

Topics: Essay Competition Week 13.

Welcome to week 13 of cmonionline essay competition. Choose from the following topics and discuss to qualify for the N10,000 cash prize. 1. The perennial insecurity in northern Nigeria and possible solutions. 2. The impact of poverty on social life. 3. Caught Red-Handed: Write about being caught doing something embarrassing. NB: The above are topics and not necessarily titles, so you can caption your essay as you wish but please don’t make it half of your work. The word count is between (750-1500 )± 10% We will publish the essays as they come in for the audience and judges to read. IMPORTANT!!! We have tweaked the deadline to Thursdays to provide adequate time for our judges who are doing this thankless job. Please endeavour to submit early to make their jobs easier. Submissions will end on Thursday 03/12/2020 at 11.59 pm. Our judges for the week are two of the best brains around, Alex Nwangwu and Nneka Obiekwe Nwogu. Please also read our general rules and subscribe before submitting your work. You can submit on the site via the submit page or to if you are having issues with the subscription. Thanks and good luck!

Blog, Essays, Writers

Topics: Essay Competition Week 11.

Welcome to week 11 of cmonionline essay competition. Choose from the following topics and discuss to qualify for the N10,000 cash prize. 1. Reducing the cost of governance in Nigeria. 2. Sports betting: A menace or relief to unemployed youths? 3. Write about a recent conflict that you dealt with in your life. NB: The above are topics and not necessarily titles, so you can caption your essay as you wish but please don’t make it half of your work. The word count is between (750-1500 )± 10% We will publish the essays as they come in for the audience to read. Submissions will end on Friday 20/11/2020 at 11.59 pm. Our judges for the week are two cerebral people. Mr. Martin Nwabueze and Dr. Chinyere Ezenliam.  Please also read our general rules and subscribe before submitting your work. You can submit on the site via the submit page or to if you are having issues with the subscription. Thanks and good luck!

Blog, Writers

Topics: Essay Competition Week 3.

You are welcome to week 3 of cmonionline essay competition. As we are determined to surmount any obstacle on the way, we must keep pushing while we keep working to have the site fully restored and responsive. So here are the topics to choose from and discuss to qualify for the N10,000 cash prize. The impact of the internet on knowledge acquisition among students. Docile, defeated or congruent?: An appraisal of Nigerians’ attitude towards the recent increments in petrol and electricity tariffs. Where there is a will there is a way: A story that exemplifies this popular saying. NB: Caption your essay as you wish. The above are topics and not necessarily titles. The word count is between (750-1500 )± 10% We will publish the essays as they come in for the audience to read. Submissions will end on Friday 18/09/2020 at 11.59 pm. Our judges for the week are two cerebral people of note. Tony Alika-Igwebuike and Winnie Oyigah. NB: Please read our general rules and subscribe before submitting your work. You can submit to for now till the site is fully restored. Thanks and good luck!

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