
Essays, Writers

The Ricochet Of Infidelity by Ebube Ezeadum.

  It wasn’t Mrs. Christabel’s fault that whenever she walked pass his office her backside usually rang a bell. This has been the morning coffee for Mr. Paul, a colleague, and a strong reason for his sudden improvement in punctuality. But it wasn’t just Mrs. Christabel who stole his thoughts, many other women did – yet he was tagged by the ring on his fingers as married.   Mama Angela, a sales person of the Lick-yah-Fingers Restaurant understands the woman’s guide to catching her fish. Doctor Raymond, Bro Samson, and Mr. Tee. have all tasted her husband’s most precious property, not because they craved for it, but because she presented herself as a free gift to them. She has secretly been “test running” men who could deliver stronger sexual satiety that her husband wasn’t capable of doing.   Before you crucify Mama Angela and Mr. Paul for their trespasses, let us dive into the behind the scenes of this disturbing issue. What would make women like mama Angela and men like  Mr. Paul do what they do?   Some Reasons for These Acts of Infidelity 1.) Living apart for a long period One of the purposes of marriage is for one to be there for their spouse and satisfy each other sexually. Living apart for a long time probably due to work-business related travels could lead to sexual starvation [1]. This is especially dangerous if one or both of the couples have a weak self control when it comes to sex. This is a temptatious time for the sexually-addicted partner. This leaves them vulnerable to the slightest opportunity to satisfy such delayed hunger.   2.) Pornography the master; the cheat the slave. Although some claim that porn videos are meant for adults who want to learn new ways to express their sexuality to their partner, it has its downsides. A viewer of porn, upon seeing various moves, may conclude that their partner is inexperienced and ungratifying. This may be a command signal for the “porn addicts” to practice what they’ve “learned” with someone else who is more receptive to such moves [2]. According to, pornography has a detrimental effect on relationships. Here’s how: porn, like movies, are actually scripted sexual acts. They set high sex expectations which seems impossible for real-life sexually intimacy. In order words, it is like watching a movie where Superman jumps from a building and starts flying like a weightless bird – unrealistic! But many fail to understand this and wrongly start making sexual demands their partner might not be able to fulfill. This makes them practice such experiment with someone else [3].   3.) A pseudo-solution to burying their problems “Understanding” and “communication” are major ingredients that when missing in the soup of a relationship could lead to a downfall of such relationship [4]. When a partner cannot express their thoughts to a spouse, they might be forced to do so to outsiders. Sometimes, they have the feeling that a person, most likely of the opposite sex, understands them more than their spouse at home. This has its effect. Such external confidant(e) could be be erroneously seen as the perfect leaning shoulder for the spouse and you know what happens from there…   4.) Together but having less in common. Most people jump into marriage at a single signal of intimacy. The spouse and their partner could have little or absolutely nothing unifying their diverse interests. This could be disastrous as such relationship is easily soaked in the sea of rapid dilapidation. Couples are meant to quarrel; it is perfectly fine for them to do so since every human differs from the other. But the downside in not having much in common is that they may seek another person who has a reasonable fraction of their ideology, beliefs and goals – and that is an action leading to relationship fraction.   5.) Knock, Knock. I seek Appreciation. Many sexual partnerships have been broken by spouses who constantly make demands and sparingly appreciates their partners efforts [5]. This not only infuriates the partner but also make them less happy around their spouse [5]. Do you know what this implies? If there is any one outside who shows them this appreciation which they seek, they share their love with such person. This may make the outsider feel “loved” in turn and make more effort to express it most often than not, romantically or, on a higher scale, sexually. This is also true for respect.       The Aftermaths of Infidelity According to an article written on by Dave Boehi in the year 2010, the pseudo ecstasy of extramarital affairs could never surpass the ways such affairs or infidelity could destroy the life or the marriage of the adulterer. In other words, such momentary pleasure is nothing compared to the reality that the consequences could be long-lived or worse – perpetual. I would divide the consequences of infidelity into sections: 1.) Effect on Partner 2.) Effect on the adulterer 3.) Effect on the relationship 4.) Effect on the kids 5.) Effect on their relationship with God. 6.) Effect on their relationship with others.   1.) Effect on partner: The subtle act of cheating cause the partner to worry: to worry that they are inefficient, not capable or generally do not fulfill their spouses need. This leaves them hanging with guilt, anxiety and shame upon themselves.   2.) Effect on the adulterer The adulterer could stand a chance to win some sexually transmitted Infections (STIs) from their foreign sexual partner. And unknowingly spread freely, the diseases to their spouse.   3.) Effect on the relationship Infidelity leads to trust being bruised or worse – murdered. Trust is like a cup of paint. The more you use it, the less it becomes. And trust me, infidelity could spill that whole cup. A relationship devoid of trust is like a time bomb set up for a sudden explosion at any time. This lack of trust most often

Essays, Writers

Broken Trust by Arueze Chisom.

Broken Trust. I’m screaming at  the  top  of  my  lungs.  The tears won’t stop coming and It makes my sight  blurred to see him. All the sacrifice, attention, love, from the past 7 years flashed before my eyes so did her picture. He shouts back. It infuriates me the more, impulsively I run into the kitchen and grab the first harmful thing I see… a knife. Knowing the kind of person I was he runs out the door for his dear life. I stay there for the next 10 minutes ranting and crying before I slump onto the nearest chair . I cry to my heart content and sleep off . When am awake I sit motionless like a rag doll. By now my tear glands has refused to secrete more tears, but the pain right under the left side of my breast won’t go away . My bruises are skin deep and they hurt more worse than hell. In that moment I  remembered some of his words “ you did not love me enough!” , then it made me go on a crying spree again, so for 7 years I never loved Joseph enough? I asked myself … Nothing makes a relationship go sour like infidelity. One minute you think you might have found that someone who makes you so happy then the next minute he/she becomes the sole reason you lose your appetite for food. This topic which has plagued millions of relationships leaves strong hurtful sentiments behind to the people who find themselves in this scenario. Infidelity which is simply the act of having an emotional or sexual relationship with someone else other than your partner without their knowledge. Statistically speaking 70% of unmarried couples may have to deal with infidelity in the course of their relationship. And as we may  have it infidelity is more common in men compared to women .The national Health and social life survey found that 37% of dating men and 17% of dating women engaged in sexual infidelity. Studies have shown that both and women are not monogamous in nature, though women tend to be more forgiving after they are cheated on than men. As we vary in personalities so does our definition of infidelity do. Where we have some people who view pornography as infidelity  while some  don’t. Also to know infidelity goes beyond the sexual. There are different types of infidelity that can occur in a relationship. Firstly is the Object Affair. This is where a person  is obsessed in chasing a goal or a career thereby  neglecting the needs of  his/her relationship. Secondly Is the Cyber affair. This type of affair is predominant in this era, the tech era.  This is where Sex chat and pornography comes to play. Thirdly  is the most common of all, sexual affair. This is involves sexual intercourse without the said spouses. Fourthly is the emotional affair. This is where one gets attached emotionally to someone other than their partner. This to me is the most dangerous of all infidelities. It tends to have a lot of negative impact in a relationship. A lot are stake when emotions are involved. Causes of Infidelity. There are many reasons that could lead to cheating. The most popular one is the sexual dissatisfaction. Men normally fall prey to this. For the men who have high libido that their partner cannot equate, they see cheating as the alternative. Women who are emotional distant from their partners see that as a reason to cheat. Another reason people cheat is because if self exploration. For women who are virgins, the mere curiosity to know more fuels their intentions to explore. Yet another reason  people cheat is because they have been single for way too long that they forget they are in a relationship. In the actual sense you can tell if  a person would be faithful if they do not go about having one night stand. Effects of Infidelity. Just like a well, the scars infidelity leaves on individuals runs deep. Lack of trust is the foremost of all.  Trust which is difficult to  build but easy to be lost   has the one who has been cheated on insecure. He/She finds it hard trusting the said partner if they are going to remain in the relationship. For those who break up, it leaves then insecure in their subsequent relationships. Another effect of Infidelity is depression. Romantic relationships which is the greatest emotional investment of all leaves people depressed when it goes South. The loss of esteem and self worth is a phase most people go through after they find out they have been cheated on.         Reference: www. www. Psychological   Arueze Chisom Precious, a passionate writer can be reached through

Essays, Writers

Infidelity In Relationships: Causes And Effects by Emmanuel Enaku.

  The current infidelity statistics, courtesy of “Journal Of Marital And Family Therapy” reveals that 57% of men overall admit to committing infidelity at some point in their lives; 54% of women also admits to committing the dastardly act in one or more of their relationships. Again, 22% of married men against 14% of married women admits to having an affair during their marriage(s). It is therefore pertinent that the saying “men are cheats” is only a half-baked, ill informed and unjustly propagated stereotype. Women are proven to be caught in this mire also. Hence, rather than waste time playing the blame games, it would be ethical channeling our resources into fishing out the causes, identifying effects and brainstorming on the possible solutions  to the menace called infidelity. Infidelity often referred to as “cheating” could be defined as being unfaithful to a spouse or other partner. Infidelity as a broad topic can be narrowed down into two forms;  the physical form (which has to do with having illicit sexual affairs with another) and the emotional form (which involves the sharing of deep secrets with any other than one’s spouse). Approaching and dealing with infidelity could often times pose a difficult  task. There are no silver bullets or 100% guidelines to completely eradicating it from our society. However, to make significant progress in the fight against infidelity, there has to be adequate knowledge on the topic. Currently,  there are five recognized types of infidelity which may come under any of the two forms of infidelity highlighted above. They, as well as their causes are expatiated on in the subsequent paragraphs. Opportunistic infidelity: this occurs when a partner, despite being in a healthy relationship, succumbs to their sexual desire for someone else.  Typically, this type of cheating is driven by opportunity, risk-taking behavior  or drug use. The effect of this however is that the more involved a cheating partner is with his/her spouse, the higher the feeling of guilt as a result if their sexual encounter though, the guilty feeling may fade as the fear of being caught subsides. Obligatory infidelity: this type of infidelity is based on the fear that resisting sexual advances will result in rejection by friend or peers. The need for approval  could cause a person to act in ways that are at odds with the feeling they have for their partners. So to say,  people cheat not because they want to but because they desire the approval  that comes with being the attention  of others. Romantic infidelity: which I would call the turned-off infidelity occurs when a partner has little emotional attachment  to their partner. They may be committed to their relationship  and not willing to severe ties with their partner but the longing for an intimate and romantic connection  becomes an obsession they soon give into. The conflicted romantic infidelity: funny it may seem but quite possible. This type of infidelity occurs when people experience  genuine love and sexual desire for more than one person at a time.  It is a very complicated  case and tend to create a lot of anxiety and stress.  Hence, cheating partners in their attempt not to cause anyone harm end up hurting  everyone. Commemorative infidelity: this is when there is no love,  sexual desire or attachment to a partner. The only thing that keeps the relationship gong is a sense of commitment. The cheating  partner does not want to be seen as a failure in the eyes of the public or is in the relationship  for gratifying reasons. As a result, these people justify cheating by telling themselves that they have the right to seek outside what they lack in the present relationship. Although, major causes have been enumerated along with the most often recognized types of infidelity above, other factors play some vital roles in why spouses cheat and they include; the feeling of being in a one-sided relationship, lack of communication, Unsatisfied sex life, unfulfilled sex drive,  a revenge for past infidelity,  peer influence/negative advice and a godless commitment. Infidelity in a relationship  has the tendency to severely strain a relationship  and the people involved both psychologically and emotionally. An affair by a cheating partner could leave the other person feeling devastated,  alone, betrayed and confused. There are cases where victims take their own life out of pain and frustration. It has the ability to cause damage to self esteem, loss if trust in the cheating spouse, a sense of emotional instability and negative impact in all areas of one’s life. Though,  as said earlier, there are no silver bullets that could immediately  solve the problem of infidelity, the following are well thought out suggestions that could go a long way in effectively combating infidelity in our society. Seek godly relationships. As long as a relationship lacks the essence of God,  it lacks the principal ingredients for happiness. Needs should be examined and processed. What needs are not being met? Well,  some needs could never feel met but could it be something  indispensable ? After identifying  your needs, engage in dialogues. Reduce the opportunity to cheat. Avoid conversations about one’s relationship with an opposite sex, take note of attraction towards an opposite sex and exercise adequate Learn to control impulses and maintain boundaries. Seek help with a therapist or relationship councilor.     In conclusion, infidelity may seem a big deal but our day to day actions will determine if it will become a stumbling block in our relationship. It all depends on us to make the right decisions at all times and keep at bay this menace called infidelity.  Together,  we can build a society without cases of infidelity; relationships that are phenomenally successful. Emmanuel wrote in via

Essays, Writers

The Hidden Dangers by Victor Okonjo.

  Basic economic theory would say “The wants of Man are insatiable”. This statement clearly expresses a natural aspect of man not limited to his economic life but relative to his social and mental faculty. Man as a social being posses the tendency to exploit every area of life endeavors either for positive or negative reasons hence, relationship infidelity in discuss. Relationship is a close connection between two or more persons. Relationship varies in categories and they include family relationship, marriage relationship, communal relationship and work relationship but, our focus is on intimate relationships. Infidelity in relationship has existed from time immemorial. Infidelity is simply a betrayal of trust or vow in an intimate relationship. Infidelity is an act of cheating or unfaithfulness to one’s intimate partner. Infidelity is mostly done discreetly and in the case were it is explicit, tragedy becomes the other of the day. Infidelity in relationship occurs in different forms but unanimously leads to default in one’s commitment towards a binding relationship. It is important to know that anyone can be guilty of infidelity in a relationship and not restricted to a particular gender. Unfaithfulness in relationship has its root causes and attendant effects. Infidelity in relationship does not happen overnight but triggered by one factor or another. The causes of Infidelity vary depending on who is involved. Poor family background is the first point of call when talking about the causes of infidelity in relationship. This is because; the family is the root of any existence and the first of everything in one’s life. Thus, any family that is founded on poor foundation and fails to live up to it responsibility in being the first training ground for members of thats family gives room for a replica situation when individual members form their own family. For example, when a child grows up in a family setting where infidelity is a normal occurrence either from the father or mother side, the orientation of that child will be corrupted and may likely toll on that path. This is corroborated in the words of the Holy Bible which says “Train up a child in the way that he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it” (Proverbs 22:6, NKJV). Sexual dissatisfaction is another major cause of infidelity in a relationship. Some persons fail to understand or orient themselves on issues relating to their sexual orientation before engaging in intimate relationship. Along the way, they later find out they are not sexually compatible giving yield to dissatisfaction in their sexual life. In a bid to find consolation, they commit to infidelity as a way to gratify personal pleasure. When one’s intimate partner do not get maximum or average satisfaction in their love and sexual relationship, infidelity becomes the other of the day. Self discipline is a positive attribute and value that some people lack and it manifest in their relationship. Any man or woman who is deficient in self discipline will lack the will power to resist the tendencies of infidelity especially when confronted with crisis in a relationship. Such person lacks the control of self and exploits every opportunity of short falls in a relationship to indulge in unfaithful affairs. In the case of marriage, marital limitations can be a cause for infidelity in marriage and an example is childlessness. When a couple has childless challenge, without self restraint, that relationship may be soared with infidelity which may arise from negative advisory and family pressure. Peer pressure is also a cause of infidelity in relationship. Situations where a person is surrounded with insensitive and extreme worldly friends, the pressure to get influenced into unfaithful affairs is imminent. This again is corroborated in the words of the Holy Bible which says “Bad company corrupts good character” (1 Corinthians 15:33, New Living Translation), and in consonance with the common saying “Show me your friend and I will tell who you are”. A psychological cause that leads to infidelity in a relationship is habitual perversion. A habitual sexual pervert will always struggle to be faithful in a relationship. Some persons have developed the habit of being pervert and the habit goes with them into any relationship they find themselves. Their situation is the case of consistent sexual promiscuity even when they show remorse over it. Infidelity in relationship has hidden dangers that are detrimental to the existence of any relationship especially in marital union hence, the effects. A major effect of infidelity in relationship is divorce or break up. Often times, several cheating relationships result in the parties involved going their separate ways. This mostly occurs when the parties involved are unable to tolerate such level of betrayal and so any attempt to resolve the issues proves abortive. Furthermore, it is pertinent to know that divorce or break up sometimes result to broken homes and emotional grief, which have the possibility of destabilizing the overall wellness of those affected. Distrust is a consequential aftermath of unfaithful behavior in relationship. When a man or woman is caught in the act of infidelity in a relationship, such person looses the trust of his or her spouse. Relationships were distrust arising from unfaithful attributes take centre stage will render such relationships as unhealthy. Negative profile image is another effect of infidelity in relationship. Infidelity can tarnish ones reputation and image especially when that person is a popular figure. It can express wrong signals that could question your moral ability from those who look up to you with high esteem and even aggravate to loss of one’s respect. The complication from sexually transmitted disease is a dangerous effect of infidelity. When a person bound by a relationship continuously indulge in unfaithful affairs, the possibility of contracting sexually transmitted disease is inevitable. Infidelity in a relationship can provoke the tendency of domestic violence if not well managed. Children who come from broken homes due to domestic violence an effect of infidelity falls into wrong hands of the society. They give

Essays, Writers

Infidelity: A Ravaging Virus by Mercy Ofem.

 Infidelity. A five syllabic word specifically used in the context of relationships and marriage, also known as marital infidelity. It can be directly translated in a general notion to another word: cheating. In lay-man’s terms it can simply be said as cheating on one’s spouse/partner.      Oxford (2010), defines infidelity as the act of not being faithful to your wife, husband or partner by having sex with somebody else. Longman (2009), explains it as a situation whereby someone has sex with a person who is not their wife husband or partner.      A virus is known to attack a living host and rapidly multiply, breaking down defenses as well as creating an avenue for the possibility of other infections and diseases. Infidelity in a relationship is akin to this. It is one of those actions that has nothing positive attached and for good reason. All accounts indicate that all incidences of infidelity serve as a doorway for an inflow of more negative situations with the most negative being separation and divorce. The irony exists in the fact that despite this being known it appears that the rate of infidelity is on the rise, aided by social media and easy access to communications via instant messaging applications.      Multiple statistics complied show that up to 25% of marriages experiences at least one event of infidelity: this means that out of every 100 marriages, 20 will experience at least one case of infidelity while going through the course of their married life. Although each existing individual is unique in their genetic makeup the driving force behind infidelity remains the same, falling in a range that stays constant: physical to emotion.      The lack of love and the desire to seek it. In an instance where a partner has a feeling of less love reciprocated or unrequited love in a relationship or marriage, he or she will be tempted to seek other ways of getting said love and more often than none consider external sexual activities as the next available means. Misplaced priorities about love and sex also play a role here, the notion of “love is not sex and sex is not love” is rendered useless and said notion becomes blurred.      Feelings of neglect alongside insecurity. Every Individual has needs, whether they be emotional, physical, economical or otherwise. The idea of not getting said needs fulfilled in a union stirs up uncomfortable thoughts and feelings that more often than none leads to a state of unrest from said individual. Working hand-in-hand with this is the feeling of insecurity of the fulfillment of those needs in said relationship or marriage, a person can resort to attaining a means of “security and stability” via infidelity. This acts as a means of chasing away the thoughts and feelings of neglect and lays a means to an attempt to feel a sense of security about themselves.      Sexual addictions and a lack of discipline. The chances that an individual who is addicted to sex won’t stop on the basis of being in a relationship with another is likely to be higher than the opposite scenario. High chances also exist that said person will be entangled in infidelity. The ability to control one’s self stems from discipline of the mind and body, an individual who lacks discipline and is not ready to discipline themselves will constantly fall into situations that arise due to the absence of said discipline.      The absence of commitment in a relationship. It is said that anything that is worth doing is worth doing well, this speaks directly of hard work and commitment. A person who owns a car and does not pay attention to the state of the car will end up with a broken down car sooner or later. In an existing marriage, if the dedication and work is not put in to the extent it should the outcome will not be a good one.      Issues arising from aging and body image. In our digitalized world of today social media has created an image and a “standard”, falling short of those standards indirectly means lacking an appealing state which in turn means not being considered worthy of attention or devotion. This in turn affects the mentalities of people in relationships to seek for “the better appeal” which in turn leads to issues of infidelity.      The exposure to infidelity at a young age. The human nature is crafted in such that the young, until they reach a certain age of maturity adapt a “copy and paste” pattern from the things they see, hear and feel. A high probability exists that a person who was exposed to a cheating parent during their childhood years will turn out to be involved in infidelity when they finally go into a relationship.      The lack of respect in a relationship. Some say respect is reciprocal and some say respect is earned. Despite individual preferred mentality towards the matter of respect the simple truth exists that when respect is absent in a relationship chaos ensues. The one who lacks the respect views the other as worthless and the one not receiving the respect will long to be respected.      Abiding by a basic fact that evey action taken has its own form of consequence, the effects of infidelity in a relationship are as negative as they come.      Feelings of betrayal and the loss of trust. Going hand-in-hand with each other the first effects of infidelity is the feeling of abuse of trust which is termed as betrayal. An adage goes along the lines of “fool me once, it is not my fault but fool me twice and it is my fault”. The notion of being used will not sit well and as such a complete loss of trust will occur in said relationship.      High chances of illnesses. The act of having multiple sexual partners gives a high risk

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