
Blog, Creative Essays, Writers

My Past Life by Emmanuel Enaku

The full moon blazed down on us at its highest intensity as we strode through the forest, our feet making occasional rustling sounds when they crushed down on dried leaves, seeds and twigs, accentuating the thudding sounds of hard soles — that carried weary bodies — matching down on the dry, craggy and coarse track of the evil forest. As we sauntered on, manoeuvring our way through thick forest bushes, each of us had a hand fastened on the handle of a sheathed sword tied to the waist while the other hand held firmly to a blazing local torch, our lips were clamped down hard on the fresh palm blades between them and our eyes darted around, shining with grim alertness as we scanned the spaces around us with pinpoint accuracy. We were warriors and we were trained to remain calm and alert even in unbearable discomfort. There was a sudden wind that blew harshly in the forest, swaying trees and shedding semi-dried leaves and then, a sharp sound pierced briefly into the night. The chirping, buzzing, humming and whirring noises of forest insects that accompanied us all through the journey stopped abruptly. We froze and our muscles tensed and our eyes bulged, assessing the area to catch even the faintest movement or anything that was out of the ordinary. Iyankpor, who was in front leading us, raised his right fist up and we did not move another body part except for our eyes which got even more alert and darted wildly. Everyone’s bodies were shredded of its weariness reflexively and in its place, to enormous levels, was pure and total adrenaline. We stood hard and still like rocks as Iyankpor strained his eyes and ears, marking the position where some strange sounds only he seemed to have heard came from. He turned suddenly, impaling us with hard glistening eyes that reflected the fiery burning torch in his right hand. He threw the torch on the dry ground a distance away from him and it began to burn the leaves around. In the sudden illumination, due to the effect of the burning leaves, we could see him clearly. His shoulders that were always proud had sagged, sweat poured out of his face and muscular body which still had traces of our local tattoo, made with cam wood and white chalk and oh, his eyes! Those eyes — which were always confident, daring and hard, lacked all these qualities now. As he took his palm blades from between his lips and faced us, his expression spewed nothing but unadulterated dread that threw us all into confusion. “Run! Save yourselves! The quest — you must deliver it to the king!” he hissed in an agitated manner. The leadership of Iyankpor was never questioned. He was an efficient brute, clever and powerful with amazing sixth sense and reflexes that made him undefeatable. His feats in the village wrestling arena and combat skills in war were things that almost made us think him a supernatural being but our brute of a leader was not looking anything like what we knew him to be. He looked more like a weak and lost boy in the midst of the blazing, burning fire. The initial rush of adrenaline through our bloodstreams subsided rapidly and we stared at each other with incomprehension. The cloud of fear that showed in our leader’s eyes — now doubled — was reflected in everyone’s eyes as we tried to communicate wordlessly and perhaps, read the other man’s mind because we could not take the palm blades from our lips; the mere evil essence of the terrain we found ourselves creepily dared us to. Iyankpor took out his sword and crutched in one fluid movement. His sharpened sword shone ominously under the dull light of the moon that was partially covered by black clouds and the topaz glow of our torches which burned dimly. His right knee was pinned to the ground and his body was doubled over the left knee. His arms were astride and his face bent to face the ground. There was another strong wind and then, repeated whoosh sounds as the flames of our torches were snuffed out. We flung the extinguished wooden poles away and frantically reached for our swords, our hearts palpitating wildly, loudly enough for the other man to hear. Holding our breath, we strained our ears to pick up any further sound as we returned fully into destruct mode. We could taste the adrenaline on our tongue and our bodies vibrated with anticipation. We heard it, then — a low growl that emanated from somewhere in the shadows. It grew louder until it began to vibrate the ground where we stood and then, it was joined by a deep rasping chuckle that sent shivers down our spines. Suddenly, out of the shadows stepped a hulking figure that was as terrifying as it was strange. It, definitely, wasn’t something fit for the eyes of men and our fear was complete. Iyankpor stood up then and began to approach the beast, his glistening sword trailing a path behind him. His face was screwed with intense hatred and he once again looked every bit of the fearsome warrior whom we accepted and recognized over the years as our leader. We stood disoriented and watched what was happening. However, that creature did not break strides in its approach. Its eyes glowed red and its long claws glinted in the moonlight as it moved confidently giving total disregard to the counter approach of our leader. Instantaneously, it gave a horrible snarl and lunged at its assailant, its unpredictable movement taking us all — with the exception of Iyankpor, of course — totally aback. Quickly, Iyankpor ducked and tumbled, gaining his feet as his legendary reflexes — which made us refer to him as “the cat” — came to the fore. He barely escaped the sharp claws of the horrible creature and the creature crashed to the ground with the effect of its own momentum. That beastly creature did not stay down, though. It gained its feet quickly with an agility that

Essays, Writers

Connecting The Dots From The Labours Of Heroes Past by Folarin Oluwatimilehin.

   Punctiliously dissecting Nigeria’s antecedent history, it will take less than a split second to accede with me that the arrival of the Portuguese in 1472 fabricated mixed reactions from the vincible residents in the land.[1] Afterwards, a paradoxical leaping of joy ensued in 1914 when the Northern and Southern protectorate was amalgamated by Sir Lord Fredrick Lugard to give birth to the single geographical entity called Nigeria. To some, it was a great idea to unite groups of people with remarkable disparities in culture and religion, while to others; it was a decision without a vision.  Several years after the amalgamation, the quest for independence to experience governance devoid of interference from the whites was tirelessly pursued. At last, the victory came in 1960 when the green-white-green flag was raised, and the British flag was lowered. Unfortunately, after nearly six decades of freedom, Nigeria is now filled with problems ranging from uneven distribution of resources, corruption, naira devaluation, declining quality of education, and so on.     However, as an inquisitive young lad who enjoys hearing tales from my parents, I have never discounted the uniqueness of Nigeria cemented through brotherhood, togetherness, and unity. The nation is like an indescribable and flummoxed empire of species that have evolved over the years, learning from past and present predicaments to prepare for a future with great fortitudes.    Even though we seem to inherit a memory of both hope and despair, we must always review the lessons of history. We need to put on the garment of inspiration, bravery, and unity to navigate over the mistakes of the past, take wiser advantage of the labour of our heroes past, and envision the future we all desire with faith and optimism.    Just like the components of trees are interconnected in their functions for corporate growth, Nigerians need to continually come together and usher the land into greatness in unity. Becoming the chief-editor of Hands of Top (HOT) Club was a turning point in my journey of life. While trying to find stories to put on the club’s board as the yearly independence ceremony was fast approaching, I began to discover that the labour of our heroes past shall never be in vain.     Unarguably, Nigeria is endowed with great brains that have the potential of keeping the nation’s economy at the possible peak. This was evident in 1976 when 60 kobo was exchanged for 1 US Dollar.[2] This outstanding feat that should not disappear too soon into the thin air. If the present leaders can go back to the drawing board, undoubtedly, the element of hope in the bright future of naira is unshakable. Even though the present status quo of Nigeria seems to be appalling, the undiluted desire to navigate our fatherland from economy retardation to an economy filled with ‘milk and honey’ is our watchword.   Furthermore, it is remarkable to recall that in the 1960s, Nigeria was respected for being the world’s leading exporter of groundnut, and interestingly, the second-largest exporter of cocoa and palm produce. Also, she was an important exporter of rubber in the world.[3] It is apparent that the nation has been rooted in a soil that has been watered by the blood and sweat of our ancestors, and as such, we cannot afford to lose guard at this point.  Without mincing words, Nigeria is a dominant promoter of literature in the continent. With numerous renowned writers such as Chinua Achebe, Wole Soyinka, Florence Nwapa, among several others emanating from the country, the rich literary history of the nation is unmatchable. Many a time, the green-white-green flag has gained respect from advanced nations due to the literature of these great authors that hailed from Nigeria. In fact, the Nobel Prize won by the indigene of the land in 1986 birthed many realities that have been attracting many citizens of several nations to come and learn from the prolific store of words and expressions with sparkling vitality Nigerians have to offer.  Further jogging down the memory lane, Nigeria’s involvement in making peace in West Africa and the world at large is worthy of tremendous commendation. In 2000, my nation remarkably contributed 3,404 troops to peacekeeping missions under the umbrella of the United Nations, making her to be placed as the second largest troop-contributing country after Bangladesh.[4] A Few years later, Nigeria once again successfully participated in the United Nations Mission in Liberia (UNOMIL).[5]  As highlighted in the preceding paragraph, my nation had in time past, and will continually be instrumental in making peace in the continent and beyond. Neglecting the aspersions that is currently casting a shadow of incompetence on the image of the nation, truth be told, our confidence in Nigeria needs to gain wings to fly like an eagle. We need to connect the dots from the past glories and learn from present tribulations to create the desired future we all want for our dear country. The aforementioned achievement is just a tip of the iceberg of the great values Nigeria commands. Together, we can add more.  Together, we can cascade the state of the education sector to match the supremacy of the Finnish education system notable for having a remarkable homogeneity of performance among schools. The Nigerian education sector must attain a feat that no country will be able to stand. Having schools with extremely low differences among the lower and upper-performing students is what we all desire.    Together, we will continually gear our efforts towards making Nigeria an indomitable and unmatchable nation. Together, we can solve the recurrent problem of epileptic and erratic power supply facing the nation. Together, we can trigger the rebuilding of Nigeria’s failing infrastructural system, revamp the health sector, and empower millions of youth and able-bodied citizens to reduce the rate of unemployment in the land.  The economy of Nigeria must flourish, and take the lead among the African nations, and the world at large.    Though we cannot predict the future, we can write and change it with what we do now. The past is not ours to mend but the future is ours to look forward to. My efforts and your efforts needed in connecting the dots to restore the sense of pride in things that will elevate the nation to be one of the greatest republics in the world is vital. Undoubtedly, the nation we all desire is whatever we make it. It is not a matter of coincidence, but a result of the choice we make.     The unrelenting efforts to succeed despite all odds will perpetually strengthen our hopes in the journey to greatness. The students reading with phone torch or shades from lantern to excel in Nigerian universities, and later proceed to Imperial College, Harvard, Cambridge, among many other top-notch higher institutions to set records

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