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Cold Vengeance by Stephen Ayilegbe

It was a cold, bitter night in the small town of Millfield. The kind of night where the air was so frigid that it felt like it could freeze your bones solid. It was the perfect night for revenge. Sophie had spent the past year plotting her revenge against her ex-boyfriend, Jack. Jack had broken her heart when he cheated on her with her best friend, and Sophie had vowed to make him pay. She had spent countless hours researching and planning her revenge, and now it was finally time to put her plan into action. Sophie drove her car down the deserted streets of Millfield, her heart pounding in her chest with excitement and anticipation. She had arranged to meet Jack at the local bar, where he would be drinking with his buddies. As she entered the bar, Sophie could feel the eyes of the patrons on her. She knew she was a sight to behold, dressed in a tight, black dress and heels that accentuated her curves. She had spent hours getting ready, and she knew she looked good. Jack was sitting at the bar with his buddies when Sophie walked in. He looked up and saw her, and Sophie could see the shock on his face. He hadn’t expected to see her here tonight. Sophie walked over to Jack, her heart racing with anticipation. She leaned in close to him, her lips inches from his ear, and whispered, “Hello, Jack. Long time no see.” Jack turned to face Sophie, a look of confusion on his face. “Sophie, what are you doing here?” he asked. Sophie smiled sweetly at him. “I just wanted to see you, Jack. I’ve missed you.” Jack looked uncomfortable. “Sophie, I don’t think that’s a good idea. You know, with everything that’s happened.” Sophie’s smile disappeared, replaced by a look of anger. “I know exactly what’s happened, Jack. I know you cheated on me with my best friend. And now it’s time for you to pay.” Jack looked at Sophie, his face growing pale. He knew that Sophie was not one to be messed with, and he could see the fire in her eyes. Sophie pulled out a small vial from her purse and held it up to Jack’s face. “Do you know what this is, Jack?” she asked. Jack shook his head, his eyes widening in fear. “It’s a poison, Jack. A poison that will kill you in less than an hour. And I’ve put it in your drink.” Jack’s eyes widened in horror as he realized what Sophie had done. “Sophie, you can’t do this. Please, I’m sorry for what I did. I’ll do anything to make it right.” Sophie looked at Jack, a look of disgust on her face. “It’s too late for apologies, Jack. You had your chance to make things right, and you blew it. Now it’s time for you to pay the price.” Sophie turned on her heel and walked out of the bar, leaving Jack and his buddies to stare after her in shock. As she drove home, Sophie felt a sense of satisfaction wash over her. She had finally gotten her revenge on Jack, and it felt good. She knew that revenge was best served chilled, and she had served it up cold. But as Sophie lay in bed that night, she couldn’t shake the feeling of guilt that washed over her. She knew that what she had done was wrong and that she had gone too far. The next morning, Sophie woke up to the news that Jack had been found dead in his apartment. Sophie’s heart raced with fear and guilt as she realized the gravity of what she had done. She knew that she was the only one who could have killed him and that she was now a murderer. Sophie spent the next few days in a state of panic, barely able to function. She couldn’t eat or sleep, and the guilt weighed heavily on her soul. She knew that she had to turn herself in, but the fear of the consequences of her actions held her back. Finally, after a week of living in a constant state of fear and guilt, Sophie decided to turn herself in. She went to the police station and confessed to the murder of Jack, telling them everything that had happened that night at the bar. The police were shocked by Sophie’s confession, but they quickly took her into custody. She was charged with murder and sent to trial. At the trial, Sophie pleaded guilty to the murder of Jack, admitting that she had poisoned him in revenge for his infidelity. The judge sentenced her to life in prison without the possibility of parole. Sophie spent the rest of her life in prison, haunted by the guilt of her actions. She knew that she had gone too far in seeking revenge and that she had paid the ultimate price for her mistake. In the end, Sophie realized that revenge was not the answer. It had only led her down a path of destruction and despair. She wished that she could go back in time and make a different choice, but she knew that it was too late Sophie spent her days in prison reflecting on her past and the choices that led her to that point. She thought about how her obsession with revenge had consumed her and blinded her to the consequences of her actions. She realized that she had lost sight of what was truly important in life and that her desire for revenge had cost her everything. As time went on, Sophie began to find some solace in her cell. She started to read books and write in a journal, using these activities as a way to escape the harsh reality of her situation. She also started to attend counselling sessions, where she was able to work through her guilt and shame. Years passed, and Sophie grew old in her cell. She