Topics: Essay Competition Week 1.

You are welcome to the first week of cmonionline essay competition.

Please choose from the following topics and discuss to qualify for the N10,000 cash prize.

  1. The insecurity in Nigeria and possible solutions.
  2. Your takeaway from the COVID-19 pandemic.
  3. An incident inspired by your dream.

The word count is between (750-1500 )± 10%

We will publish the essays as they come in for the audience to read.

Submissions will end on Friday 28/08/2020 at 11.59 pm.

The two top picks will then be published on Sunday afternoon for the audience to choose a winner.

Our judges for the week are two people of substantial erudition, Mr Uchenna Nnoli and Ms Nneka Aniagoh.

NB: Please read our general rules before submitting your work.

Remember that this is an initiative to keep us thinking, reading and writing, so we are all winners.

Thanks and good luck!

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