On This Day: The Execution of Anini and His Gang

On this day: in history (1987), Lawrence Nomanyagbon Anini was executed with Monday Osunbor, Solomon Osemwemkhai, Johnbull Ahunwan, Moses Idahosa, Philip Iwebelua, Benard Obi, Friday Ukponwan and George Iyamu, the police DSP who aided their operations.

Anini was a Nigerian bandit who terrorised Benin City with his notorious gang in the 1980s. He was captured and executed for his crimes. He was born in 1960.

Anini spear-headed a four-month reign of terror between August and December 1986.

Worried by the seeming elusiveness of Anini and his gang members, the then military President, General Ibrahim Babangida, ordered a massive manhunt for the kingpin and his fellow robbers.
However, police manhunt failed to stop their activities; the more they were hunted, the more intensified their activities became.
Finally, it took the courage of Superintendent of Police, Kayode Uanreroro, to bring the Anini reign of terror to an end. On December 3, 1986, Uanreroro caught Anini at No 26, Oyemwosa Street, opposite Iguodala Primary School, Benin City, in company with six women.Anini was shot in the leg, transferred to a military hospital. Several days after he was shot in the leg, one of his legs was amputated.

Anini later revealed that DSP. George Iyamu, was the senior police officer shielding the robbers, revealing police secrets to them and then, giving them logistic supports such as arms, to carry out robbery operations.

Due to amputation of his leg, Anini was confined to a wheelchair throughout his trial.The country’s military leader, Ibrahim Babangida, demanded a speedy trial. Anini was convicted of most of his charges and was sentenced to death by Justice James Omo-Agege.

#myhistorydiary #history #police #nigeria #benin




Created by Okey Obiabunmo

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