
Blog, Writers

Essay Competition: Week 2 Winner.

Ladies and gentlemen, we have our winner/s of the cmonionline essay competition week 2. The winning essay is “Effect Of Foreign Debts On Nigeria’s Infrastructural Development by Oyinola Abosede” Oyinola introduced his topic well by incorporating a personal account of his interaction with a public official on the subject matter. He then developed it with sound arguments giving examples with relevant statistics and facts to emphasize the points raised. He concluded by making suggestions. His diction, syntax, punctuation and paragraphing were equally good. Congratulations to Oyinola for winning the N10,000:00 cash prize. You wrote in last time and improved this time to nick the 1st position. You can be proud of your essay and we certainly look forward to more entries from you. The publisher has also awarded N5,000:00 cash prize each to encourage the two other writers that made the top 3. How Nigerians Chose Big Brother Naija Over The Presidential Election by Aaron Livingstone.      2. Letter From The Future by Folarin Oluwatimilehin. While Aaron wrote in for the first time, Folarin is a previous winner and has once again shown that he is a talent to look out for. We are glad and honoured to encourage both of them in their writing journey. Congratulations guys. For obvious reasons, we had more entries than in the 1st week out of which 10 good essays were published. The others didn’t make our editorial standards for various reasons already listed here. Furthermore, as this is a collective learning process we will now be providing some tips from the judges’ feedback. This week we noted that the grading rubric across various disciplines particularly in Africa often attach more weight to content since English isn’t our mother tongue. Moreover, it can be argued that diction or language is about communicating effectively and not necessarily precisely. Yet adequate emphasis must be laid on good grammar, syntax and punctuation especially in creative writing, prose, poetry where style is crucial to evocation which is at the core of that literary genre. Thus our editorial standard is such that we ALWAYS trash any work dotted with red lines leaving no option to ascertain its contents. So please always double-check your grammar and punctuation. Also, endeavour to read the instructions carefully to enhance your chances of winning. Provide a short bio and a bright pic within the recommended size (Oyinola Abosede take note). Caption your essay in your own words. We provide topics, not titles. This exercise is a journey to create a unique audience of not just writers but readers and thinkers. We wish to thank everyone for their support especially our judges and sponsors. And once again congratulations to our writers and readers. We have taken off well and will even get better. Please remember that we are all winners!  

Essays, Writers

Exploring life’s Intricacies by Oyinlola Abosede

  Sometimes it gets so dark one can hardly imagine the possibility of stars being suspended in the skies. Still that doesn’t null the fact that somewhere beneath the depressing curtain of darkness, the stars do exist. When I first saw the theme of this challenge. I was torn between disbelief and worry. Here was a challenge that did not require me to give solutions to the spate of violence and terrorism in the world today or wipe out poverty with a flourish of my pen. Here was a challenge that needed me instead to put the spotlight on an incident that inspired my dream of studying neuroscience at John Hopkins University, a great citadel of learning. Then I remembered few years ago, growing up with my single mother had been one of the most challenging moments of my life. When I was a child, I’d hate hanging around with my mum and seeing a family of three happily enjoying picnic together. If my mum and I ever went out, it was just once a year to celebrate my birthday. It was when I was in my fourth grade that I realized I had no reason to be envious of what I thought of as a happy family. My mum wanting the best for me, quickly took notice of my fascination on scientific knowledge. She really worked hard to stimulate my interests by creating opportunities for me to learn more about the field of nature. After dinner instead of chanting the nursery rhymes to my ears before going to bed, she often read Ben Carson’s story at my request. She encouraged me to set up mini experiments in our home, which I did happily such as dissecting a toad to extract the bones inside and measuring the growth of sapling of trees in the garden. I still remember distinctly a talk on quantum physics she gave me when I was 14, even though some of these lectures were above my grasp, they still inspired me to learn more at my study period. For as long as I can remember, I have always dreamt of been a neurosurgeon. Where others see the presentation and experimentation of neuroscience as a chore. I only see fun and excitement. I have always been fascinated by all the forms of science. To me, scientific projects was a thing that grew up with me with special joy. What led to my choice of neuroscience? What are my reasons? What is the big idea? Some years ago, my Aunt died having been diagnosed of brain tumor after a four-year battle. It was during my aunt’s illness that my thirst for scientific knowledge grew over the years. It dawned on me that I could use my natural love of science to save others that are facing similar challenges. I have pushed myself continually towards achieving this goal by excelling in my science classes while in high school and competing as a finalist at the national science bowl team sponsored by the Science Teachers Association of Nigeria (STAN). Having received a state award from the Chief Medical Doctor at the University College Hospital, I had the opportunity to intern at the neuroscience laboratory for two months at the hospital through the Institute of Medical Research. The scientific spark my mother recognized in me several years ago had shaped my life, and with this I hope to shape the lives of others also. I aspire to study neuroscience at the John Hopkins University, a career that will fulfill my dreams of being a world acclaimed neurosurgeon with a sense of mission. This path I have chosen harnesses my long-time fascination of science and my commitment to helping people overcome mental disorders and diseases as a neuroscientist. Biology has been the most enjoyable subject for me in college because I found life’s intricacy so amazing. The human brain interests me the most out of all the organs in the body especially with the countless number of neurons and glial cells that gives us uniqueness and understanding emotions. I have come to love the fact that some years ago scientists recorded that the 4th most powerful supercomputer took 40mins to simulate just one second of the human brain activity. I strongly believe John Hopkins University will give me the greatest ability to exercise my capacity to help others. With their renowned neuroscience department and their deep community involvement, I would have a remarking experience in exploring new treatments and technology in developing my utmost understanding of neuroscience. It is interesting and important to note that if admitted to this university, their open curriculum would create more opportunities for me. The ability to study social sciences and multiple languages will help me exchange ideas and interact with fewer limits even within my environment. Furthermore, the curriculum will allow me to become an exceptional neurosurgeon. The way in which this could help my scientific knowledge is best encapsulated in the words of my role model, a physics professor at the Kent State University, Ohio: “One of our major inhibiting factors in addressing more complicated issues of science is that scientists need to have a sweeping grasp of multiple disciplines such as psychology, biology, convention physics, and quantum physics. And if that wasn’t bad enough, you’re going to need amazing writing skills to convey your ideas to other people and seem credible.” In the end, I don’t necessarily expect to achieve full mastery in the five years I spend as an undergraduate, but I’m a firm believer that John Hopkins University is where I’ll have the top-notch opportunity to advance my quest in this field. To expand even more, John Hopkins open curriculum would allow me to acquaint myself with students that are just as passionate about neuroscience as I am. I hope to participate in medical research and have great conversations with my classmates. Attending John Hopkins University will bring me all of these things which will aid me in achieving my dreams

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