
Essays, Writers

A Children’s Party Would Have Been Better by Oluwaseun Osanyinro.

The smile of the guy beside me turned my stomach inside out. I was not sure he was smiling at me or smiling at his imagination. Well, nobody seemed normal in this place. I adjusted on my seat uncomfortably and looked around for my best friend to be sure I was not alone. When the old man sitting in front of me smiled, I almost had nausea. What he was thinking of, with his crooked teeth can not be good and how my friend located this hell hole was still a mystery. I guess depression turned her to a detective. I finally realized one could be intoxicated by proxy and one could smoke without necessarily holding the stick or pipe because I was practically inhaling whatever the guy next to me smoked. I was so sure I could get high if I stayed a minute more yet I did not stand to leave. I wanted to be here for Sharon as the cool headed best friend I was, taking her safely home if I could last one more minute in this place. I should have known sitting quietly in a corner was a kind of invitation to the male species around. The smiles should have been a give away or the constant side comments as they passed by. The first came and asked for a dance which I politely declined. The second offered another drink and I refused. For a while, I enjoyed some sort of peace while Sharon moved from one dance partner to another to a beat that could wake the dead. Depression had escalated to throwing caution to the wind which she would probably regret tomorrow morning. My peace was however short-lived when this man walked towards me. He had the arrogance of a peacock with his two side men. I braced myself to reject his offer of which I regretted. As he walked towards me, I adjusted and mentally called my best friend. It was high time we left. He ordered another round of drinks to the hails of his fans and smiled at me like he had done something worth praising. They were drunk already so another round made no difference. He must have thought he had won me over as he happily asked what else I wanted. My response was not in words but action. Standing up and trying to walk out, I found myself directly in front of him. Silence must not have been his strong forte because he barked or rather shouted. By this time, the club quietened and everyone turned towards us. I wanted the floor to open up and swallow me. He once again asked in loud voice where I thought I was going. He went on to declare who he was, what he owns and how he could have anything he wanted. Obviously not me. Standing became uncomfortable, my tongue was tied, the atmosphere was foggy and I was feeling light headed. I quietly told him I was so sorry but I had to leave immediately. I tried side stepping him but he moved directly to my path again. The whispers were not helping me think clearly and the walls were beginning to go in circles. Great! I was intoxicated. My admirer came closer making me step back as he got himself the nearest chair and sat. My gaze moved from him to the crowd watching us. On sighting my friend, I began searching for the nearest exit to get away from Mr Arrogant. I could not stay one more minute. The bar man thought it wise to provide the drinks at that moment and the sight increased my nausea. Seeing no more drama, the crowd dispersed back to the dancing floor and tables while I battled with puking at the feet of Mr Arrogant. Finally, Sharon decided she had had all the excitement her body could take for the night and walked towards us. She blinked her lashes at Mr Arrogant causing him to smile sheepishly while she explained that I needed to go urgently. He grudgingly accepted and I almost shouted Hallelujah but halfway into my excitement, I emptied my stomach at his feet, saw the walls spinning and then black. I quickly came to while being carried out but did not open my eyes. A lady can only face embarrassment once at a time and I knew Mr Arrogant still around the corner. Watching with a partially opened eyes, I made sure Sharon was the only one in the car before I jumped up and demanded she moved over while I take over the wheel. I was already humiliated but not planning to die soon. In her shocked daze, she moved over and watched me speed away from the club house. She wanted to understand what happened back there but I was not ready to explain. I had been drunk on, smoked on, shouted at, bullied, laughed at and worse, fainted in less than two hours and I was not planning to revisit those memories. If I see Mr Arrogant, it would even be too soon. Our journey continued in silence while Sharon slept. In the silence, I swore never to visit a club house or accompany a friend to any smoking and drinking environment. My stomach was still inside out and Sharon was sleeping peacefully. Next time anyone is depressed, I would suggest a children party if any party at all. Osanyinro Oluwaseun, a graduate of Microbiology and currently a master student of Public Health at the University of Ibadan runs a blog on WordPress

Essays, Writers

Political Party Defections: A Spanner In The Works by Oluka Emmanuel. 

    Introduction  Different scholars, different literatures, have given definition of democracy; but the most striking of them all, remains that by Merriam-Webster dictionary. It defines democracy as, “a government in which the supreme power is vested in the people and exercised by them directly or indirectly through a system of representation usually involving periodic free elections”.     There is no gainsaying that Political parties remain the life wire of any democracy, and politicians belonging to these parties can truncate democratic processes through their actions within these parties. Party defection is one of such actions with great propensity to throw a spanner in the works of any democracy. These defections have become not only a norm but an increasingly dominant feature in Nigeria’s democratic journey.     Party defection involves politicians moving to a new political party, after being elected on the platform of a previous party. In doing so, they change their allegiance. This trend is a practice prevalent during election periods. For Nigerian politicians, this is a critical moment when their fates in the coming election are decided; how well the parties meet one’s hope and desire informs whether (s)he stays or moves to another party. The interest of the people who they represent falls down the pecking order in these calculations.     Sincerely, the gale of defections has not only constituted democratic nuisance, but has continued to raise serious concern among political observers and participants. It is a big threat to Nigeria’s democratic survival, and the frequency with which the strong wind blows the present fourth republican space leaves a lot to worry about already.    It is on this premise, that this essay investigates the peculiar trend of political party defections and the implications it portends for Nigeria’s democracy. In doing so, the writer traces briefly, the historical antecedents of party defections from the first republic to present republic. The essay also reveals some of the factors responsible for the trend, and the influence and nexus such factors have on the sustainability of Nigeria’s democracy. It concludes by proposing some antidotes to curtail the aberration.    A brief walk down the Memory lane…  Politics of defection in Nigeria can be traced to the first republic in 1951, when several members of National Council of Nigeria and Cameroon (NCNC), defected to the Action Group (AG) just to deny Dr. Nnamdi Azikiwe and his party (NCNC), the majority in the Western Regional House of Assembly, which the party required to form the government in the Western Region. Meanwhile, within the Action Group (AG), Ladoke Akintola, a deputy leader of AG, left the party in a crisis of personality and ideology between him and the party leader, Obafemi Awolowo, to form United Democratic Party (UNDP). UNDP then entered into alliance with Northern People’s Congress (NPC) to frustrate AG’s dominance of the Western Region.    Meanwhile, in the second republic, Akin Omoboriowo, the then Deputy Governor to Michael Ajasin of the Unity Party of Nigeria (UPN) in the old Ondo state, defected to the National Party of Nigeria (NPN) and became its gubernatorial candidate in the 1983 general election. This turned the state to a theatre of political violence because of the desperate move by the NPN to win the governorship election through massive rigging and falsification of election figures.    The third republic, political observers say, would have produced more defection drama if not that it was aborted by military incursion.     Within the fourth republic and under the 2015 general election, out of the 29 governorship candidates of the main opposition party – the All Peoples Congress (APC), 18 had at one time or the other been members of the ruling party, the Peoples’ Democratic Party (PDP), which lost the March 29, 2015 presidential election to the APC. The same trend happened after the 2019 general election; most recent of them being the defection of David Umahi, the incumbent governor of Ebonyi state to the ruling APC from the PDP, with permutations  surrounding the 2023 presidential election already seen as reason for his defection.    In all these scenarios, Nigerian political parties thus, have had history of defections and cross defections of party members from one political party to another.            But why do politicians in Nigeria bounce between political parties?  Contributory to this trend is the lack of internal democracy and deep rooted ideologies within political parties. Meaning that parties are bereft of internal structures and operations that are democratic in nature; party members are not included in decision making and deliberations within the party hierarchy and structures.     For this reason, this leads to politicians defecting, should they fail to secure their party’s nominations during primaries. Meanwhile, some move to other parties so as to participate in the elections if they feel disillusioned, cheated or denied free and fair primaries by their party. In some cases, politicians still defect even when there is no crisis within their political parties. Such politicians thus become likened to “political prostitutes” lacking in political principles, morality and conscience needed to champion the course of true leadership.    Personality clash, power tussles, divergent views on the operation of political parties’ philosophy, disagreement on party’s position on an issue, realization of one’s personal ambition and party leaders reneging on agreed issues like power sharing formula, have all been implicated as other reasons why politicians jump ship.    There is also the absence of water-tight legislative framework to curtail party prostitution amongst politicians. Sections 68 and 109 of the 1999 Nigerian constitution (as amended) for instance, emphasize the conditions for a lawmaker to defect; it however, exempts members of the federal and state executive cabinets, where the anomaly also exists. For the legislators, defecting candidates must justify that there is a division or merger in their party and they readily exploit this deficiency as they decamp to their new parties, helping them retain their offices in the process.    The Implications…  The shenanigans that define party defections in Nigeria merely reflect the level of desperation for political relevance in the pursuit of public office. This implies that many Nigerian politicians do not believe in party ideologies; rather, they are just power drunk. Ultimately, this makes a mockery of the nation’s democratic evolution, as well as degrades and humiliates the political class before the civilized society.    With continuous defections, what the people now have is a contaminated pool of parties and a structurally-perverted political tradition that relegates the needs of the people behind in the scheme of things. The Nigerian voting masses are therefore mere victims of the whims and caprices of a mindless political class who show total disrespect for the electorates.    As is often the case also, once elections are over, the interest of the people is no longer in the opposition party’s agenda; rather, they would be struggling to defect and be part a unity government, if offered by the ruling party. And so, several anti-democratic and mischievous schemes are devised to keep the opposition out of work. There becomes the absence of strong opposition that would create a balance in the country’s democracy by checking the excesses of the ruling party at any time; paving the way for the emergence of crude imperialistic governments      Conclusion and Way Forward  For democracy to

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