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Letter From The Future by Folarin Oluwatimilehin.

The President,  Federal Republic of Nigeria.    Dear Sir,  LETTER FROM THE FUTURE  It might seem weird when you see the date on this letter. My intention is not to scare you, but to pass across a vital message that will be crucial to the nation. I am writing to you from 2035. Nigeria is in stern danger and we need your help. You might probably want to ask yourself what you have to do with that. It is not a big task; your decisions tend to be creating an unbearable problem for us. I will like to quintessentially break down the problem so that you can position yourself well to understand the next series of actions to take.  Presently in 2035, foreign debt has proven to be one of the foremost challenges facing us in the land due to the accumulated budget deficit, the inevitable desire of previous leaders to embezzle the nation’s fund, and most importantly, the politics behind infrastructural projects experienced in the first three decades of the 21st century in the country.    Without any iota of doubt, the major factor that distinguishes developed nations from the under-developed or developing ones is the ability to comprehend actions that can foster their economic growth, national development and eliminates poverty. In this regard, developed nations take the bold step of improving the state of their infrastructures. In fact, without a second glance at their airports, road networks, power lines, and the likes, a visitor will definitely fall in love with the serene environment. These infrastructures do not only provide a befitting atmosphere but also responsible for the booming of the economy. I was very happy to discover that Nigeria is learning from the super-giants, and inviting foreign nations to help her redefine the state of her infrastructures. However, it is disdainful that Nigeria is now looming in the ocean of financial debt as a result of some concealed happenings among the leaders.  Sadly, as I was going through the social media a few days ago, I discovered that Dr. Bongo Adi, the Director of Centre for the Infrastructural Policy Regulation and Advancement (CIPRA) said, “Nigeria lacks accountability, transparency, and responsibility to refund its loan.” [1] This is nothing but the truth. Digesting the words of Dr. Bongo, you will acquiesce with me that the government is causing great damage to future generations.   With China being Nigeria’s leading partner for the execution of infrastructural projects, statistics behind the scene is not encouraging. “Nigeria owes China about $3.1 billion, representing more than 10% of the nation’s $27.6 billion external debt stock,” Minister of Finance disclosed in February. Can Nigeria refund the extravagant loans from China and other foreign countries if the rate of borrowing keeps aggravating? This is a question that bothers me. Sadly, while taking a survey on the root cause of this revolting debt, I realised that most of the citizens erroneously think that it is due to the gigantic exceptional infrastructural projects being executed in Nigeria by these foreign countries. This is absolutely wrong I must profess and confess!  In contrast to people’s belief about foreign countries delivering quality projects in Nigeria, Peter Adebayo rendered such supposition invalid. He said, “It depends on how we perceive success.” Reinforcing that, Engineer Adejimi Lanre, a civil engineer disclosed to me during one of my visits to a construction site. He revealed that “the Nigerian government pays foreign contractors massively for their services which are sadly below par compared to what they are constructing in their respective countries.” He further added, “It is quite disgusting that foreign companies are paid almost 10 times greater than indigenous ones.”   Also, we need to learn from Dr. Labiran, a Nigerian Structural Engineer who did his Master’s degree program at Imperial College, and later bagged his doctorate degree from the University of Ibadan. He once said, “The government should start coming to Nigerian universities and see outstanding innovations by young brains. Students are making discoveries, and designing sky-scrapers, dams, bridges, drainage systems, magnificent road networks, among several other mind-blowing developments with 100% structural analysis success when examined, and tested with software. Why is the government not exploring these great minds, but rather finds pleasure in dishing out funds to people with white skins?” The answer is not far-fetched!   Corruption is the bedrock and one of the leading causes of infrastructural politics in Nigeria. Even if the nation is confronted with a financial dilemma, with no other option than to turn to International Financial Institutions for help, nevertheless, the government must not concede too easily to yield in the direction of taking depraved steps that could have been curtailed if things are done without bias, and there is the absence of hidden desire to loot funds. It is sad to even discover that the youths and aged men who are craving to taste out of money from corrupt practices are more than the cabals presently siphoning the government reserves. Dangers looming over dangers! This is a critical challenge facing the nation that must be addressed.  I would be glad if there is a turnaround and the financial risk associated with infrastructural projects is put under check. The state of infrastructure in the nation has called for aggravated worriment in the heart of all. Even though it is evident that the accessibility of functional infrastructures like roads, uninterrupted water supply, bridges, among several others seem to be fundamental, nevertheless, there is an observed public display of exasperating political show in that aspect.    It is no more news that infrastructure has connections capable of having precarious financial implications on the economy due to the enormous funding it commands. This is the reason the government must be cautious of the financial implications of borrowing. [2] I must have to reiterate it again at this point that the Federal Republic of Nigeria is in danger. The government is not taking cognizance of the increasing rate at which loans are being collected from foreign countries, without recourse to the future!  Interestingly, the COVID-19 pandemic has revealed that all countries need to equip their economy with vibrant labour force capable of dealing with internal affairs. Just as the cry for the government to shower the health sector with funds because there is no foreign country that will want to welcome a sick person into their land in this perilous period no matter how severe the case may be, it is high time such ideology is incorporated into the infrastructural industry. In light of this, if employees in indigenous companies are groomed, exposed, adequately trained, and are given projects to handle, then the need for inviting companies from foreign countries will dwindle drastically.  In conclusion, I will end with the word of James Lendall which says, “A man in debt is a man in chains.” We are not building a nation that will last for 4 years or two tenures. Rather, we are raising a country that will forever be a testament to the coming generations. The time to stop receiving loans that will injure the mental state of the future inhabitants is now.  I believe in Nigeria. I believe that there are people who are capable of cascading the nation into greatness. Together, we will fight and conquer the enemy called ‘foreign debt’ that is disturbing the peace of the land in the name of infrastructure politics before things get out of

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Why President Buhari’s case is different by Joe Igbokwe

First was former President Obasanjo’s letter asking PMB not to contest in 2019 citing many reasons why he has to leave the exalted office. It was quickly followed by another letter from former dictator Ibrahim Babangida asking PMB to step aside In 2019 for a younger president. This was followed by the hate and weeping from the losers of 2015 elections who are yet to come to terms with the situations they found themselves since the feeding bottles were forcefully taken away from their rapacious greedy mouths. It was quickly followed by the cries from those who for years had been stealing our crude oil, selling it and pocketing the dollars, those who stole billions of Pension Funds and Salaries of workers, those who stole trillions of Naira in the name of subsidy, those who stole the federal Government to bones with thousands of fictitious accounts, the banks who raked billions every month as charges, those who stole billions of dollars meant for the purchase of arms to fight insurgents. What of those in JAMB office, FIRS, NIMASA, CUSTOMS who stole billions meant for government coffers? They are not left out in the era of pains and tears. What about the experts in Budget padding found in the National Assembly? They are still weeping and gnashing their teeth. Then followed another gnashing of teeth and weeping from the importers of rice from Thailand that cost the country more than 3 billion dollars every year? What about the tragic stories and tales of woes from those whose ill-gotten houses, hard currencies, and cars were confiscated by EFCC? They wished and still wish that PMB must die. Even those found to have stolen billions from the coffers of the Police, Army, Navy, Air Force had to cough out and vomit the money and they are not left out in the weeping contest. Even those found in the media (both electronic and print) who got billions of stolen money to help sell rotten eggs in 2015 are still crying without consolation for years now.They sobbed and sobbed and are still sobbing today with no end in sight. What about the billions confiscated from the coffers of the former first lady? The woman and her followers have been weeping and cursing the day PMB was born. What about the religious leaders who got billions from GEJ in the days of the locust? Oh, they are weeping without control and wish that PMB will die immediately. How come all those who are being accused of stealing money are now feigning sickness? What went wrong? I can go on and on but there is no need to continue to do so. You cannot continue to box a man lying prostrate on the ground who has no strength to fight back. Now, their biggest pain is that PMB is doing what they failed to do in 16 years. PMB is building massive infrastructure across Nigeria. PMB has been growing our internal revenue which is now overtaking crude oil revenue, the first in 45 years. PMB has brought about the unprecedented revolution in Agriculture in Nigeria and has particularly reduced Rice importation by 60% and employing millions. PMB has added serious values to Power generation (7000+ MW), the highest so far. PMB has given corruption a bloody nose and no Nigerian head of state living or dead has matched his record. PMB has grown the Nigerian Stock Exchange volume of business to 15.75 trillion naira, the highest so far. In their own very eyes, PMB is now the Anti-Corruption Champion in Africa. This is the principal reason the idiots want him out. They cannot withstand another four years. They may all die. Cheap money is no longer flowing. Looted money is no longer available. They talk about National security, the herdsmen and the killings in Benue, Tarawa, Adamawa. I have been seeing cattle rearers since I was young. Because PMB is a Fulani, the bigots think he is arming them to kill other Nigerians and Islamize them. Yeye people all! PMB’s case is very different. He had a mission and vision of what he wants to do and he is doing it. The gang up cannot fly and it will not work.A friend once educated me on the meaning of stupid. He says it is knowing the truth, seeing the truth but still believing lies. Being honest may not fetch you many friends but it will fetch you the right ones. PMB friends and committed followers are the ordinary Nigerians who fight for him even with empty stomachs because they believe he is fighting for them. They can feel it, they see it and they know the man is not corrupt. I am told that the loudest person in the room is not always the strongest. OBJ and IBB’s letter may not fly this time because PMB’s case is different. PMB is doing what OBJ and IBB did not do. IBB corrupted our democracy and democratized corruption. Former President Obasanjo wasted eight years of South West presidency and even wanted a third term. He could not find the killers of Bola Ige, Harry Marshall, Ogbonnaya Uche, Dikibo, Funsho Williams, Daramola etc. Those who destroyed our yesterday cannot be the ones that will control tomorrow’s potentials. This is why PMB’s case is different. Joe Igbokwe wrote on his facebook page

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I am satisfied with Buhari: Duro Onabule

Veteran journalist Duro Onabule dissects Obasanjo’s missive to President Buhari in this piece originally published by NAN..read on.. —————————————————————————————————————————————- It was always predictable that, given his notoriety on that score, it was a matter of time for former President Olusegun Obasanjo to resume his pastime of undermining his military and civilian successors, by making President Muhammadu Buhari his latest victim. Amusingly, the rabble Obasanjo rouses on such occasions has dignified his deplorable tactics as a sort of distinction. If only they could critically dissect the man. There is this latent personality complex of striving never to be outshone or exceeded by any Nigerian living or dead. Hence, at the slightest prospect of being threatened, Obasanjo comes charging. Obasanjo’s dismissal of Buhari’s performance is a vivid example. On the alert that African Union was to honour the Nigerian President as the Champion of Anti-Corruption in Africa the following day, Obasanjo came out with his diatribe in the mistaken belief that the great honour for Buhari and, indeed, Nigeria would be diminished if not rubbished by his comments. Unfortunately for him, African Union sustained its honour on Nigeria, much to the credit of  Muhammadu Buhari as the President under whose tenure Nigeria became rebranded, to the envy of Obasanjo. Every timing and content of Obasanjo’s verbal assault on his military and civilian successors is noteworthy for exposing Obasanjo’s self-exaggeration and case study in hypocrisy. He is on record in some of his books as rating himself above every Nigerian (civilian or military), who ever served at high level  – Nnamdi Azikiwe, Obafemi Awolowo, Aminu Kano, Waziri Ibrahim, General Yakubu Gowon, Brigadier Benjamin Adekunle, General Alani Akinrinade, General Alabi Isama, General Buhari, General Ibrahim Babangida (IBB), General Sani Abacha (as military rulers), former Vice President Atiku Abubakar, President Umaru Yar’Adua, President Goodluck Jonathan and, now, President Buhari. General Abdulsalami Abubakar escaped Obasanjo’s bad tongue only because he released him (Obasanjo) from jail and heeded northern Generals who imposed Obasanjo on Nigeria as an elected President. Obasanjo kept off IBB since the day the former military President, in a rejoinder to Obasanjo, openly served him notice that “Henceforth, it will be fire for fire.” Obasanjo got the coded message. Very disturbingly and unknown to Nigerians is the fact that, contrary to the impression that Obasanjo, in his criticisms, is motivated by public service or altruism, he goes to town specifically when he fails to run the show from outside for an incumbent head of government or get appointments for his cronies. Former President Jonathan conceded, almost virtual running of his government to Obasanjo up to the time a memo written by Obasanjo recommending removal of six appointees from federal boards, to be replaced by six of his cronies, got leaked to Nigerian Tribune newspaper. Obasanjo initially denied authorship of the memo. Somehow, Nigeria Police foolishly arraigned Nigeria Tribune and its reporter for alleged sedition. Nigerian Tribune then had to republish the memo with Obasanjo’s full signature. That was the end of the matter, as the police had to withdraw the charges till today. In the current anti-Buhari misadventure by Obasanjo, how many Nigerians took notice that, amid the euphoria on Buhari’s victory, Obasanjo, in his arrogance of Mr. Know All, dispatched two volumes of policies President Buhari must implement during his current tenure? Who was elected President of Nigeria in 2015? Buhari or Obasanjo? Obasanjo’s major weakness of feeling superior to everybody is the cause of his running down contemporaries. Apparently, Buhari kept Obasanjo’s policies in the shelf, a derision, which embittered Obasanjo. Hence his frustration. “I said it from the beginning that Buhari is not strong on economy.” Who then displays his Ph.D in Economics? Obasanjo. Here was a man, so arrogant and power-drunk that he openly dismissed the advisers he had just sworn in that as much as they might advise, he, President Obasanjo, was not bound to take their advice. The same man imposing total policy directive on a President yet to be sworn in. The same deplorable tactics by Obasanjo did not work on late President Yar’Adua, not the least because he rejected Obasanjo’s attempt to run the government for him, but he also cancelled Obasanjo’s hurried investment of a whopping half a billion dollars in African Finance Corporation a fortnight before handing over to Yar’Adua. That investment was without the approval of the National Assembly. The late President Yar’Adua also queried an expenditure of $16 billion by Obasanjo’s administration purportedly on power supply with, according to Yar’Adua, “…nothing to show for it.” It is a question of character and hypocrisy. Who ever ran Obasanjo’s administrations for him? Who ever nominated public office holders for Obasanjo throughout his tenure? Who imposed policies on Obasanjo? Indeed, on his first day in office in 1999, Obasanjo expressed thanks to all those who helped him but instantly requested all of them to keep away. If so, why must he aim to run government for others? Former President Obasanjo is the cheapest critic in Nigeria as he merely echoes claims of the innocent public. Obasanjo was not bold enough to specify Lawal Musa Daura (DG, Department of State Services) and Mamman Daura, a veteran journalist, as the major focus of the charge of nepotism against Buhari. Admittedly, Mamman Daura is a nephew, but Lawal Daura (DG, DSS), might just be Buhari’s townsman. Is that, therefore, peculiar to President Buhari or Nigeria or even Africa? What, anyway, was the record under Obasanjo or former President Goodluck Jonathan? During Obasanjo’s tenure, his daughter, Iyabo Obasanjo Bello, was Ogun State commissioner for health. Iyabo was also elected senator from Ogun Central, her father’s constituency. Above all, only the collapse of Obasanjo’s third term agenda cost his daughter the governorship of Ogun State for which she specially formed the Iyaniwura Foundation. Most remarkably, Obasanjo removed the serving Director-General of DSS to make way for Ogun State and fellow Egba, Colonel Kayode Are (retd). Obasanjo, therefore, owes Nigerians the difference between him and President Buhari, a task which should have

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Obasanjo’s love letter to Buhari by Femi Fani Kayode

Few can dispute the fact that President Olusegun Obasanjo, the Ebora Owu, was one of those that brought President Muhammadu Buhari to power in 2015. Without Obasanjo’s wholesale and comprehensive endorsement Buhari would have failed woefully at the polls three years ago. Yet, in my view, today the Ebora Owu has absolved himself of this grave and monumental error by standing up to speak truth to power at great risk to his safety, fortunes and welfare and by sending our President an explosive, damning and much-awaited missive telling him that he has failed woefully, admonishing him to get off his “high horse of leadership” and advising him not to attempt to run again in 2019. I am delighted and indeed proud of what the Ebora has done and I commend and congratulate him for finding the courage to say what those of us that have been at the forefront of the struggle against President Buhari have been saying for the last three years. My friend and brother Governor Peter ‘The Rock’ Ayodele Fayose gallantly led the charge and said it. Pastor Reno Omokri said it. Dr. Reuben Abati said it. Professor Abubakar Sulaiman said it. Col. Abubakar ‘Dangiwa’ Umar said it. Governor Nyesom Wike said it. Senator Ben Murray-Bruce said it. Mujaheed Asari Dokubo said it. Mazi Nnamdi Kanu said it. Yours truly said it. And a number of others said it. And each and every one of us that did, in varying degrees, have faced all manner of insults and threats and have paid a heavy price for doing so. Yet we have no regrets because no matter what happens tomorrow posterity will judge us kindly and history will recall that, when it mattered the most, we stood for the people, for the truth, for justice and for equity and we resisted and opposed racism, ethnic hegemony, religious bigotry, naked tyranny, oppression, mass murder, genocide, ethnic cleansing and the relentless attempt to subjugate and enslave our compatriots and our nation. We welcome President Obasanjo and others to the honorable and noble ranks of conscientious dissenters, non-conformists and men of courage. Yet as refreshing and inspiring as his letter was I respectfully disagree with just one aspect of it. I believe that his categorisation and condemnation of the main opposition party was unnecessarily harsh, misplaced and regrettable. And neither do I accept the assertion that the PDP “procured” a judgement at the Supreme Court. The continuous attempt to demystify, demonise, demean and destroy the PDP, which the APC and the Buhari government set in motion as one of its cardinal policies three years ago, is certainly not the way forward. If anything those that got it wrong three years ago and that supported Buhari should be thanking the PDP for having the insight and fortitude to recognise the insincerity of purpose and glaring incompetence in Buhari and his APC at a very early stage when they stubbornly refused to do so. They should also be thanking a few of us for providing a viable, strong and virile opposition to a man that can best be described as a vicious and vindictive maximum dictator who has no respect for the rule of law or the tenets of democracy and a party that was contrived and conjured up from the pit of hell. Yet outside of that faux paux I believe that the Ebora Owu’s intervention was not only welcome but also timely. His counsel has removed whatever little was left of the spiritual foundation of the APC and the Buhari government and it has stripped them naked before the civilised world. Today they are nothing but a sorry bunch of castrated and weakened renegades who are living on the fading glory and diminishing power of an “all-conquering” ethnic hegemonist and religious bigot. Simply put, they are nothing but a shell of their former selves. Baba Obasanjo’s intervention also creates the potential for a new beginning and a massive and purposeful realignment of political forces that may end up saving Nigeria. Let us hope that thousands of others that have hitherto been hiding under their beds out of fear of Buhari will follow the Ebora’s lead and find their voice. Yet if we really want to ensure that Buhari does not return in 2019 we need to go much further than offering wise counsel or letter-writing. The truth of the matter is that this whole issue goes far beyond party politics: it is a struggle between the forces of light and the forces of darkness. I say this because what we are faced with is pure tyranny and unadulterated evil. As a matter of fact it is probably the greatest evil that we have ever known in our entire history. Quite apart from the sheer duplicity, double-speak, greed, mendacities, double-standards, nepotism, ethnic and religious motivations, clanishness, cruelty, incompetence and monumental corruption of the Buhari administration, under their watch more people have been slaughtered by the security forces and by state-supported and protected ethnic militias like the Fulani terrorists and herdsmen than at ANY other time in our history outside the civil war. Too much blood has been shed. Too much suffering and devastation has been wrought and inflicted. Too much has gone wrong. The very root of our foundation and our source of strength and unity has been tampered with and damaged almost irreversibly over the last three years. Worse still is the fact that the neo-fascist forces that Buhari and those that are still with him represent will not let go of power without a hard and bloody fight. Those forces are far more entrenched, determined, bloody-minded, dangerous and devastating than anything we have ever known or that we have ever been confronted with in our entire history. They are not only ruthless but they are also relentless. If anyone doubts that they should read the words of the Minister of Defence when he attempted to defend, justify and rationalise the activities of the Fulani herdsmen. I said this during

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Memory lane: Iyabo Vs Obasanjo

Many have reacted and responded to Obasanjo’s latest letter, some like Simon Kolawole instantly dismissed the messenger and the message with a string of sarcastic queries on why the man whom he once labeled the “indefatigable rabble-rouser” should be our moral compass. Others like Abati applauded Baba and described his missive as timely albeit with a reminder that the Ebora Owu should have apologised to Nigerians for foisting the ‘change’ on us. Lai’s response was equally good as he enumerated some notable achievements of the administration, he, however, failed to address the core issues of nepotism, the president’s health status and the recent rampage by the herdsmen. As we watch the unfolding events that will surely trail the letter yours truly decided to republish Iyabo Obasanjo’s letter in the wake of the one her daddy wrote to former President Goodluck Jonathan in 2013 to rejig our memory because of our collective and often detrimental amnesia. Nevertheless, Baba’s letter is a very welcome development for our democracy. Read on…   Open Letter to Olusegun Obasanjo It brings me no joy to have to write this but since you started this trend of open letters I thought I would follow suit since you don’t listen to anyone anyway. The only way to reach you may be to make the public aware of some things. As a child well brought up by my long-suffering mother in Yoruba tradition, I have been reluctant to tell the truth about you but as it seems you still continue to delude yourself about the kind of person you are and I think for posterity’s sake it is time to set the records straight. I will return to the issue of my long-suffering mother later in this letter. Like most Nigerians, I believe there are very enormous issues currently plaguing the country but I was surely surprised that you will be the one to publish such a treatise. I remember clearly as if it was yesterday the day I came over to Abuja from Abeokuta when I was Commissioner of Health in Ogun State, specifically to ask you not to continue to pursue the third term issue. I had tried to bring it up when your sycophantic aides were present and they brushed my comments aside and as usual, you listened to their self-serving counsel. For you to accuse someone else of what you so obviously practiced yourself tells of your narcissistic megalomaniac personality. Everyone around for even a few minutes knows that the only thing you respond to is praise and worship of you. People have learnt how to manipulate you by giving you what you crave. The only ones that can’t and will not stroke your ego are family members who you universally treat like shit (sic) apart from the few who have learned to manipulate you like others. Before I continue, Nigerians are people who see conspiracy and self-service in everything because I think they believe everyone is like them. This letter is not in support of President Jonathan or APC or any other group or person, but an outpouring from my soul to God. I don’t blame you for the many atrocities you have been able to get away with, Nigerians were your enablers every step of the way. People ultimately get leaders that reflect them. Getting back to the story, I made sure your aides were not around and brought up the issue, trying to deliver the presentation of the issue as I had practiced it in my head. I started with the fact that we copied the US constitution which has term limits of two terms for a President. As is your usual manner, you didn’t allow me to finish my thought process and listen to my point of view. Once I broached the subject you sat up and said that the US had no term limits in the past but that it had been introduced in the 1940s after the death of President Roosevelt, which is true. I wanted to say to you: when you copy something you also copy the modifications based on the learning from the original; only a fool starts from scratch and does not base his decisions on the learning of others. In science, we use the modifications found by others long ago to the most recent, as the basis of new findings; not going back to discover and learn what others have learnt. Human knowledge and development and civilization will not have progressed if each new generation and society did not build on the knowledge of others before them. The American constitution itself is based on several theories and philosophies of governance available in the 18th century. Democracy itself is a governance method started by the ancient Greeks. America’s founding fathers used it with modifications based on what hadn’t worked well for the ancient Greeks and on new theories since then. As usual in our conversations, I kept quiet because I know you well. You weren’t going to change your mind based on my intervention as you had already made up your mind on the persuasion of the minions working for you who were ripping the country blind. When I spoke to you, your outward attitude to the people of the country was that you were not interested in the third term and that it was others pushing it. Your statement to me that day proved to me that you were the brain behind the third term debacle. It is therefore outrageous that you accuse the current President of a similar two-facedness that you yourself used against the people of the country. I was on a plane trip between Abuja and Lagos around the time of the third term issue and I sat next to one of your sycophants on the plane. He told me: “Only Obasanjo can rule Nigeria”. I replied: “God has not created a country where only one person can rule. If only one person can rule Nigeria then the whole Nigeria

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A perspective on the Kachikwu/Baru NNPC imbroglio by Okunrin Ogun

ONLY FOR THOSE WHO VALUE THE TRUTH (THE “KOKO” of the NNPC GMD vs MOS PETROLEUM SAGA). If someone as low on the power ladder as me knew both Kachikwu and Baru were about to be fired, then I know BOTH PARTIES themselves know. Which brings me to WHY that memo to the President was leaked and WHERE the leak came from and WHY it was leaked. Before we get to that point let’s examine some recent history. When President Buhari came to power in 2015 Mr. Baru was the most senior GED within the NNPC structure. It was he who made the initial recommendation to the president on the needed reforms that the government initiated. Mr. President, however, chose to appoint Mr. Kachikwu a private sector guy (he is rumoured to have been recommended by TY Daniuma) and Kachikwu was given a dual role of not only the Minister of State (MOS) and Chairman of the NNPC board but also made NNPC GMD, given him unfettered powers. Now the first thing Kachikwu did was to post Baru the most senior GED away from the NNPC to the Ministry as Technical Adviser Gas a more or less redundant position. For the whole year Baru was there he had no office. The joke was that Kachikwu’s people would see him loitering around the ministry and say “Oga wetin be dat your name again? Minister say make we find you office”. On the reforms Baru initiated in the NNPC Kachikwu added two principal things: he renamed the GEDs as COOs and changed the reporting structure of the GGM NAPIMS and GGM NPDC who historically reported to the GED E & P who then reported to the GMD to report directly to him Kachikwu as GMD. Baru reverted the NAPIMS and NPDC structure back to status quo because it delayed their work having to report to GMD (whose desk was already full) and he re-Christened the GEDs as GED/COO when he came back as GMD. While Baru was in the wilderness, Kachikwu was looming large. He appointed new GEDs now COOs and and bestrode the industry. But rumours started to fly about “business”. His brother who was a known wheeler-dealer in Abuja became the go-to guy and began to call shots. Nothing is hidden under the sun and when information began to filter to the villa even though perhaps not with enough proof the FG now felt it was unwise to create another “superman” like Dieziani who controlled everything in the industry, they chose to revert to status quo and divide both positions. The Minister is the bigger post theoretically and Kachikwu got that. The GMD reports to the minister but in reality, GMD is where the “pot of soup” is. Any minister needs to be in a good relationship with his GMD otherwise he will be “empty” if you know what I mean. Well as fate will have it, it was the same Baru who was treated with disdain by Kachikwu that now got the GMD position by virtue of his seniority. The truth, Baru and Kachikwu are barely on speaking terms. If Kachikwu needs anything from NNPC he goes through Rabiu GED E&P who was he (Kachikwu’s) appointee but that is a function of the personal relationship between both parties and the history of how he was treated. Rabiu himself needed to be careful so as not to offend the GMD his immediate boss while seeking to please the minister. The real struggle is about the resource, it always is. Both have been firing memos to the presidency reporting each other from day one. This I understand has culminated in the decision that they would both go. Baru also is battling personal problems including severe health challenges. The announcement of the shake-up in the industry is expected to have happened before the independence holiday. So no surprises that that memo leaked now, I am confident that memo leaked from the MOS office and it is a face-saving, pre-emptive action against a known outcome. So now for those who always seek the TRUTH they can now understand the WHY and HOW. As expected people will put all sorts of spin to the situation but this is the real situation. Both parties will leave in the next few days, I will put a dollar on that and people are just saving face. The pot of soup in that industry is too large that even an angel will stain his white garment with oil if appointed which I suspect is why PMB retains the substantive Minister portfolio. In fact, there are no angels in our public service. Most screaming now will line up with an application for allocation if whoever is in power is their person. Okunrin Ogun can be reached on his facebook page.

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