Creative Essays, Writers

The Weird Side Of Love by Bismarck Faola.

Mr. Daniel, the groom, was handcuffed and dragged roughly up the aisle out of the cathedral. The congregation were in shock, and confusion was written all over their faces as such had never been heard of before. Indeed new things still happened under the sun. 2 WEEK EARLIER ( Daniel’s sitting room) Daniel was seated in his sitting room watching the television. Alice, his wife-to-be, jumped on his lap and obstructed his view. “Alice,” Daniel said, “I am currently in the middle of a Champions League final, Chelsea versus Manchester City, can we not do this now?” “Do what? You and your dirty mind,” she replied, “am I not better than a game where men run around to get a ball only to kick it away afterwards?” “I am sorry, you are. But this is the finals, it only comes once a year and my club is playing presently.” “Daniel,” she said, staring at him “you’ve started again, I promise you one day, you’ll have to choose between me and football.” Daniel knew that tone, that latent rise in her voice. He knew what was coming next, so he picked up the remote and turned off the television. “Yes, Your Majesty, Queen of Danieldom, what is it?” He asked, his voice reeking of sarcasm. “Baby,” she said, making puppy eyes. “Yes ma,” “You know since our university days you promised you’d give me the best life I could ever wish for, that you’d go to the ends of the Earth for me,” she said. “Am I not doing that already? Do you now want me to walk around the globe for you?” He asked in frustration. “Why are you talking like this?” Alice asked, “ Seems like you don’t want to get back to your match.” “ I do Alice, I really do.” He said, his body tingling “Please be fast, I beg of you.” “Ok,” she said, bringing out her phone, “you giving me the best life includes giving me the best wedding.” “Hmm, here we go again,” Daniel murmured, “ What are we buying this time?” “Look at this necklace baby,” she said, opening a post on her Instagram, “It just arrived at Drake and Co Stores; It’s called “The Queen of the Night”, I’d like to have it baby. Remember during the wedding of Cara and Gladys, their husbands got them the latest pieces of jewellery too. I don’t want mine to be different.” David stared at her face in astonishment. How would he make this young lady understand that he had emptied his bank accounts to plan what could be the most lavish wedding of all time, he had even borrowed money to cater for some of her excesses. She hadn’t always been like this, he wondered where that wonderful damsel he had fallen for in the university was. She was the only woman he had ever loved. “How much is it,” he asked. “The starting price is 1.5 million Naira but it’s negotiable” “1.5 what?” he screamed, “where do you want me to get that amount from? does money grow on trees?” “Baby, my wedding will only be once, I won’t get another,” she said wriggling on his lap. “Please wait, if it’s called the queen of the night why do you want it? Won’t our wedding be during the day?” He asked. “That’s not relevant, young man” she admonished, “please Danny baby, my love, my crown.” “Ok, I will think about it,” he said. “Thank you, darling,” she said planting kisses all over his face “Let me check on the delicious vegetable soup I am preparing for you.” He watched her as she walked back to the kitchen. This was going to big “NO” for him, there was no way he could raise such an amount of money within such a short period. His business would continue to weep for the next few years because of the money that he had taken for the marriage preparation. A WEEK TO THE WEDDING (Mama Nkechi’s Pepper Soup Joint) “Mr. Groom, why are you looking so glum,” Ojo asked, “are you getting cold feet?” “It is Alice o, it ‘s Alice.” Daniel lamented, “That lady wants to wreck me.” “What’s happening?” Ojo guffawed, “Is she’s no more the joy of your life?” “Stop it Ojo,” Ade said, munching a chunk of spicy goat meat “what is it this time?” “Thank you, oh sensible one,” Daniel said, giving Ojo a bad look “ She came to me a week ago, with this latest necklace, Queen of the moon or so. A necklace worth 1.5 million Naira! I haven’t had peace in my house ever since. Where do I want to see such a preposterous amount of money with what the economy is saying presently? Both of you know how much I have spent on this wedding preparation, with generous contributions from the both of you…” “Generous contributions that you will pay us back” Ojo cut in. “Ojo! Why are you so insensitive?” Ade said, raising his voice. “Leave him, it’s his time,” Daniel said quietly, using his spoon to push around the pieces of meat on his plate. “It’s Alice’s fault, she’s that one that wants a costly necklace from Drake’s and Co.” he added. “What did you just say?” Ade asked, his eyeballs widening “ Drake’s and Co?” “Yes, that fancy jewellery store in town.” Ade exchanged looks with Ojo before he spoke. “We’ve been watching that place for a while now,” he said, “come closer, you’ll want to hear this.” Ade whispered into Daniel’s ears for some minutes gesticulating widely, creating images in the air with his fingers. “No, come on guys. You know I stopped that ages ago” Daniel said, shaking his head. “Don’t misunderstand me, I am not judging you guys, but your records are clean, mine isn’t. It would be like walking into a field filled with land mines.” “It’s up to you bro, I am just being a friend.” Ade said,