Essay Competition: Week 12 Winner.

Johnson Onyedikachi has won the N10,000 cash prize for this week with his essay titled: Living.

For a teenager, Johnson is definitely one to watch. A judge had this to say: “His grammar is above board. His ability to keep the readers attending is topnotch. He makes a simple short event very eventful with his flowery use of words. He definitely compels one’s attention”

The judge continued “the content is what any Nigeria reader can relate to. A non-Nigerian reader would also understand the general theme due to the way he draws one in”.

Well done Johnson, we can’t wait to read more from you.


Political Party Defections: A Spanner In The Works by Emmanuel Oluka. “The premise is sound, very few grammatical errors. The writer is also able to hold the attention of the reader and communicate effectively. His thoughts follow a logical order with a good conclusion.”

Getting Stronger Through Tough Moments by Folarin Oluwatimilehin and A Resultant Effect In The Absence Of Structured Political Ideology by Victor Okonjo made the top three. They were both good essays.

Again we received many entries this week. Fourteen in all. Twelve were published and two didn’t make it for failing to meet the word count and deadline. Please endeavour to read the instructions for each week and also read our general rules.
It has been three months of essay writing and by the time we do six months many of us would have started writing a book.
We thank our judges, writers and the audience. Thanks for being part of this journey.
Next up will be the topics for week 13
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