Success Journey XXXI: On Borrowing And Wealth Creation.
My writings are usually informed texts on contemporary issues, self development & digital productivity beginning with writing!.

Success Journey XXXI: On Borrowing And Wealth Creation.
If I have to borrow to pay your school fees, I will do so until

Success Journey XXX: How To Regain Lost Momentum.
Gaining momentum in the direction you want to go is entirely in your hands. ~LeAura

Success Journey XXVI: On Teaching And Learning.
In learning, you will teach, and in teaching, you will learn.~ Phil Collins It’s been

#DiasporaDiary: Solo Protest

Diaspora Diary: American Wonder Part I
Come and see American wonder, come and see American wonder! ~ Anon This post was

Diaspora Diary: Why Honesty Is Your Best Path To Migration.
If you do not tell the truth about yourself you cannot tell it about other

Diaspora Diary: Are You More Likely To Succeed Abroad?
Chatting with a friend who recently relocated abroad, I inquired about Clinton, his cousin and

How To Trounce Tribalism.

June 12: Humphrey Nwosu as a metaphor.
There is no doubt that Humphrey Nwosu deserves the recognition too. He does in every

The children of a lesser god.
“We are under attack in Rann. They are shooting everywhere please pray for me; please

We Need More Advocates To Check Rogue Police Officers.
“This is unacceptable, how can you subject people to this kind of torture all in

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