and President Buhari as a human being is entitled to his love for his Fulani brethren just like we all love our people too. However, much as I wish to avoid the ethnic colouration that has trivialized these dangerous crimes especially in the media, it is worthy of mention that the complicit statements from highly placed Fulani leaders both in the past and present are definitely not lost on many Nigerians. Therefore, Muhammadu Buhari as a person can afford to be biased but President Buhari cannot be biased. Not only must he act in an unbiased manner but he must be seen to have acted so. That is the responsibility that comes with public office. But we have a President who has refused to do as little as tweak the nation’s security apparatus even as it is glaring that what is really needed is a complete overhaul. Whatever devotion he may have for his long-term loyalists is now conceited in the face of all these security challenges and a general should know that this will ultimately be detrimental to the progress of the nation. It is time to summon the courage and fire those found wanting. But will he? Will Buhari shock us by sacking the IGP tomorrow? Your guess is as good as mine. Honestly, I expect that the selfish ones around him will be feeding him with lies and with the general elections less than a year away many will prioritize politics ahead of governance. However, farmers, school children, UN workers and even the dreaded herdsmen themselves are killed routinely in what has become an orgy of violence across the Middle Belt and North East. I couldn’t sleep a few days ago after listening to an audio clip that was reportedly recorded by a nurse moments before she was abducted by suspected Boko Haram terrorists. Whereas some officers of the Special Anti-Robbery Squad (SARS) who are supposed to tackle some of these problems are often recorded on video extorting money from law abiding citizens. With a President that is unaware of his IGP’s location, it is little wonder then that officers entrusted with providing security are the ones breaching it. How long does this have to continue? Something just has to give. This must abate and very quickly too. Conscientious leaders especially those from the affected communities, states and regions should start speaking out. Where are the traditional and religious leaders? Their silence at this hour is undignified, cowardly and ungodly. They need to cry like Benue people. They have to wail like the Tivs and they must sustain same until the President acts. Our voices need to be heard beyond the social media too.

Blog, Reverie

Barcelona..oh my Barcelona.

Terror struck again today. Why can’t we just live together as one? 13 dead! And over a hundred were injured when a van ploughed into crowds in Barcelona’s famous Las Ramblas area, according to Catalan police and local officials. Witnesses said the van sped along the pedestrian area filled with tourists, mowing down people as others scampered to safety. Spanish Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy labelled it a “jihadist attack” even as ISIS claimed responsibility. Barcelona is a city I love not only because of the football club but also because of its sprawling beauty. Famed for its historic edifices, the city presents a wonderful mix of ancient and modern culture. My picture at the bottom was taken during a family vacation on the 13th of August 2015 at Placa Reial, the majestic square in the heart of the Gothic quadrant off Las Ramblas. At night you are bound to be enchanted by its beautiful ambience as the captivating scenery is lit up with lanterns designed by the famous Catalan, Antoni Gaud. Barcelona..oh my you mourn, let it be known that the world mourns with you. We stand strong with you in the face of evil. We pray with you for the souls that died to find eternal rest and may the good Lord give you strength to heal from the atrocious act. #BarcelonaLasRamblas

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